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Sabtu, 10 November 2018





Agustus 2031
August 2031

Arahan Pendiri & Ketum (Ketua Umum) 
MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya,
The Direction from The Founder & The General Chairman of 
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation,
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution

Materi - Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Materials of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing FoundationBanggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

Sabtu, 06 September 2031 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi 5 (lima) orang anggota Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0260/Agustus/2031.
Saturday, September 06th, 2031 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference “Existence of 05 (five) of members of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation on worldwide  is concerned and tacticed in Regency of Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0260/August/2031.

05 (lima) orang anggota Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional dan Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Fakultas Hukum; Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan; Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara) dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Keuangan Islam dan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan dan Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik dan Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering;  BA (Master of Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk memutakhirkan dengan memahami Surat Edaran Nomor 10/SE/M/2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu Lampiran I Surat Edaran Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 10 / SE / M / 2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu
05 (five) of members of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to recommend to The Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of State Administrative Law, The Department of Law of Public and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of International Trade Law and The Department of State Financial Law, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Engineering and Vocational Education, The Department of Economic Education and The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; Management and Public Policy (State Administration Science) and Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Sciences & Political Sciences; Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), Islamic Finance and Syari'ah Economic Law, The Faculty of Sharia; The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economics and Development Studies and The Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, The Faculty of Economics and Management; The Department of Planning and Public Policy and The Department of Islamic Business, The Faculty of Economics; The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering; MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; The  Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management and Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to update by understanding Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely Annex I of The Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely


1. IDENTITAS POKJA, 1.1. Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan:_______________________[diisi nama Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan, contoh: Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) PekerjaanKonstruksi UKPBJ (Unit Kerja Pengadaan Barang/Jasa) Kementerian…], 1.2. Alamat Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan:___________________ , dan 1.3. Website LPSE (Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik): ____________________________ ;
1. IDENTITY OF Working Group, 1.1. Election Working Group: _______________________ [filled in with the name of the Working Group of Election, for example: Working Group of Construction Work of (The Unit of Work of Procurement of Goods / Services) ...], 1.2. Address of Working Groups of Election: ___________________, and 1.3. Website of Electronic Procurement Service: ____________________________;

2. PAKET PEKERJAAN, 2.1. Nama paket pekerjaan: _________________ , 2.2. Uraian singkat pekerjaan: ______________ [diisi uraian secara singkat dan jelas ruang lingkup pekerjaan/kegiatan yang dilaksanakan], 2.3. Lokasi pekerjaan: ____________________
[diisi nama alamat, kabupaten/kota serta provinsi pekerjaan/kegiatan yang dilaksanakan], dan 2.4. Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan: ____(____________________) hari kalender sejak SPMK (Surat Perintah Mulai Kerja) [diisi waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan];  
2. JOB PACKAGE, 2.1. Job package name: _________________, 2.2. Brief description of the work: ______________ [filled in a brief description and clear scope of work / activities carried out], 2.3. Job location: ____________________ [filled in with the name of the address, regency / city and province of work / activities carried out], and 2.4. The period of execution of work: ____ (____________________) calendar day since the Warrant starts to work) [filled in the time needed to complete the work];

3. SUMBER DANA, Pekerjaan ini dibiayai dari sumber pendanaan: ______________ Tahun Anggaran __________ [diisi sumber dana dan tahun anggaran sesuai dokumen anggaran];  
3. FUNDS SOURCES, This work is financed from a funding source: ______________ Year Budget __________ [source of funds and budget year according to budget documents];

4. JADWAL TAHAPAN PEMILIHAN, sebagaimana tercantum dalam aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik);
4. ELECTION STAGE SCHEDULE, as stated in the Electronic Procurement System application;

5. PENINJAUAN LAPANGAN [apabila diperlukan] [Peninjauan lapangan akan dilaksanakan pada 5.1. Hari : _______________________, 5.2. Tanggal : _______________________, 5.3. Waktu : ___________s.d _________,  dan 5.4.
Tempat : _______________________] ;
5. FIELD REVIEW [if needed] [Field review will be carried out at 5.1. Day: _______________________, 5.2. Date: _______________________, 5.3. Time: ___________ s.d _________, and 5.4.
The place : _______________________] ;

