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Selasa, 13 November 2018




Desember 2033
December 2033

Arahan Pendiri & Ketum (Ketua Umum) 
MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya,
The Direction from The Founder & The General Chairman of 
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation,
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution

Materi - Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Materials of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing FoundationBanggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2034 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO Puskatis (Lembaga Otonom Pusat Kajian Strategis), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0288/Desember/2033.
Saturday, January 07th, 2034 Material of Public Lecture- e-teleconference "Existence of The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Centre for Strategic Research, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biologic Gen Micron of All Time Number : 0288/December/2033.

Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO Puskatis (Lembaga Otonom Pusat Kajian Strategis), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, dan Jurusan Teknik Metalurgi, Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM); Jurusan PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam), Jurusan Bahasa Arab, Jurusan Bahasa Inggiris, dan Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Tarbiyah; Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Jurusan Metereologi, dan Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian; Jurusan Seni Rupa,  Jurusan Kria, Jurusan Disain Interior, Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, dan Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Disain (FSRD); Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, dan Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara; Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Jurusan Teknik Pangan, dan Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI); Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, dan Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Matematika, Jurusan Fisika, Jurusan Astronomi, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Statistika, Jurusan Meteorologi Terapan, Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, dan Jurusan Biokimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA); Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Jurusan Bedah Anak, Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Jurusan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi - THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh DarahJurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf / Nerologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Urologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran, Jurusan Keperawatan, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran; Jurusan Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perikanan, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Pertanian, Jurusan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Jurusan Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis), Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Lahan, Jurusan Arsitektur Lansekap, Jurusan Agronomi, Jurusan Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan Fitopatologi, Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis, dan Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian; Jurusan Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum, Jurusan Hukum Keperdataan, Jurusan Hukum Pidana, Jurusan Hukum Tata Negara, Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Acara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Kenegaraan (HTN, Hukum Tata Negara / HAN, Hukum Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Hukum dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana, Jurusan Hukum dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam, Jurusan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) & Teknologi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Transnasional, Jurusan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM) & Good Governonce, Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Jurusan Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Jurusan Hukum Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), Jurusan Praktek Pradilan, Program Pendidikan Profesi Magister Kenotariatan (MKn), dan Program Pendidikan Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum;  Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP), Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jurusan Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JPIPS), Jurusan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi, Jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi-Antropologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (JPBS), Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Mandailing, Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer (PTIK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (PTM), Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (JPOK), Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga (Penkepor), Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek), PKLH (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Teknologi Pendidikan, Pendidikan Sains, Ilmu Pendidikan, dan Pendidikan IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP); Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (Sosiatri), Jurusan Politik dan Pemerintahan (Ilmu Pemerintahan), Jurusan Sosiologi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Jurusan Perbandingan Agama, Jurusan Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Jurusan Ilmu Hadis, Jurusan Ilmu Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Tasawuf, Jurusan Filsafat Agama, dan Jurusan Tafsir Hadis, Fakultas Ushuluddin; Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Jurusan Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggiris, Jurusan Tarjamah, dan Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora; Jurusan Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga Islam), Jurusan Siyasah (Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam), Jurusan Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Jurusan Perbandingan Madzhab, Jurusan Keuangan Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Hukum, dan Jurusan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syariah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biodiesel, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Ombak (PLTO), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa, dan Jurusan Penyimpan Energi, Fakultas Konversi Energi; Jurusan Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan; Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, dan Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Jurusan Manajemen, Jurusan Agribisnis, Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, dan Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Ilmu Gizi, Jurusan Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, dan Jurusan Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA); Jurusan Bisnis, Sekolah Bisnis; Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan; Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan; Jurusan Manajemen Hutan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, dan Jurusan Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan; Jurusan Olahraga Pendidikan, Jurusan Olahraga Rekreasi, Jurusan Olahraga Prestasi, Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Olahraga Rekreasi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga; Jurusan Penyiaran, Jurusan Kehumasan, Jurusan Periklanan, Jurusan Komunikasi Bisnis, Jurusan Informasi dan Perpustakaan, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, Jurusan Jurnalistik, Jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi, dan Jurusan Televisi dan Film, FIKOM (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi); Jurusan Biostatistik, Jurusan Informatika Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan, Jurusan Epidemiologi, Jurusan Manajemen Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Jurusan Mutu Layanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Bidan Komunitas, Jurusan Gizi, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Terapan, Jurusan Epidemiologi Lapangan, Jurusan Ekonomi Kesehatan, Jurusan Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Biostatistika, Jurusan Epidemiologi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Farmako Ekonomi, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Kebijakan dan Hukum Kesehatan, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat); Jurusan Bedah Mulut, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, Jurusan Periodonsia, Jurusan Prostodonsia, Jurusan Ortodonsia, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), Jurusan Oral Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan (IKGM-P), dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi); Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, dan Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi; Jurusan Strategi Perang Semesta (Total War Strategy), Jurusan Damai dan Resolusi Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), dan Jurusan Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan); Jurusan Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Jurusan Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Jurusan Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Jurusan Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), dan Jurusan Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP); Jurusan Akuntansi, Jurusan Bisnis Islam, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management;  Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Jurusan Matematika, dan Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan; Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, dan Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati; Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, dan Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Jurusan Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, dan Jurusan Teknik Biomedis, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI); Jurusan Arsitektur, dan Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk melakukan strukturisasi atas 