6. PENYESUAIAN HARGA, Penyesuaian harga _______ [Diberikan/Tidak diberikan] dalam hal tahun jamak yang melewati pelaksanaan konstruksi lebih dari 18 (delapan belas) bulan, dan diberlakukan mulai bulan ke-13 (tiga belas);  
6. PRICE ADJUSTMENT, Price adjustment _______ [Given / Not given] in the event that the multi-year period passes the construction of more than 18 (eighteen) months, and takes effect from the 13th (thirteenth) month;

7. MATA UANG PENAWARAN DAN CARA PEMBAYARAN, 7.1. Mata uang yang digunakan ____________[diisi Rupiah atau mata uang dari negara pemberi pinjaman], 7.2. Pembayaran dilakukan dengan cara __________[diisi pembayarannya didasarkan pada hasil pengukuran bersama atas pekerjaan yang benar - benar telah dilaksanakan secara bulanan (monthly certificate), cara angsuran (termijn), atau sekaligus] ;
7. CURRENCY OF OFFERING AND WAY OF PAYMENT, 7.1. Currency used ____________[filled in with Rupiah or the currency of the lending country], 7.2. Payments are made by means of __________ [filled in the payment based on the results of joint measurements of the work actually carried out on a monthly basis (monthly certificate), the method of installments (termijn), or all at once];

8. MASA BERLAKUNYA PENAWARAN, Masa berlaku penawaran selama _______(______________) hari kalender sejak batas akhir pemasukan Dokumen Penawaran, yaitu dari tanggal _________ s.d ___________[diisi dengan memperhitungkan akhir pemasukan Dokumen Penawaran sampai penandatanganan kontrak] ;
8. TIME OF APPLICATION OF OFFERS, The period of validity of the offer for _______ (______________) calendar days from the deadline for submission of Bidding Documents, ie from the date _________ to ___________[filled in by calculating the end of submission of Bid Documents until the signing of the contract];

9. JADWAL PEMASUKAN DOKUMEN PENAWARAN, Lihat jadwal pemilihan dalam aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik);
9. SUPPLY SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY DOCUMENTS, See election schedule in the Electronic Procurement System application;

10. BATAS AKHIR WAKTU PEMASUKAN PENAWARAN, Lihat jadwal pemilihan dalam aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik);  
10. END LIMIT OF TIME ENCLOSURE OFFERING, See selection schedule in Electronic Procurement System application;

11. PEMBUKAAN PENAWARAN, Lihat jadwal pemilihan dalam aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik);
11. OPENING OF BIDS, See the election schedule in the Electronic Procurement System application;

12. PENGISIAN DOKUMEN KUALIFIKASI, Pengisian Dokumen Kualifikasi dalam aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik);
12. FILLING QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS, Filling in the Qualification Document in the Electronic Procurement System application;


13.1. Dokumen Penawaran yang diminta, sesuai dengan yang terdapat pada IKP (Instruksi Kepada Peserta),  13.2. Pekerjaan utama yang diuraikan dalam metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan:
13.1. Request Documents requested, in accordance with those contained in IKP (Instruction to Participants), 13.2. The main work described in the method of carrying out the work:

Pekerjaan Utama (The Main Job)

Dst. (Etc.)

[diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan]
[filled in by the Election Working Group]

13.3. Memiliki kemampuan menyediakan peralatan utama untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan, yaitu:
13.3. Having the ability to provide the main equipment for carrying out work, namely:

Jenis (Type)
Kapasitas (Capacity)
Jumlah (Total)
Kepemilikan / status (Ownership / status)


Dst. (Etc.)

[diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan]
[filled in by the Election Working Group]

Keterangan: Pencantuman merk, tipe, dan lokasi dalam daftar tidak menggugurkan, namun untuk keperluan pembuktian lapangan.
Description: Inclusion of the brand, type and location on the list does not abort, but for the purposes of proof of the field.