STRUKTUR  MPP(G) YMR, MAJELIS PIMPINAN PUSAT (GLOBAL) YAYASAN MANDAILING RAYA Bidang Konstitusi Depen (Dewan Penasihat) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.6. KY (Komisi Yudisial) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.6.1. Ketua      : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global)
3.6.2. Sekretaris : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.6.3. Anggota : Bidang Analisis Kinerja PH (Pengurus Harian) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan                     Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Analisis Kinerja Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Analisis Kinerja Pengurus Yunior MPP(G) YMR,  Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Analisis Kinerja Ketua-Ketua Majelis-Majelis Pimpinan Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Analisis Kinerja Kepala-Kepala LO (Lembaga Otonom) Majelis-Majelis Pimpinan Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Pendidikan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Kesehatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Yustisi Lembaga-Lembaga Internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi BA KUM S3 MET (Berita Acara Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi 7BTSM (Tujuh Baliho Tahunan Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Pengurus Yunior / Fungsional MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Pengurus Harian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Pengurus Senior ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Usaha dan Dana MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Yustisi Disiplin Organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Centre for Strategic Research, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation to recomend to The Department of Mining Engineering, The Department of Petroleum Engineering, The Department of Geophysical Engineering, and The Department of Metallurgical Engineering, The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering; The Department of Islamic Religious Education, The Department of Arabic Langauge, The Department of English, and The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Tarbiyah; The Department of Geological Engineering, The Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, The Department of Meteorology, and The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth; The Department of Fine Arts, The Department of Art of Craft, The Department of Interior Design, The Department of Visual Communication Design, and The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design; The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, and The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Department of Physic Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Department of Food Engineering, and The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology; The Department of Civil Engineering, The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Department of Marine Engineering, The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, and The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of Mathematic, The Department of Physic, The Department of Astronomy, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Statistic, The Department of Applied Meteorology, The Department of Biology, The Department of Computer Science, and The Department of Biochemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences; The Department of Medical Doctor Education, The Department of Nursing Science, The Department of Health Nutrition, The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Department of Surgery Science, The Department of Child Surgery, The Department of Neurosurgery, The Department of Forensic Medicine and Legal Medic, The Department of Mental Medicine Science, The Department of Children's Health, The Department of Skin and Gender Health, The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology - Throat Ear Nose – Head Neck, The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Department of Internal Medicine Science, The Department of Disease of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Urology, The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Department of Tropical Medicine Science, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Department of Medical Education Sciences, The Department of Nursing, and The Department of Sciences of Medicine and Health, The Faculty of Medicine; The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, The Department of Aquaculture, The Department of Sciences of Pests and Diseases of Plant (Plant Protection), The Department of Soil Science, The Department of Fisheries Resources Management, The Department of Agricultural Microbiology, The Department of Breeding Plant, The Department of Agricultural Counseling and Communication, The Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic (Agribusiness), The Department of Agricultural Products Technology, The Department of Land Resource Management, The Department of Landscape Architecture, The Department of Agronomy, The Department of Agricultural Economic, The Department of Phytopathology, The Department of Agribusiness Management, The Department of Breeding Plant, and The Department of Agricultural Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture; The Department of Fundamentals of Legal Sciences, The Department of Civil Law, The Department of Criminal Law, The Department of Constitutional Law, The Department of State Administration Law, The Department of International Law, The Department of Procedural Law, The Department of Law of Community and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of State Law (State Management Law / State Administration Law), The Department of Law and The System of Criminal Justice, The Department of Law and The Science of Islam, The Department of Law of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Technology, The Department of Law of International Trade, The Department of Transnational Law, The Department of Human Rights & Good Governonce, The Department of State Finance Law, The Department of Labor Law, The Department of Law of Natural Resources, The Department of Practice of Justice, The Program of Education of Profession of Master of Notary, and The Doctoral Education Program of Law Science, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Educational Sciences, The Department of Extraordinary Education, The Department of Guidance and Counseling Education, The Department of Primary School Teacher Education, The Department of Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education, The Department of Education of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, The Department of Mathematic Education, The Department of Chemistry Education, The Department of Physic Education, The Department of Biology Education, The Department of Social Sciences Education, The Department of Civic Education, The Department of History Education, The Department of Geography Education, The Department of Sociology-Anthropology Education, The Department of Economic Education, The Department of Language and Arts Education, The Department of English Education, The Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, The Department of Mandailing Language Education, The Department of Arts Education, The Department of Technical and Vocational Education, The Department of Education of Informatic Engineer and Computer, The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, The Department of Sport and Health Education, The Department of Education of Sport Coaching, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Education of Civic and Environment, The Educational Technology, The Science Education, The Science Education, and The Doctorate of Natural Science Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; The Department of Management and Policy of Public (Science of State Administration), The Department of Science of International Relation, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Science of Development of Social and Welfare, The Department of Politic and Government (Science of Government), The Department of Sociology, The Department of Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Science & Political Science; The Department of Comparative of Religion, The Department of Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir, The Department of Hadith Science, The Department of Sciences of Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy, The Department of Mysticology, The Department of Religious Philosophy, and The Department of Tafsir Hadith, The Faculty of Ushuluddin; The Department of Arabic Language and Literature, The Department of Islamic History and Culture, The Department of English Language and Literature, The Department of Tarjamah, The Department of Library and Information Science, The Faculty of Adab and Humanities; The Department of Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Islamic Family Law), The Department of Siyasah (Law of Criminal and Policy of Islam), The Department of Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), The Department of Comparison of the Madzhab, The Department of Islamic Finance, The Department of Legal Studies, and The Department of Law of Syariah Economy, The Faculty of Shariah; The Department of Hydroelectric Power Plant, The Department of Biodiesel Power Plant, The Department of Solar Cell Power Plant, The Department of Sea Wave Power Plant, The Department of Wind Power Plant, The Department of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), The Department of Biomass Power Plant, and The Department of Energy Saver, The Faculty of Energy Conversion;  The Department of Veterinary Medicine, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, The Department of Food Technology, The Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, and The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economic and Development Studies, The Department of Management, The Department of Agribusiness, The Department of Economic of Resource and Environment, and The Department of Sharia Economic, The Faculty of Economic and Management; The Department of Nutrition Science, The Department of Family and Consumer Science, and The Department of Communications and Development of Community, The Faculty of Human Ecology; The Department of Business, The School of Business; The Department of Livestock Production Technology, and  The Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, The Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Livestock; The Department of Technology and Management of Aquaculture, The Department of Water Resources Management, The Department of Aquatic Product Technology, and The Department of Technology and Management of Capture Fisheries, The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences; The Department of Forest Management, The Department of Forest Products Technology, The Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, and The Department of Silviculture, The Faculty of Forestry; The Department of Education Sport, The Department of Recreation Sport, The Department of Achievement Sport, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Department of Sport Science, The Department of Sport Science of Recreation Sport Concentration, and The Department of Sport Science of Sport Coaching Concentration, The Faculty of Sport; The Department of Broadcasting, The Department of Public Relation, The Department of Advertising, The Department of Business Communication, The Department of Information and Library, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Library Science, The Department of Journalism, The Department of Communication Management, and The Department of Television and Movie, The Faculty of Communication Studies; The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Health Information Management, The Department of Epidemiology, The Department of Health Insurance Management, The Department of Health Service Management, The Department of Hospital Management, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Reproductive Health, The Department of Occupational Safety and Health, The Department of Health Services Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Community Midwife, The Department of Nutrition, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, The Department of Applied Epidemiology, The Department of Field Epidemiology, The Department of Health Economic, The Department of Health Insurance, The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Environmental Health Epidemiology, The Department of Farmako Economic, The Department of Public Health Nutrition, The Department of Policy and Law of Health, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Health Services Management, The Department of Health Service Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Hospital Administration Study, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, and The Department of Community Epidemiology, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Faculty of Public Health; The Department of Oral Surgery, The Department of Oral Disease Science, The Department of Dental Conservation, The Department of Periodontic, The Department of Prosthodontic, The Department of Orthodontic, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Materials Science of Dentistry, The Department of Biology Oral, The Department of Sciences of Public Health Dental and Preventive Dentistry, and  The Department of Science of Child Dental Health, The Faculty of Dentistry; The Department of Clinical Psychology, The Department of Developmental Psychology, The Department of Educational Psychology, The Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, The Department of Social Psychology, and The Department of Psychological Method and Research, The Faculty of Psychology; The Department of Strategy of Universal War (Total War Strategy), The Department of Peace and Conflict Resolution, and The Department of Asymetric Warfare, The Faculty of Defense Strategy; The Department of Defense Management, The Department of Economic Defense, The Department of Disaster Managemet for National Security, The Department of Energy Security, and The Department of Maritime Security, The Faculty of Defense Management; The Department of Accounting, The Department of Islamic Business, The Department of Islamic Economic, The Department of Economic Science, The Department of Management, The Department of Planning and Public Policy, The Faculty of Economic; The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management; The Department of Biology, The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Department of Mathematic, and The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science; The Department of Biology, The Department of Microbiology, The Department of Biological Engineering, The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Department of Forestry Engineering, and The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering; The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, and The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy; The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Department of Electrical Power Engineering, The Department of Telecommunication Engineering, The Department of System and Technology of Information, and The Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering; The Department of Architecture, and The Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management, and The Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to conduct the structurization for

THE STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRAL (GLOBAL) LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY OF THE GREAT MANDAILING FOUNDATION The Division of Constitution of The Advisory Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman  of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.6. The Commission of Judicial of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.6.1. The Chairman : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation
3.6.2. Secretary : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.6.3. Members : The Division of Performance Analysis of The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, is determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Performance Analysis of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, is determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Performance Analysis of The Junior Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, is determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Performance Analysis of The Chairmans of The Leadership Assemblies of The Great Mandailing Foundation, established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Performance Analysis of The Heads of The Autonomous Institution of The Leadership Assemblies of The Great Mandailing Foundation, established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of Education of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of Health of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of Organization of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Autonomous Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Internal Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Minute of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of 7 (Seven) Annual Billboards of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Junior / Functional Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of The Senior Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Court of Business and Fund of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Justice of Organization Discipline of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2034 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi 5 (lima) orang anggota Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0288/Desember/2033.
Saturday, January 14th, 2034 Material of Public Lecture- e-teleconference "Existence of 5 (five) members The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biologic Gen Micron of All Time Number : 0288/December/2033.