13.4. Memiliki kemampuan menyediakan personel manajerial untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan, yaitu:
13.4. Having the ability to provide managerial personnel for the execution of work, namely:

Tingkat Pendidikan / Ijazah (Education Level / Diploma)
Jabatan dalam pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan (Position in the work to be carried out)
Pengalaman kerja profesional (tahun) [Professional work experience (years)]
Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja (Work Competency Certificate)

[diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan]
[filled in by the Election Working Group]

Keterangan: 13.4.1. Sertifikat Kompetensi Kerja tidak dievaluasi pada saat pemilihan, dibuktikan saat rapat persiapan penunjukan penyedia;  dan 13.4.2. Pengalaman kerja dihitung per tahun tanpa memperhatikan lamanya pelaksanaan konstruksi (dihitung berdasarkan Tahun Anggaran).
Description: 13.4.1. The Work Competency Certificate is not evaluated at the time of election, evidenced at the provider appointment preparation meeting; and 13.4.2. Work experience is calculated per year regardless of the duration of construction (calculated based on the Budget Year).

13.5. Bagian Pekerjaan yang disubkontrakkan:
13.5. The subcontracted section of work:

Jenis pekerjaan yang wajib disubkontrakkan (The type of work that must be subcontracted)
Pekerjaan utama (The main job)


Dst. (Etc.)

Pekerjaan bukan Pekerjaan Utama (Job is not Main Job)


Dst. (Etc.)

Pekerjaan yang disubkontrakkan dalam hal: a. Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan menetapkan Daftar Pekerjaan yang disubkontrakkan, maka penyedia wajib mensubkontrakkan seluruh pekerjaan dalam daftar tersebut, b. Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan tidak menetapkan Daftar Pekerjaan yang disubkontrakkan, maka peserta menentukan sendiri bagian pekerjaan yang akan disubkontrakkan. Bagian pekerjaan yang akan disubkontrakkan memenuhi ketentuan sebagai berikut: a. Pekerjaan utama disubkontrakkan kepada penyedia jasa spesialis, dan pekerjaan yang bukan pekerjaan utama kepada sub penyedia jasa Usaha Kecil, b. dalam hal tender paket pekerjaan dengan nilai pagu anggaran sampai dengan Rp25.000.000.000,00 (dua puluh lima miliar rupiah) tidak mensyaratkan bagian pekerjaan yang disubkontrakkan, namun dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan, subkontrak dapat dilakukan sesuai ketentuan dalam kontrak, c. Dalam hal Paket pekerjaan dengan nilai pagu anggaran di atas Rp25.000.000.000,00 (dua puluh lima miliar rupiah) maka: 1) Bagian pekerjaan yang dapat disubkontrakkan adalah bukan merupakan pekerjaan utama, kecuali pekerjaan spesialis; 2) Paket pekerjaan dengan nilai pagu anggaran di atas Rp,00 (dua puluh lima miliar rupiah) sampai dengan Rp50.000.000.000,00 (lima puluh miliar rupiah) wajib mensubkontrakkan sebagian pekerjaan utama kepada penyedia jasa spesialis (apabila telah tersedia penyedia jasa spesialis), dan pekerjaan yang bukan pekerjaan utama kepada sub penyedia jasa Usaha Kecil, 3) Paket pekerjaan dengan HPS (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri) di atas Rp50.000.000.000,00 (lima puluh miliar rupiah) wajib mensubkontrakkan sebagian pekerjaan utama kepada penyedia jasa spesialis (apabila telah tersedia penyedia jasa spesialis), dan pekerjaan yang bukan pekerjaan utama kepada sub penyedia jasa Usaha Kecil dan dalam penawarannya sudah menominasikan sub penyedia jasa Usaha Kecil dari lokasi pekerjaan provinsi setempat, kecuali tidak tersedia sub penyedia jasa provinsi setempat yang dimaksud, d. Peserta tidak mensubkontrakkan seluruh pekerjaan utama, dan e. Penyedia Usaha Kecil tidak mensubkontrakkan pekerjaan yang diperoleh.
Work subcontracted in terms of: a. The Election Working Group determines the List of Sub-contracted Works, the provider is obliged to subcontract all work in the list, b. The Election Working Group does not specify a List of Subcontracted Jobs, so the participants determine for themselves the part of the work to be subcontracted. Parts of work to be subcontracted meet the following conditions: a. The main work is subcontracted to specialist service providers, and jobs that are not the main job to the Small Business service sub-provider, b. in the case of a work package tender with a budget ceiling value of up to Rp. 25,000,000,000.00 (twenty five billion rupiahs), it does not require the subcontracted part of the work, but in the execution of work, subcontracting can be carried out according to the provisions in the contract, c. in the case of a work package with a budget ceiling value of more than Rp. 25,000,000,000.00 (twenty five billion rupiahs) then: 1) The part of work that can be subcontracted is not the main job, except specialist work; 2) a work package with a budget ceiling value of more than Rp. 25,000,000,000.00 (twenty five billion rupiahs) up to Rp. 50,000,000,000.00 (fifty billion rupiahs) must sub-contract part of the main work to specialist service providers (if specialist service providers are available), and jobs that are not the main job to Small Business service sub-providers, 3) Work packages with Self Estimated Prices above Rp 50,000,000,000 (fifty billion rupiahs) are required to subcontract part of the main work to specialist service providers (if a specialist service provider is available), and work that is not the main job to the Small Business service sub provider and in the offer has nominated the Small Business service sub provider from the local provincial work location, unless the local provincial service sub-provider is not available intended, d. Participants do not subcontract all major work, and e. The Small Business Provider does not subcontract the work obtained.