5 (lima) orang anggota Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, dan Jurusan Teknik Metalurgi, Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM); Jurusan PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam), Jurusan Bahasa Arab, Jurusan Bahasa Inggiris, dan Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Tarbiyah; Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Jurusan Metereologi, dan Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian; Jurusan Seni Rupa,  Jurusan Kria, Jurusan Disain Interior, Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, dan Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Disain (FSRD); Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, dan Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara; Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Jurusan Teknik Pangan, dan Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI); Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, dan Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Matematika, Jurusan Fisika, Jurusan Astronomi, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Statistika, Jurusan Meteorologi Terapan, Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, dan Jurusan Biokimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA); Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Jurusan Bedah Anak, Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Jurusan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi - THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh DarahJurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf / Nerologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Urologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran, Jurusan Keperawatan, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran; Jurusan Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perikanan, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Pertanian, Jurusan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Jurusan Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis), Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Lahan, Jurusan Arsitektur Lansekap, Jurusan Agronomi, Jurusan Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan Fitopatologi, Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis, dan Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian; Jurusan Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum, Jurusan Hukum Keperdataan, Jurusan Hukum Pidana, Jurusan Hukum Tata Negara, Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Acara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Kenegaraan (HTN, Hukum Tata Negara / HAN, Hukum Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Hukum dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana, Jurusan Hukum dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam, Jurusan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) & Teknologi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Transnasional, Jurusan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM) & Good Governonce, Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Jurusan Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Jurusan Hukum Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), Jurusan Praktek Pradilan, Program Pendidikan Profesi Magister Kenotariatan (MKn), dan Program Pendidikan Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum;  Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP), Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jurusan Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JPIPS), Jurusan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi, Jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi-Antropologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (JPBS), Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Mandailing, Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer (PTIK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (PTM), Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (JPOK), Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga (Penkepor), Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek), PKLH (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Teknologi Pendidikan, Pendidikan Sains, Ilmu Pendidikan, dan Pendidikan IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP); Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (Sosiatri), Jurusan Politik dan Pemerintahan (Ilmu Pemerintahan), Jurusan Sosiologi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Jurusan Perbandingan Agama, Jurusan Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Jurusan Ilmu Hadis, Jurusan Ilmu Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Tasawuf, Jurusan Filsafat Agama, dan Jurusan Tafsir Hadis, Fakultas Ushuluddin; Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Jurusan Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggiris, Jurusan Tarjamah, dan Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora; Jurusan Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga Islam), Jurusan Siyasah (Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam), Jurusan Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Jurusan Perbandingan Madzhab, Jurusan Keuangan Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Hukum, dan Jurusan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syariah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biodiesel, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Ombak (PLTO), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa, dan Jurusan Penyimpan Energi, Fakultas Konversi Energi; Jurusan Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan; Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, dan Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Jurusan Manajemen, Jurusan Agribisnis, Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, dan Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Ilmu Gizi, Jurusan Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, dan Jurusan Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA); Jurusan Bisnis, Sekolah Bisnis; Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan; Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan; Jurusan Manajemen Hutan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, dan Jurusan Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan; Jurusan Olahraga Pendidikan, Jurusan Olahraga Rekreasi, Jurusan Olahraga Prestasi, Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Olahraga Rekreasi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga; Jurusan Penyiaran, Jurusan Kehumasan, Jurusan Periklanan, Jurusan Komunikasi Bisnis, Jurusan Informasi dan Perpustakaan, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, Jurusan Jurnalistik, Jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi, dan Jurusan Televisi dan Film, FIKOM (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi); Jurusan Biostatistik, Jurusan Informatika Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan, Jurusan Epidemiologi, Jurusan Manajemen Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Jurusan Mutu Layanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Bidan Komunitas, Jurusan Gizi, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Terapan, Jurusan Epidemiologi Lapangan, Jurusan Ekonomi Kesehatan, Jurusan Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Biostatistika, Jurusan Epidemiologi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Farmako Ekonomi, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Kebijakan dan Hukum Kesehatan, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat); Jurusan Bedah Mulut, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, Jurusan Periodonsia, Jurusan Prostodonsia, Jurusan Ortodonsia, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), Jurusan Oral Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan (IKGM-P), dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi); Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, dan Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi; Jurusan Strategi Perang Semesta (Total War Strategy), Jurusan Damai dan Resolusi Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), dan Jurusan Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan); Jurusan Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Jurusan Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Jurusan Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Jurusan Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), dan Jurusan Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP); Jurusan Akuntansi, Jurusan Bisnis Islam, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management;  Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Jurusan Matematika, dan Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan; Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, dan Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati; Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, dan Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Jurusan Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, dan Jurusan Teknik Biomedis, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI); Jurusan Arsitektur, dan Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk melakukan strukturisasi atas 

STRUKTUR  MPP(G) YMR, MAJELIS PIMPINAN PUSAT (GLOBAL) YAYASAN MANDAILING RAYA Bidang Yustisi Disiplin Organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
3.7. KP (Komisi Pengawas) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.7.1. Ketua      : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global)
3.7.2. Sekretaris : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.7.3. Anggota :
21 (dua puluh satu) orang Anggota KP (Komisi Pengawas) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Pengawas Disiplin Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Etika Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Keahlian Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Minat dan Bakat Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kompetensi Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Pengawas Pendidikan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kesehatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Pengawas BA KUM S3 M (Berita Acara Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas 7BTSM (Tujuh Baliho Tahunan Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Sertifikasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Mutasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kepangkatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Depen (Dewan Penasihat) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Depak (Dewan Pakar) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Pengurus Harian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Pengurus Yunior / Fungsional ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Metode Penelitian Ilmiah MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Pengawas Lembaga-Lembaga Internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya

5 (five) members The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to recomend to The Department of Mining Engineering, The Department of Petroleum Engineering, The Department of Geophysical Engineering, and The Department of Metallurgical Engineering, The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering; The Department of Islamic Religious Education, The Department of Arabic Langauge, The Department of English, and The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Tarbiyah; The Department of Geological Engineering, The Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, The Department of Meteorology, and The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth; The Department of Fine Arts, The Department of Art of Craft, The Department of Interior Design, The Department of Visual Communication Design, and The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design; The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, and The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Department of Physic Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Department of Food Engineering, and The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology; The Department of Civil Engineering, The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Department of Marine Engineering, The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, and The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of Mathematic, The Department of Physic, The Department of Astronomy, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Statistic, The Department of Applied Meteorology, The Department of Biology, The Department of Computer Science, and The Department of Biochemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences; The Department of Medical Doctor Education, The Department of Nursing Science, The Department of Health Nutrition, The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Department of Surgery Science, The Department of Child Surgery, The Department of Neurosurgery, The Department of Forensic Medicine and Legal Medic, The Department of Mental Medicine Science, The Department of Children's Health, The Department of Skin and Gender Health, The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology - Throat Ear Nose – Head Neck, The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Department of Internal Medicine Science, The Department of Disease of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Urology, The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Department of Tropical Medicine Science, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Department of Medical Education Sciences, The Department of Nursing, and The Department of Sciences of Medicine and Health, The Faculty of Medicine; The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, The Department of Aquaculture, The Department of Sciences of Pests and Diseases of Plant (Plant Protection), The Department of Soil Science, The Department of Fisheries Resources Management, The Department of Agricultural Microbiology, The Department of Breeding Plant, The Department of Agricultural Counseling and Communication, The Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic (Agribusiness), The Department of Agricultural Products Technology, The Department of Land Resource Management, The Department of Landscape Architecture, The Department of Agronomy, The Department of Agricultural Economic, The Department of Phytopathology, The Department of Agribusiness Management, The Department of Breeding Plant, and The Department of Agricultural Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture; The Department of Fundamentals of Legal Sciences, The Department of Civil Law, The Department of Criminal Law, The Department of Constitutional Law, The Department of State Administration Law, The Department of International Law, The Department of Procedural Law, The Department of Law of Community and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of State Law (State Management Law / State Administration Law), The Department of Law and The System of Criminal Justice, The Department of Law and The Science of Islam, The Department of Law of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Technology, The Department of Law of International Trade, The Department of Transnational Law, The Department of Human Rights & Good Governonce, The Department of State Finance Law, The Department of Labor Law, The Department of Law of Natural Resources, The Department of Practice of Justice, The Program of Education of Profession of Master of Notary, and The Doctoral Education Program of Law Science, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Educational Sciences, The Department of Extraordinary Education, The Department of Guidance and Counseling Education, The Department of Primary School Teacher Education, The Department of Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education, The Department of Education of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, The Department of Mathematic Education, The Department of Chemistry Education, The Department of Physic Education, The Department of Biology Education, The Department of Social Sciences Education, The Department of Civic Education, The Department of History Education, The Department of Geography Education, The Department of Sociology-Anthropology Education, The Department of Economic Education, The Department of Language and Arts Education, The Department of English Education, The Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, The Department of Mandailing Language Education, The Department of Arts Education, The Department of Technical and Vocational Education, The Department of Education of Informatic Engineer and Computer, The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, The Department of Sport and Health Education, The Department of Education of Sport Coaching, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Education of Civic and Environment, The Educational Technology, The Science Education, The Science Education, and The Doctorate of Natural Science Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; The Department of Management and Policy of Public (Science of State Administration), The Department of Science of International Relation, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Science of Development of Social and Welfare, The Department of Politic and Government (Science of Government), The Department of Sociology, The Department of Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Science & Political Science; The Department of Comparative of Religion, The Department of Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir, The Department of Hadith Science, The Department of Sciences of Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy, The Department of Mysticology, The Department of Religious Philosophy, and The Department of Tafsir Hadith, The Faculty of Ushuluddin; The Department of Arabic Language and Literature, The Department of Islamic History and Culture, The Department of English Language and Literature, The Department of Tarjamah, The Department of Library and Information Science, The Faculty of Adab and Humanities; The Department of Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Islamic Family Law), The Department of Siyasah (Law of Criminal and Policy of Islam), The Department of Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), The Department of Comparison of the Madzhab, The Department of Islamic Finance, The Department of Legal Studies, and The Department of Law of Syariah Economy, The Faculty of Shariah; The Department of Hydroelectric Power Plant, The Department of Biodiesel Power Plant, The Department of Solar Cell Power Plant, The Department of Sea Wave Power Plant, The Department of Wind Power Plant, The Department of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), The Department of Biomass Power Plant, and The Department of Energy Saver, The Faculty of Energy Conversion;  The Department of Veterinary Medicine, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, The Department of Food Technology, The Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, and The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economic and Development Studies, The Department of Management, The Department of Agribusiness, The Department of Economic of Resource and Environment, and The Department of Sharia Economic, The Faculty of Economic and Management; The Department of Nutrition Science, The Department of Family and Consumer Science, and The Department of Communications and Development of Community, The Faculty of Human Ecology; The Department of Business, The School of Business; The Department of Livestock Production Technology, and  The Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, The Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Livestock; The Department of Technology and Management of Aquaculture, The Department of Water Resources Management, The Department of Aquatic Product Technology, and The Department of Technology and Management of Capture Fisheries, The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences; The Department of Forest Management, The Department of Forest Products Technology, The Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, and The Department of Silviculture, The Faculty of Forestry; The Department of Education Sport, The Department of Recreation Sport, The Department of Achievement Sport, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Department of Sport Science, The Department of Sport Science of Recreation Sport Concentration, and The Department of Sport Science of Sport Coaching Concentration, The Faculty of Sport; The Department of Broadcasting, The Department of Public Relation, The Department of Advertising, The Department of Business Communication, The Department of Information and Library, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Library Science, The Department of Journalism, The Department of Communication Management, and The Department of Television and Movie, The Faculty of Communication Studies; The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Health Information Management, The Department of Epidemiology, The Department of Health Insurance Management, The Department of Health Service Management, The Department of Hospital Management, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Reproductive Health, The Department of Occupational Safety and Health, The Department of Health Services Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Community Midwife, The Department of Nutrition, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, The Department of Applied Epidemiology, The Department of Field Epidemiology, The Department of Health Economic, The Department of Health Insurance, The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Environmental Health Epidemiology, The Department of Farmako Economic, The Department of Public Health Nutrition, The Department of Policy and Law of Health, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Health Services Management, The Department of Health Service Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Hospital Administration Study, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, and The Department of Community Epidemiology, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Faculty of Public Health; The Department of Oral Surgery, The Department of Oral Disease Science, The Department of Dental Conservation, The Department of Periodontic, The Department of Prosthodontic, The Department of Orthodontic, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Materials Science of Dentistry, The Department of Biology Oral, The Department of Sciences of Public Health Dental and Preventive Dentistry, and  The Department of Science of Child Dental Health, The Faculty of Dentistry; The Department of Clinical Psychology, The Department of Developmental Psychology, The Department of Educational Psychology, The Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, The Department of Social Psychology, and The Department of Psychological Method and Research, The Faculty of Psychology; The Department of Strategy of Universal War (Total War Strategy), The Department of Peace and Conflict Resolution, and The Department of Asymetric Warfare, The Faculty of Defense Strategy; The Department of Defense Management, The Department of Economic Defense, The Department of Disaster Managemet for National Security, The Department of Energy Security, and The Department of Maritime Security, The Faculty of Defense Management; The Department of Accounting, The Department of Islamic Business, The Department of Islamic Economic, The Department of Economic Science, The Department of Management, The Department of Planning and Public Policy, The Faculty of Economic; The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management; The Department of Biology, The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Department of Mathematic, and The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science; The Department of Biology, The Department of Microbiology, The Department of Biological Engineering, The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Department of Forestry Engineering, and The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering; The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, and The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy; The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Department of Electrical Power Engineering, The Department of Telecommunication Engineering, The Department of System and Technology of Information, and The Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering; The Department of Architecture, and The Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management, and The Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to conduct the structurization for

THE STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRAL (GLOBAL) LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY OF THE GREAT MANDAILING FOUNDATION The Division of Justice of Organization Discipline of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is established by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.7. The Commission of Supervisory of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.7.1. The Chairman : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation.
3.7.2. The Secretary : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.7.3. Members :
21 (twenty-one) members of The Commission of Supervisory of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Discipline of Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Ethic for Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Skills of Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Interest and Talent of Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of The Supervisory of Competence of Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Education of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Health of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Minute of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of 7 (Seven) Annual Billboards of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Certification of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Mutation of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Rank of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Advisory Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Expert Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Junior / Functional Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of the Scientific Research Methods of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Autonomous Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of The Internal Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2034 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Sekretaris Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0288/Desember/2033.
Saturday, January 21st, 2034 Material of Public Lecture- e-teleconference "Existence of The Secretary of The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biologic Gen Micron of All Time Number : 0288/December/2033.