13.6. Rencana Keselamatan Konstruksi (RKK): Penyedia menyiapkan penjelasan manajemen risiko
serta penjelasan rencana tindakan sesuai tabel jenis pekerjaan dan identifikasi bahayanya di bawah ini (diisi oleh Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen):
13.6. Construction Safety Plan : Provider prepares an explanation of risk management
and an explanation of the action plan according to the work type table and the identification of the hazards below (filled in by the Commitment Making Officer):

Jenis / Tipe Pekerjaan (Type / Type of Work)

Identifikasi Bahaya (Hazard identification)

Dst. (Etc.)

Catatan : Format dokumen RKK (Rencana Keselamatan Kerja) ada pada Bab VI dokumen ini.
Note: The format of the Work Safety Plan document is in Chapter VI of this document.

13.7. Dokumen lain yang disyaratkan a. ______________ b. ______________ Kriteria pemenuhan evaluasi harus rinci dan terukur;
13.7. Other documents required a. ______________ b. ______________ The criteria for meeting evaluation must be detailed and measurable;

14. SANGGAH, SANGGAH BANDING DAN PENGADUAN, 14.1. Sanggah disampaikan melalui aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik), 14.2. Tembusan sanggah dapat disampaikan di luar aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik) [offline] ditujukan kepada: a. PPK (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen) ____________ b. PA/KPA (Pengguna Anggaran / Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran) ____________ c. APIP (Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah) _____________ Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah][diisi secara lengkap dan jelas] , 14.3. Sanggah Banding disampaikan di luar aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik) [offline] ditujukan kepada: ____________ [PA/KPA (Pengguna Anggaran / Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran) Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah] [diisi secara lengkap dan jelas], dan 14.4. Pengaduan disampaikan di luar aplikasi SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik) [offline] ditujukan kepada APIP (Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah) ______________[Kementerian/ Lembaga/ Pemerintah Daerah][diisi secara lengkap dan jelas];  
14. Disclaimer, COMPLETE APPEARANCE AND COMPLAINTS, 14.1. Disclaimer is submitted through the Electronic Procurement System application, 14.2. A copy is objectionable can be delivered outside of the Electronic Procurement System application [offline] intended for: a. The Commitment Making Official ____________ b. Budget Users / Budget User Proxies ____________ c. Government Internal Supervision Apparatus) _____________ Ministries / Institutions / Regional Governments] [filled in completely and clearly], 14.3. The Appeals Disclaimer submitted outside the Electronic Procurement System application [offline] is addressed to: ____________ [Budget User / Budget User Proxy of Ministry / Agency / Regional Government] [filled in completely and clearly], and 14.4. Complaints submitted outside the Electronic Procurement System application [offline] are addressed to Government Internal Supervision Apparatus ______________[Ministry / Institution / Regional Government] [filled in completely and clearly];

15. JAMINAN PENAWARAN ASLI (Apabila Disyaratkan), 15.1. Besarnya nilai nominal Jaminan Penawaran _______ sebesar 1-3% dari HPS (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri) dan diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan, 15.2. Jaminan Penawaran ditujukan kepada _______ [Nama Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan, diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan], 15.3. Masa berlaku Jaminan Penawaran selama _______ (______________) hari kalender sejak batas akhir pemasukan penawaran [memperhitungkan hingga perkiraan penandatanganan kontrak, diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan], dan 15.4. Dalam hal Jaminan Penawaran dicairkan, maka dicairkan dan disetorkan pada _______ [Kas Negara/Kas Daerah, diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan];
15. ORIGINAL OFFER GUARANTEE (If Required), 15.1. The amount of the Bid Security _______ value amounting to 1-3% of the Self Estimated Price and filled by the Election Working Group, 15.2 Bid Security is addressed to _______ [Name of Election Working Group], filled by Election Working Work, 15.3. Period of validity of the Bid Guarantee for _______ (______________) calendar days from the deadline for submission of bids [taking into account the estimated contract signing, filled by Election Working Group], and 15.4. disbursed and deposited on _______ [State Cash / Regional Cash, filled by Election Working Group];

16. JAMINAN SANGGAH BANDING, 16.1. Besarnya nilai nominal Jaminan Sanggah Banding adalah _______ [sebesar 1% (satu per seratus) dari HPS (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri dan diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan], 16.2. Jaminan Sanggah Banding ditujukan kepada _______ Nama Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan, diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan], 16.3. Masa berlaku Jaminan Sanggah Banding selama 30 (Tiga Puluh) hari kalender sejak batas tanggal pengajuan sanggah banding, dan 16.4. dalam hal Jaminan Sanggah Banding dicairkan, maka dicairkan dan disetorkan pada _______ [Kas Negara/Kas Daerah, diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan];
16. THE APPEAL OBJECTION GUARANTEE, 16.1. The nominal value of the Appeal Objection Guarantee is _______ amounting to 1% (one per hundred) of the Self Estimated Price and filled in by the Election Working Group, 16.2. the Appeal Objection Guarantee addressed to _______ [Name of Working Group], filled in by the Election Working Group, 16.3. The validity period of the the Appeal Objection Guarantee is 30 (thirty) Calendar Days from the date of submission is objected to the appeal, and 16.4. in the event that the Appeal Objection Guarantee is disbursed, it is disbursed and deposited on the _______ [State Cash / Regional Cash, filled in by the Election Working Group];

17. JAMINAN PELAKSANAAN, 17.1. Masa berlaku Jaminan Pelaksanaan selama _______ (______________) hari kalender sejak penandatanganan kontrak [diisi dengan memperhitungkan mulai dari tanggal penandatanganan kontrak sampai dengan serah terima pertama Pekerjaan (PHO, Provisional Hand Over)], 17.2. Besarnya Jaminan Pelaksanaan adalah senilai Uang yang diterima untuk jaminan pelaksanaan, 17.3. Jaminan Pelaksanaan ditujukan kepada Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen ______ [diisi nama Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen bukan nama orang], dan  17.4. dalam hal Jaminan Pelaksanaan dicairkan, maka dicairkan dan disetorkan pada _______ [Kas Negara/Kas Daerah];
17. GUARANTEE OF IMPLEMENTATION, 17.1. The validity period of the Implementation Guarantee for _______ (______________) calendar days since the signing of the contract [is filled in by calculating starting from the date of signing the contract until the first handover of Work (PHO, Provisional Hand Over)], 17.2. The amount of the Guarantee of Implementation is worth the Money received for guarantee of implementation, 17.3. The Implementation Guarantee is addressed to the Commitment Making Officer ______ [filled in with the name of the Commitment Making Officer not the person's name], and 17.4. in the event that the Implementation Guarantee is disbursed, it will be disbursed and deposited at _______ [State Treasury / Regional Cash];

18. JAMINAN UANG MUKA, 18.1. Besarnya Jaminan Uang Muka adalah senilai Uang Muka yang diterima oleh Penyedia.[jika diberikan uang muka], 18.2. Jaminan Uang Muka ditujukan kepada ______[diisi nama PPK (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen), bukan nama orang], dan 18.3. dalam hal Jaminan Uang Muka dicairkan, maka dicairkan dan disetorkan pada __________[Kas Negara/Kas Daerah] (apabila ada).
18. ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE, 18.1. The amount of the Advance Payment is worth of the advance payment received by the Provider [if given an advance payment], 18.2. The Advance Payment Guarantee is addressed to ______ [filled with the name The Commitment Making Officer, not the person's name], and 18.3. in the event that the Advance Payment is disbursed, it is disbursed and deposited on __________ [Cash of the State / Regional Treasury] (if any).