Sekretaris Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya)  untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, dan Jurusan Teknik Metalurgi, Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM); Jurusan PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam), Jurusan Bahasa Arab, Jurusan Bahasa Inggiris, dan Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Tarbiyah; Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Jurusan Metereologi, dan Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian; Jurusan Seni Rupa,  Jurusan Kria, Jurusan Disain Interior, Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, dan Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Disain (FSRD); Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, dan Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara; Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Jurusan Teknik Pangan, dan Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI); Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, dan Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Matematika, Jurusan Fisika, Jurusan Astronomi, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Statistika, Jurusan Meteorologi Terapan, Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, dan Jurusan Biokimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA); Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Jurusan Bedah Anak, Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Jurusan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi - THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh DarahJurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf / Nerologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Urologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran, Jurusan Keperawatan, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran; Jurusan Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perikanan, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Pertanian, Jurusan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Jurusan Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis), Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Lahan, Jurusan Arsitektur Lansekap, Jurusan Agronomi, Jurusan Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan Fitopatologi, Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis, dan Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian; Jurusan Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum, Jurusan Hukum Keperdataan, Jurusan Hukum Pidana, Jurusan Hukum Tata Negara, Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Acara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Kenegaraan (HTN, Hukum Tata Negara / HAN, Hukum Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Hukum dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana, Jurusan Hukum dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam, Jurusan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) & Teknologi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Transnasional, Jurusan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM) & Good Governonce, Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Jurusan Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Jurusan Hukum Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), Jurusan Praktek Pradilan, Program Pendidikan Profesi Magister Kenotariatan (MKn), dan Program Pendidikan Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum;  Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP), Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jurusan Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JPIPS), Jurusan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi, Jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi-Antropologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (JPBS), Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Mandailing, Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer (PTIK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (PTM), Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (JPOK), Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga (Penkepor), Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek), PKLH (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Teknologi Pendidikan, Pendidikan Sains, Ilmu Pendidikan, dan Pendidikan IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP); Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (Sosiatri), Jurusan Politik dan Pemerintahan (Ilmu Pemerintahan), Jurusan Sosiologi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Jurusan Perbandingan Agama, Jurusan Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Jurusan Ilmu Hadis, Jurusan Ilmu Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Tasawuf, Jurusan Filsafat Agama, dan Jurusan Tafsir Hadis, Fakultas Ushuluddin; Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Jurusan Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggiris, Jurusan Tarjamah, dan Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora; Jurusan Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga Islam), Jurusan Siyasah (Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam), Jurusan Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Jurusan Perbandingan Madzhab, Jurusan Keuangan Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Hukum, dan Jurusan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syariah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biodiesel, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Ombak (PLTO), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa, dan Jurusan Penyimpan Energi, Fakultas Konversi Energi; Jurusan Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan; Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, dan Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Jurusan Manajemen, Jurusan Agribisnis, Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, dan Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Ilmu Gizi, Jurusan Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, dan Jurusan Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA); Jurusan Bisnis, Sekolah Bisnis; Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan; Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan; Jurusan Manajemen Hutan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, dan Jurusan Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan; Jurusan Olahraga Pendidikan, Jurusan Olahraga Rekreasi, Jurusan Olahraga Prestasi, Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Olahraga Rekreasi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga; Jurusan Penyiaran, Jurusan Kehumasan, Jurusan Periklanan, Jurusan Komunikasi Bisnis, Jurusan Informasi dan Perpustakaan, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, Jurusan Jurnalistik, Jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi, dan Jurusan Televisi dan Film, FIKOM (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi); Jurusan Biostatistik, Jurusan Informatika Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan, Jurusan Epidemiologi, Jurusan Manajemen Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Jurusan Mutu Layanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Bidan Komunitas, Jurusan Gizi, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Terapan, Jurusan Epidemiologi Lapangan, Jurusan Ekonomi Kesehatan, Jurusan Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Biostatistika, Jurusan Epidemiologi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Farmako Ekonomi, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Kebijakan dan Hukum Kesehatan, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat); Jurusan Bedah Mulut, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, Jurusan Periodonsia, Jurusan Prostodonsia, Jurusan Ortodonsia, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), Jurusan Oral Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan (IKGM-P), dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi); Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, dan Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi; Jurusan Strategi Perang Semesta (Total War Strategy), Jurusan Damai dan Resolusi Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), dan Jurusan Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan); Jurusan Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Jurusan Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Jurusan Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Jurusan Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), dan Jurusan Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP); Jurusan Akuntansi, Jurusan Bisnis Islam, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management;  Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Jurusan Matematika, dan Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan; Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, dan Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati; Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, dan Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Jurusan Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, dan Jurusan Teknik Biomedis, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI); Jurusan Arsitektur, dan Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk melakukan strukturisasi atas 

STRUKTUR  MPP(G) YMR, MAJELIS PIMPINAN PUSAT (GLOBAL) YAYASAN MANDAILING RAYA Bidang Pengawas Lembaga-Lembaga Internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan Ketua Depem (Dewan Pembina) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.8. Dekeh (Dewan Kehormatan) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.8.1. Ketua            : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.8.2. Wakil Ketua             : Ketua Umum MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya (ex Officio)
3.8.3. Sekretaris               : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.8.4. Anggota                 :
15 (lima belas) orang ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Kehormatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Kehormatan Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Kehormatan Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Kehormatan Lembaga-Lembaga Internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan BA KUM S3 MET (Berita Acara Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan 7BTSM (Tujuh Baliho Tahunan Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehomatan Pengurus Harian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan Pengurus Yunior / Fungsional MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan Anggota Istimewa MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan Anggota Kehormatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Pengawas Kehormatan Anggota Luar Biasa MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Bidang Kehormatan Purna Bakti Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Bidang Kehormatan Tanda Jasa & Kehormatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

The Secretary of The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation to recomend to The Department of Mining Engineering, The Department of Petroleum Engineering, The Department of Geophysical Engineering, and The Department of Metallurgical Engineering, The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering; The Department of Islamic Religious Education, The Department of Arabic Langauge, The Department of English, and The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Tarbiyah; The Department of Geological Engineering, The Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, The Department of Meteorology, and The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth; The Department of Fine Arts, The Department of Art of Craft, The Department of Interior Design, The Department of Visual Communication Design, and The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design; The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, and The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Department of Physic Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Department of Food Engineering, and The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology; The Department of Civil Engineering, The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Department of Marine Engineering, The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, and The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of Mathematic, The Department of Physic, The Department of Astronomy, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Statistic, The Department of Applied Meteorology, The Department of Biology, The Department of Computer Science, and The Department of Biochemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences; The Department of Medical Doctor Education, The Department of Nursing Science, The Department of Health Nutrition, The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Department of Surgery Science, The Department of Child Surgery, The Department of Neurosurgery, The Department of Forensic Medicine and Legal Medic, The Department of Mental Medicine Science, The Department of Children's Health, The Department of Skin and Gender Health, The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology - Throat Ear Nose – Head Neck, The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Department of Internal Medicine Science, The Department of Disease of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Urology, The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Department of Tropical Medicine Science, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Department of Medical Education Sciences, The Department of Nursing, and The Department of Sciences of Medicine and Health, The Faculty of Medicine; The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, The Department of Aquaculture, The Department of Sciences of Pests and Diseases of Plant (Plant Protection), The Department of Soil Science, The Department of Fisheries Resources Management, The Department of Agricultural Microbiology, The Department of Breeding Plant, The Department of Agricultural Counseling and Communication, The Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic (Agribusiness), The Department of Agricultural Products Technology, The Department of Land Resource Management, The Department of Landscape Architecture, The Department of Agronomy, The Department of Agricultural Economic, The Department of Phytopathology, The Department of Agribusiness Management, The Department of Breeding Plant, and The Department of Agricultural Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture; The Department of Fundamentals of Legal Sciences, The Department of Civil Law, The Department of Criminal Law, The Department of Constitutional Law, The Department of State Administration Law, The Department of International Law, The Department of Procedural Law, The Department of Law of Community and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of State Law (State Management Law / State Administration Law), The Department of Law and The System of Criminal Justice, The Department of Law and The Science of Islam, The Department of Law of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Technology, The Department of Law of International Trade, The Department of Transnational Law, The Department of Human Rights & Good Governonce, The Department of State Finance Law, The Department of Labor Law, The Department of Law of Natural Resources, The Department of Practice of Justice, The Program of Education of Profession of Master of Notary, and The Doctoral Education Program of Law Science, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Educational Sciences, The Department of Extraordinary Education, The Department of Guidance and Counseling Education, The Department of Primary School Teacher Education, The Department of Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education, The Department of Education of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, The Department of Mathematic Education, The Department of Chemistry Education, The Department of Physic Education, The Department of Biology Education, The Department of Social Sciences Education, The Department of Civic Education, The Department of History Education, The Department of Geography Education, The Department of Sociology-Anthropology Education, The Department of Economic Education, The Department of Language and Arts Education, The Department of English Education, The Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, The Department of Mandailing Language Education, The Department of Arts Education, The Department of Technical and Vocational Education, The Department of Education of Informatic Engineer and Computer, The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, The Department of Sport and Health Education, The Department of Education of Sport Coaching, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Education of Civic and Environment, The Educational Technology, The Science Education, The Science Education, and The Doctorate of Natural Science Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; The Department of Management and Policy of Public (Science of State Administration), The Department of Science of International Relation, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Science of Development of Social and Welfare, The Department of Politic and Government (Science of Government), The Department of Sociology, The Department of Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Science & Political Science; The Department of Comparative of Religion, The Department of Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir, The Department of Hadith Science, The Department of Sciences of Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy, The Department of Mysticology, The Department of Religious Philosophy, and The Department of Tafsir Hadith, The Faculty of Ushuluddin; The Department of Arabic Language and Literature, The Department of Islamic History and Culture, The Department of English Language and Literature, The Department of Tarjamah, The Department of Library and Information Science, The Faculty of Adab and Humanities; The Department of Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Islamic Family Law), The Department of Siyasah (Law of Criminal and Policy of Islam), The Department of Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), The Department of Comparison of the Madzhab, The Department of Islamic Finance, The Department of Legal Studies, and The Department of Law of Syariah Economy, The Faculty of Shariah; The Department of Hydroelectric Power Plant, The Department of Biodiesel Power Plant, The Department of Solar Cell Power Plant, The Department of Sea Wave Power Plant, The Department of Wind Power Plant, The Department of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), The Department of Biomass Power Plant, and The Department of Energy Saver, The Faculty of Energy Conversion;  The Department of Veterinary Medicine, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, The Department of Food Technology, The Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, and The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economic and Development Studies, The Department of Management, The Department of Agribusiness, The Department of Economic of Resource and Environment, and The Department of Sharia Economic, The Faculty of Economic and Management; The Department of Nutrition Science, The Department of Family and Consumer Science, and The Department of Communications and Development of Community, The Faculty of Human Ecology; The Department of Business, The School of Business; The Department of Livestock Production Technology, and  The Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, The Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Livestock; The Department of Technology and Management of Aquaculture, The Department of Water Resources Management, The Department of Aquatic Product Technology, and The Department of Technology and Management of Capture Fisheries, The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences; The Department of Forest Management, The Department of Forest Products Technology, The Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, and The Department of Silviculture, The Faculty of Forestry; The Department of Education Sport, The Department of Recreation Sport, The Department of Achievement Sport, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Department of Sport Science, The Department of Sport Science of Recreation Sport Concentration, and The Department of Sport Science of Sport Coaching Concentration, The Faculty of Sport; The Department of Broadcasting, The Department of Public Relation, The Department of Advertising, The Department of Business Communication, The Department of Information and Library, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Library Science, The Department of Journalism, The Department of Communication Management, and The Department of Television and Movie, The Faculty of Communication Studies; The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Health Information Management, The Department of Epidemiology, The Department of Health Insurance Management, The Department of Health Service Management, The Department of Hospital Management, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Reproductive Health, The Department of Occupational Safety and Health, The Department of Health Services Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Community Midwife, The Department of Nutrition, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, The Department of Applied Epidemiology, The Department of Field Epidemiology, The Department of Health Economic, The Department of Health Insurance, The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Environmental Health Epidemiology, The Department of Farmako Economic, The Department of Public Health Nutrition, The Department of Policy and Law of Health, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Health Services Management, The Department of Health Service Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Hospital Administration Study, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, and The Department of Community Epidemiology, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Faculty of Public Health; The Department of Oral Surgery, The Department of Oral Disease Science, The Department of Dental Conservation, The Department of Periodontic, The Department of Prosthodontic, The Department of Orthodontic, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Materials Science of Dentistry, The Department of Biology Oral, The Department of Sciences of Public Health Dental and Preventive Dentistry, and  The Department of Science of Child Dental Health, The Faculty of Dentistry; The Department of Clinical Psychology, The Department of Developmental Psychology, The Department of Educational Psychology, The Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, The Department of Social Psychology, and The Department of Psychological Method and Research, The Faculty of Psychology; The Department of Strategy of Universal War (Total War Strategy), The Department of Peace and Conflict Resolution, and The Department of Asymetric Warfare, The Faculty of Defense Strategy; The Department of Defense Management, The Department of Economic Defense, The Department of Disaster Managemet for National Security, The Department of Energy Security, and The Department of Maritime Security, The Faculty of Defense Management; The Department of Accounting, The Department of Islamic Business, The Department of Islamic Economic, The Department of Economic Science, The Department of Management, The Department of Planning and Public Policy, The Faculty of Economic; The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management; The Department of Biology, The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Department of Mathematic, and The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science; The Department of Biology, The Department of Microbiology, The Department of Biological Engineering, The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Department of Forestry Engineering, and The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering; The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, and The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy; The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Department of Electrical Power Engineering, The Department of Telecommunication Engineering, The Department of System and Technology of Information, and The Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering; The Department of Architecture, and The Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management, and The Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to conduct the structurization for

THE STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRAL (GLOBAL) LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY OF THE GREAT MANDAILING FOUNDATION The Division of Supervisory of The Internal Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The Trustees Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.8. The Honorary Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.8.1. The Chairman : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The Chairman of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.8.2. The Vice Chairman : The Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.8.3. The Secretary : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.8.4. Members :
15 (fifteen) persons shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Honorable of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Honorable of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Division of Honoralble of The Autonomous Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Honoralble of The Internal Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Disvision of Supervisory of Honorable of The Minute of Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of 7 (Seven) Annual Billboards of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisor Honorable of The Junior / Functional Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of Especially Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of Honorable of Honorary Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Supervisory of of Extraordinary Members of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Honorable of Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Division of Honor  & Service Sign of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2034 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Koordinator Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0288/Desember/2033.
Saturday, January 28th, 2034 Material of Public Lecture- e-teleconference "Existence of The Coordinator of The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biologic Gen Micron of All Time Number : 0288/December/2033.

Koordinator Politbiro Pembinaan Organisasi LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, dan Peternakan), Biro Pembinaan Organisasi Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Divisi Pembinaan Organisasi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, dan Jurusan Teknik Metalurgi, Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM); Jurusan PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam), Jurusan Bahasa Arab, Jurusan Bahasa Inggiris, dan Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Tarbiyah; Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, Jurusan Metereologi, dan Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian; Jurusan Seni Rupa,  Jurusan Kria, Jurusan Disain Interior, Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, dan Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Disain (FSRD); Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, dan Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara; Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Jurusan Teknik Industri, Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Jurusan Teknik Pangan, dan Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI); Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, dan Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Matematika, Jurusan Fisika, Jurusan Astronomi, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Statistika, Jurusan Meteorologi Terapan, Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, dan Jurusan Biokimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA); Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Jurusan Bedah Anak, Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Jurusan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi - THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh DarahJurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf / Nerologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Urologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran, Jurusan Keperawatan, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran; Jurusan Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perikanan, Jurusan Mikrobiologi Pertanian, Jurusan Pemuliaan Tanaman, Jurusan Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis), Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Lahan, Jurusan Arsitektur Lansekap, Jurusan Agronomi, Jurusan Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan Fitopatologi, Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis, dan Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian; Jurusan Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum, Jurusan Hukum Keperdataan, Jurusan Hukum Pidana, Jurusan Hukum Tata Negara, Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Acara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Kenegaraan (HTN, Hukum Tata Negara / HAN, Hukum Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Hukum dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana, Jurusan Hukum dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam, Jurusan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) & Teknologi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional, Jurusan Hukum Transnasional, Jurusan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM) & Good Governonce, Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Jurusan Hukum Ketenagakerjaan, Jurusan Hukum Sumber Daya Alam (SDA), Jurusan Praktek Pradilan, Program Pendidikan Profesi Magister Kenotariatan (MKn), dan Program Pendidikan Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum;  Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan (JIP), Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa, Jurusan Pendidikan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD), Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PG-PAUD), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA), Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (JPIPS), Jurusan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, Jurusan Pendidikan Geografi, Jurusan Pendidikan Sosiologi-Antropologi, Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (JPBS), Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Mandailing, Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer (PTIK), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (PTM), Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan (JPOK), Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga (Penkepor), Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek), PKLH (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Lingkungan Hidup), Teknologi Pendidikan, Pendidikan Sains, Ilmu Pendidikan, dan Pendidikan IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP); Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara), Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan (Sosiatri), Jurusan Politik dan Pemerintahan (Ilmu Pemerintahan), Jurusan Sosiologi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Jurusan Perbandingan Agama, Jurusan Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Jurusan Ilmu Hadis, Jurusan Ilmu Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Tasawuf, Jurusan Filsafat Agama, dan Jurusan Tafsir Hadis, Fakultas Ushuluddin; Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Jurusan Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggiris, Jurusan Tarjamah, dan Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora; Jurusan Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Hukum Keluarga Islam), Jurusan Siyasah (Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam), Jurusan Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Jurusan Perbandingan Madzhab, Jurusan Keuangan Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Hukum, dan Jurusan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syariah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biodiesel, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Ombak (PLTO), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin, Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN), Jurusan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa, dan Jurusan Penyimpan Energi, Fakultas Konversi Energi; Jurusan Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan; Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian, dan Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, Jurusan Manajemen, Jurusan Agribisnis, Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, dan Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Ilmu Gizi, Jurusan Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, dan Jurusan Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia (FEMA); Jurusan Bisnis, Sekolah Bisnis; Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Ternak, Jurusan Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan, Fakultas Peternakan; Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya, Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Jurusan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan; Jurusan Manajemen Hutan, Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Hutan, Jurusan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata, dan Jurusan Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan; Jurusan Olahraga Pendidikan, Jurusan Olahraga Rekreasi, Jurusan Olahraga Prestasi, Jurusan Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan, Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Olahraga Rekreasi, dan Jurusan Ilmu Keolahragaan Konsentrasi Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Olahraga; Jurusan Penyiaran, Jurusan Kehumasan, Jurusan Periklanan, Jurusan Komunikasi Bisnis, Jurusan Informasi dan Perpustakaan, Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, Jurusan Jurnalistik, Jurusan Manajemen Komunikasi, dan Jurusan Televisi dan Film, FIKOM (Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi); Jurusan Biostatistik, Jurusan Informatika Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan, Jurusan Epidemiologi, Jurusan Manajemen Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Kesehatan Reproduksi, Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Jurusan Mutu Layanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Bidan Komunitas, Jurusan Gizi, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Terapan, Jurusan Epidemiologi Lapangan, Jurusan Ekonomi Kesehatan, Jurusan Asuransi Kesehatan, Jurusan Biostatistika, Jurusan Epidemiologi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Farmako Ekonomi, Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Jurusan Kebijakan dan Hukum Kesehatan, Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan, Jurusan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan, Jurusan Promosi Kesehatan, Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat); Jurusan Bedah Mulut, Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, Jurusan Periodonsia, Jurusan Prostodonsia, Jurusan Ortodonsia, Jurusan Radiologi, Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), Jurusan Oral Biologi, Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat dan Kedokteran Gigi Pencegahan (IKGM-P), dan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi); Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, dan Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi; Jurusan Strategi Perang Semesta (Total War Strategy), Jurusan Damai dan Resolusi Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), dan Jurusan Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan); Jurusan Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Jurusan Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Jurusan Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Jurusan Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), dan Jurusan Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP); Jurusan Akuntansi, Jurusan Bisnis Islam, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management;  Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Jurusan Kimia, Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Jurusan Matematika, dan Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan; Jurusan Biologi, Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, dan Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati; Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, dan Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi; Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Jurusan Teknik Tenaga Listrik, Jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi, Jurusan Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi, dan Jurusan Teknik Biomedis, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI); Jurusan Arsitektur, dan Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen, dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk melakukan strukturisasi atas 