Sabtu, 13 September 2031 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Sekretaris Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0260/Agustus/2031.
Saturday, September 13th, 2031 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference “Existence of The Secretary of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation on worldwide  is concerned and tacticed in Regency of Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0260/August/2031.

Sekretaris Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional dan Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Fakultas Hukum; Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan; Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara) dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Keuangan Islam dan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan dan Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik dan Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering;  BA (Master of Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk memutakhirkan dengan memahami Surat Edaran Nomor 10/SE/M/2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu Lampiran I Surat Edaran Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 10 / SE / M / 2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu 
The Secretary of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to recommend to The Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of State Administrative Law, The Department of Law of Public and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of International Trade Law and The Department of State Financial Law, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Engineering and Vocational Education, The Department of Economic Education and The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; Management and Public Policy (State Administration Science) and Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Sciences & Political Sciences; Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), Islamic Finance and Syari'ah Economic Law, The Faculty of Sharia; The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economics and Development Studies and The Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, The Faculty of Economics and Management; The Department of Planning and Public Policy and The Department of Islamic Business, The Faculty of Economics; The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering; MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; The  Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management and Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to update by understanding Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely Annex I of The Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely

LEMBAR DATA KUALIFIKASI (LDK);  Persyaratan Kualifikasi;  1. Peserta yang melakukan Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO), formulir kualifikasi dan Pakta Integritas ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO), kecuali leadfirm mengisi data kualifikasi melalui SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik); 2. Peserta yang berbadan usaha harus memiliki Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK); 3. memiliki Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) dengan Kualifikasi Usaha_____________ [Kecil/Menengah/ Besar, dipilih sesuai dengan nilai pekerjaan] serta disyaratkan: a. klasifikasi__________ [diisi sesuai klasifikasi yang disyaratkan, untuk Kecil/Menengah/Besar], dan b. subklasifikasi_______ [diisi sesuai Subklasifikasi yang disyaratkan, untuk Menengah/Besar]; 4. untuk pekerjaan yang diperuntukkan bagi Kualifikasi Usaha Menengah dan Besar, memiliki Kemampuan Dasar (KD) dengan nilai KD (Kemampuan Dasar) sama dengan 3 x NPt (Nilai pengalaman tertinggi): a. untuk kualifikasi Usaha Menengah, pengalaman pekerjaan sesuai subklasifikasi Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) yang disyaratkan, atau b. untuk kualifikasi Usaha Besar, pengalaman pekerjaan pada subklasifikasi Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) yang disyaratkan dan jenis pekerjaan________ [diisi sesuai jenis pekerjaan yang disyaratkan] serta dapat mensyaratkan kegiatan pokok/key activities_________ [diisi sesuai kegiatan pokok/key activities yang disyaratkan], yang sesuai dengan persyaratan dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Nilai Kemampuan Dasar (KD) sekurang-kurangnya sama dengan HPS (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri); 5. memiliki Sertifikat Manajemen Mutu, Sertifikat Manajemen Lingkungan, serta Sertifikat Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja; (hanya disyaratkan untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi yang bersifat Kompleks/Berisiko Tinggi dan/atau diperuntukkan bagi Kualifikasi Usaha Besar); 6. memiliki NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) dan telah memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan (SPT, Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan) tahun pajak________, (tuliskan tahun pajak yang diminta dengan memperhatikan batas akhir pemasukan penawaran dan batas akhir pembayaran pajak sesuai peraturan perpajakan); 7. memiliki akta pendirian perusahaan dan akta perubahan perusahaan (apabila ada perubahan); 8. tidak masuk dalam Daftar Hitam, keikutsertaannya tidak menimbulkan pertentangan kepentingan pihak yang terkait, tidak dalam pengawasan pengadilan, tidak pailit, kegiatan usahanya tidak sedang dihentikan dan/atau yang bertindak untuk dan atas nama Badan Usaha tidak sedang dalam menjalani sanksi pidana, dan pengurus/pegawai tidak