STRUKTUR  MPP(G) YMR, MAJELIS PIMPINAN PUSAT (GLOBAL) YAYASAN MANDAILING RAYA Bidang Kehormatan Tanda Jasa & Kehormatan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
3.9. Depen (Dewan Penasihat) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.9.1. Ketua            : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global)
3.9.2. Wakil Ketua   : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.9.3. Sekretaris     : ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
3.9.4. Anggota                 :
17 (tujuh belas) orang ditetapkan oleh Bafor (Badan Formatur) Kongdun (Kongres Dunia) atau Konglob (Kongres Global) atau Mudun (Musyawarah Dunia) atau Muglob (Musyawarah Global) atas usulan MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Penasihat Bidang Pendidikan, ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Penasihat Bidang Kesehatan, ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Penasihat Bidang Penelitian,  ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Penasihat Bidang SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia), ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Penasihat Bidang BA KUM S3 MET (Berita Acara Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Bidang JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Bidang 7BTSM (Tujuh Baliho Tahunan Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.. Penasihat Lembaga-Lembaga Otonom MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Lembaga-Lembaga Internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Pengurus Harian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Pengurus Yunior / Fungsional MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat LO PBB TB (Lembaga Otonom Pusat Bimbingan Belajar Tunas Bangsa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat LO SP4 (Lembaga Otonom Studi Pertanian, Perkebunan, Perikanan, & Peternakan) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat LO Bafor UM & MTs SHJ (Lembaga Otonom Badan Formatur Universitas Mandailing & Madrasah Tsanawiyah Sri Harapan Jaya) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat LO Puskatis (Lembaga Otonom Pusat Kajian Strategis) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ditetapkan oleh MT (Majelis Tinggi) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Penasihat Peserta Pemantau KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

The Coordinator of The Politburo of Organizational Development of The Autonomous Institution of The Studies for Agricultural, Plantation, Fisheries and Livestock, The Bureau of Organization Development of Autonomous Institutions of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Division of Organizational Development of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation to recomend to The Department of Mining Engineering, The Department of Petroleum Engineering, The Department of Geophysical Engineering, and The Department of Metallurgical Engineering, The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering; The Department of Islamic Religious Education, The Department of Arabic Langauge, The Department of English, and The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Tarbiyah; The Department of Geological Engineering, The Department of Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering, The Department of Meteorology, and The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth; The Department of Fine Arts, The Department of Art of Craft, The Department of Interior Design, The Department of Visual Communication Design, and The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design; The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, and The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Department of Physic Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Department of Food Engineering, and The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology; The Department of Civil Engineering, The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Department of Marine Engineering, The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, and The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of Mathematic, The Department of Physic, The Department of Astronomy, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Statistic, The Department of Applied Meteorology, The Department of Biology, The Department of Computer Science, and The Department of Biochemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences; The Department of Medical Doctor Education, The Department of Nursing Science, The Department of Health Nutrition, The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Department of Surgery Science, The Department of Child Surgery, The Department of Neurosurgery, The Department of Forensic Medicine and Legal Medic, The Department of Mental Medicine Science, The Department of Children's Health, The Department of Skin and Gender Health, The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology - Throat Ear Nose – Head Neck, The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Department of Internal Medicine Science, The Department of Disease of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Urology, The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Department of Tropical Medicine Science, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Department of Medical Education Sciences, The Department of Nursing, and The Department of Sciences of Medicine and Health, The Faculty of Medicine; The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, The Department of Aquaculture, The Department of Sciences of Pests and Diseases of Plant (Plant Protection), The Department of Soil Science, The Department of Fisheries Resources Management, The Department of Agricultural Microbiology, The Department of Breeding Plant, The Department of Agricultural Counseling and Communication, The Department of Agricultural Socio-Economic (Agribusiness), The Department of Agricultural Products Technology, The Department of Land Resource Management, The Department of Landscape Architecture, The Department of Agronomy, The Department of Agricultural Economic, The Department of Phytopathology, The Department of Agribusiness Management, The Department of Breeding Plant, and The Department of Agricultural Sciences, The Faculty of Agriculture; The Department of Fundamentals of Legal Sciences, The Department of Civil Law, The Department of Criminal Law, The Department of Constitutional Law, The Department of State Administration Law, The Department of International Law, The Department of Procedural Law, The Department of Law of Community and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of State Law (State Management Law / State Administration Law), The Department of Law and The System of Criminal Justice, The Department of Law and The Science of Islam, The Department of Law of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Technology, The Department of Law of International Trade, The Department of Transnational Law, The Department of Human Rights & Good Governonce, The Department of State Finance Law, The Department of Labor Law, The Department of Law of Natural Resources, The Department of Practice of Justice, The Program of Education of Profession of Master of Notary, and The Doctoral Education Program of Law Science, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Educational Sciences, The Department of Extraordinary Education, The Department of Guidance and Counseling Education, The Department of Primary School Teacher Education, The Department of Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education, The Department of Education of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, The Department of Mathematic Education, The Department of Chemistry Education, The Department of Physic Education, The Department of Biology Education, The Department of Social Sciences Education, The Department of Civic Education, The Department of History Education, The Department of Geography Education, The Department of Sociology-Anthropology Education, The Department of Economic Education, The Department of Language and Arts Education, The Department of English Education, The Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, The Department of Mandailing Language Education, The Department of Arts Education, The Department of Technical and Vocational Education, The Department of Education of Informatic Engineer and Computer, The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, The Department of Sport and Health Education, The Department of Education of Sport Coaching, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Education of Civic and Environment, The Educational Technology, The Science Education, The Science Education, and The Doctorate of Natural Science Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; The Department of Management and Policy of Public (Science of State Administration), The Department of Science of International Relation, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Science of Development of Social and Welfare, The Department of Politic and Government (Science of Government), The Department of Sociology, The Department of Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Science & Political Science; The Department of Comparative of Religion, The Department of Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir, The Department of Hadith Science, The Department of Sciences of Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy, The Department of Mysticology, The Department of Religious Philosophy, and The Department of Tafsir Hadith, The Faculty of Ushuluddin; The Department of Arabic Language and Literature, The Department of Islamic History and Culture, The Department of English Language and Literature, The Department of Tarjamah, The Department of Library and Information Science, The Faculty of Adab and Humanities; The Department of Al-Ahwal Asy-Syakhsiyyah (Islamic Family Law), The Department of Siyasah (Law of Criminal and Policy of Islam), The Department of Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), The Department of Comparison of the Madzhab, The Department of Islamic Finance, The Department of Legal Studies, and The Department of Law of Syariah Economy, The Faculty of Shariah; The Department of Hydroelectric Power Plant, The Department of Biodiesel Power Plant, The Department of Solar Cell Power Plant, The Department of Sea Wave Power Plant, The Department of Wind Power Plant, The Department of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), The Department of Biomass Power Plant, and The Department of Energy Saver, The Faculty of Energy Conversion;  The Department of Veterinary Medicine, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, The Department of Food Technology, The Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, and The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economic and Development Studies, The Department of Management, The Department of Agribusiness, The Department of Economic of Resource and Environment, and The Department of Sharia Economic, The Faculty of Economic and Management; The Department of Nutrition Science, The Department of Family and Consumer Science, and The Department of Communications and Development of Community, The Faculty of Human Ecology; The Department of Business, The School of Business; The Department of Livestock Production Technology, and  The Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, The Faculty of Animal Husbandry / Livestock; The Department of Technology and Management of Aquaculture, The Department of Water Resources Management, The Department of Aquatic Product Technology, and The Department of Technology and Management of Capture Fisheries, The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences; The Department of Forest Management, The Department of Forest Products Technology, The Department of Forest Resources Conservation & Ecotourism, and The Department of Silviculture, The Faculty of Forestry; The Department of Education Sport, The Department of Recreation Sport, The Department of Achievement Sport, The Department of Education of Physic, Health, and Recreation, The Department of Sport Science, The Department of Sport Science of Recreation Sport Concentration, and The Department of Sport Science of Sport Coaching Concentration, The Faculty of Sport; The Department of Broadcasting, The Department of Public Relation, The Department of Advertising, The Department of Business Communication, The Department of Information and Library, The Department of Communication Studies, The Department of Library Science, The Department of Journalism, The Department of Communication Management, and The Department of Television and Movie, The Faculty of Communication Studies; The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Health Information Management, The Department of Epidemiology, The Department of Health Insurance Management, The Department of Health Service Management, The Department of Hospital Management, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Reproductive Health, The Department of Occupational Safety and Health, The Department of Health Services Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Community Midwife, The Department of Nutrition, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, The Department of Applied Epidemiology, The Department of Field Epidemiology, The Department of Health Economic, The Department of Health Insurance, The Department of Biostatistic, The Department of Environmental Health Epidemiology, The Department of Farmako Economic, The Department of Public Health Nutrition, The Department of Policy and Law of Health, The Department of Health Informatic, The Department of Environmental Health, The Department of Health Services Management, The Department of Health Service Quality, The Department of Health Promotion, The Department of Hospital Administration Study, The Department of Clinical Epidemiology, and The Department of Community Epidemiology, The Department of Public Health Sciences, The Faculty of Public Health; The Department of Oral Surgery, The Department of Oral Disease Science, The Department of Dental Conservation, The Department of Periodontic, The Department of Prosthodontic, The Department of Orthodontic, The Department of Radiology, The Department of Materials Science of Dentistry, The Department of Biology Oral, The Department of Sciences of Public Health Dental and Preventive Dentistry, and  The Department of Science of Child Dental Health, The Faculty of Dentistry; The Department of Clinical Psychology, The Department of Developmental Psychology, The Department of Educational Psychology, The Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, The Department of Social Psychology, and The Department of Psychological Method and Research, The Faculty of Psychology; The Department of Strategy of Universal War (Total War Strategy), The Department of Peace and Conflict Resolution, and The Department of Asymetric Warfare, The Faculty of Defense Strategy; The Department of Defense Management, The Department of Economic Defense, The Department of Disaster Managemet for National Security, The Department of Energy Security, and The Department of Maritime Security, The Faculty of Defense Management; The Department of Accounting, The Department of Islamic Business, The Department of Islamic Economic, The Department of Economic Science, The Department of Management, The Department of Planning and Public Policy, The Faculty of Economic; The Department of Architecture, The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, The Media Laboratory, The Center for Real Estate,The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P);  Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems Division, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering; Poverty Action Lab., Anthropology, Center for International Studies, Comparative Media Studies / Writing, Economics, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Graduate Consortium in Woman's Studies, Graduate Program in Science Writing, History, HyperStudio, Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, Literature, MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Science, Technology, and Society, Security Studies Program, Theater Arts, Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS); Degree Program, MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Master of Finance, Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration), Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS), System Design and Management (SDM), PhD Program, Undergraduate Programs, Agussalim Management; The Department of Biology, The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Department of Chemistry, The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Department of Mathematic, and The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science; The Department of Biology, The Department of Microbiology, The Department of Biological Engineering, The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Department of Forestry Engineering, and The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering; The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, and The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy; The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Department of Electrical Power Engineering, The Department of Telecommunication Engineering, The Department of System and Technology of Information, and The Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering; The Department of Architecture, and The Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management, and The Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to conduct the structurization for

THE STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRAL (GLOBAL) LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY OF THE GREAT MANDAILING FOUNDATION The Division of Honor  & Service Sign of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.9. The Advisory Board Council of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
3.9.1. The Chairman : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or World Congress or Global Deliberation 
3.9.2. The Vice Chair : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.9.3. The Secretary : designated by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
3.9.4. Members  : 
17 (seventeen) persons shall be determined by The Formator Body of World Congress or Global Congress or World Deliberation or Global Deliberation on the proposal of The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Counselor of Division of Education, designated by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Counselor for The Division of Health, determined by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Advisor to The Division of Research, established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Advisor of Division of Human Resources, determined by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation The Counselor for Division of The Minute of Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Counselor of Division of The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor of Division of  07 (Seven) Annual Billboards of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor of The Autonomous Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor of The Internal Institutions of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor of The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor to The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor for The Junior / Functional Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor to The Autonomous Institution of The Central for Study Tutoring of Tunas Bangsa of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Adviser to The Autonomous Institution of The Studies of Agriculture, Plantation, Fisheries & Animal Husbandry / Livestock  of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor to The Autonomous Institution of Formator Body of MU (Mandailing University) & Junior High Islamic School of SHJ (Sri Harapan Jaya) of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Adviser of The Autonomous Institution of The Centre for Strategic Research of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation established by The High Assembly of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. The Advisor for Monitoring Participants of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

Penjadwalan KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) Tahun 2444 (dua ribu empat ratus empat puluh empat) Masehi.

02 Januari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
09 Januari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
16 Januari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
23 Januari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
30 Januari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

06 Februari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
13 Februari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
20 Februari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
27 Februari 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

05 Maret 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
12 Maret 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
19 Maret 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
26 Maret 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

02 April 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
09 April 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
16 April 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
23 April 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
30 April 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

07 Mei 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
14 Mei 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
21 Mei 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
28 Mei 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

04 Juni 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
11 Juni 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
18 Juni 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
25 Juni 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

02 Juli 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
09 Juli 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
16 Juli 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
23 Juli 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

06 Agustus 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
13 Agustus 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
20 Agustus 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
27 Agustus 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

03 September 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
10 September 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
17 September 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
24 September 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

01 Oktober 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
08 Oktober 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
15 Oktober 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
22 Oktober 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
29 Oktober 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

05 Nopember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
12 Nopember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
19 Nopember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
26 Nopember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

03 Desember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
10 Desember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
17 Desember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
24 Desember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi
31 Desember 2444 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi

Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, 01 Desember 2033
Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, December 01st, 2033

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