berstatus Aparatur Sipil Negara, kecuali yang bersangkutan mengambil cuti diluar tanggungan Negara; 9. pengalaman paling kurang 1 (satu) pekerjaan dalam kurun waktu 4 (empat) tahun terakhir, baik di lingkungan pemerintah maupun swasta termasuk pengalaman subkontrak, kecuali bagi pelaku usaha yang baru berdiri kurang dari 3 (tiga) tahun; 10. memenuhi Sisa Kemampuan Paket (SKP) dengan perhitungan: SKP = 5 – P, dimana P adalah Paket pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan (hanya untuk pekerjaan yang diperuntukkan bagi Kualifikasi Usaha Kecil); 11. memiliki paling kurang: a. 1 (satu) tenaga tetap bersertifikat terampil (SKT) yang sesuai dengan Klasifikasi Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) yang disyaratkan (untuk Usaha Kecil), b. 1 (satu) tenaga tetap bersertifikat ahli (SKA) Muda yang sesuai dengan Subklasifikasi Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) yang disyaratkan (untuk Usaha Menengah), dan c. 1 (satu) tenaga tetap bersertifikat ahli (SKA) Madya yang sesuai dengan Subklasifikasi Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) yang disyaratkan (untuk Usaha Besar); 12. memiliki Sisa Kemampuan Nyata (SKN) dengan nilai paling kurang sama dengan 10% (sepuluh perseratus) dari nilai total HPS (Harga Perkiraan Sendiri), yang disertai dengan laporan keuangan (untuk pekerjaan yang diperuntukkan bagi Usaha Menengah dan Besar. Khusus untuk Usaha Besar, laporan keuangan wajib telah diaudit); dan 13. dalam hal peserta akan melakukan KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi): a. wajib mempunyai perjanjian Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO) yang memuat persentase Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO) dan perusahaan yang mewakili/leadfirm KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) tersebut, b. evaluasi persyaratan pada angka 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, dan 11 dilakukan untuk setiap perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO), c. evaluasi pada angka 3 (apabila meminta lebih dari 1 (satu) jenis Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) umum atau Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) spesialis), 5, dan 12 dilakukan secara saling melengkapi oleh seluruh anggota Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO), dan d. evaluasi pada angka 4 hanya dilakukan kepada leadfirm.
QUALIFICATION DATA SHEET; Qualification Requirements; 1. Participants who conduct Operational Cooperation, qualification forms and Integrity Pact are signed by all members of Operation Cooperation, unless leadfirm fills in the qualification data through Electronic Procurement System; 2. Participants with business entities must have a Construction Services Business License; 3. having a Business Entity Certificate with Business Qualification _____________  [Small / Medium / Large, selected according to the value of the work] and required: a. classification__________ [filled according to the required classification, for Small / Medium / Large], and b. subclassification_______ [filled according to the required Subclassification, for Medium / Large]; 4. for jobs designated for Medium and Large Business Qualifications, have Basic Capabilities  with values ​​of Basic Capabilities equal to 3 x NPt (Highest experience value): a. for Medium Business qualifications, work experience in accordance with the sub-classification of required Business Entity Certificate , or b. for Large Business qualifications, work experience on sub-classification of Business Entity Certificate required and type of work [filled in according to the type of work required] and can require key activities  _________ [filled according to key activities], which are appropriate with requirements within the last 10 (ten) years. Basic Capability Value is at least equal to Self Estimated Price; 5. has a Quality Management Certificate, Environmental Management Certificate, and Occupational Health and Safety Certificate; (only required for Complex / High Risk Construction Works and / or intended for Large Business Qualifications); 6. having a Taxpayer Identification Number and fulfilling tax obligations (Annual Notice) of tax year________, (write down the tax year requested by observing the deadline for submission of bids and the deadline for payment of taxes according to tax regulations); 7. has a company establishment deed and company amendment (if there is a change); 8. is not included in the Black List, its participation does not cause conflict of interest of the parties concerned, is not under court supervision, is not bankrupt, its business activities are not being stopped and / or acting for and on behalf of the Business Entity are not undergoing criminal sanctions, and administrators / employee not a State Civil Apparatus status, unless the person concerned takes leave outside the State's expense; 9. experience at least 1 (one) job within the last 4 (four) years, both in the government and private sectors including subcontracting experience, except for business actors who have just established less than 3 (three) years; 10. meet the Remaining Package Capabilities by calculation: SKP = 5 - P, where P is the package of work being worked on (only for jobs designated for Small Business Qualifications); 11. having at least: a. 1 (one) permanent staff with skilled certified in accordance with the Business Entity Certificate Classification required (for Small Businesses), b. 1 (one) permanent staff with Young Expert Certified who is in accordance with the Business Entity Certificate Sub-Classification required (for Medium Enterprises), and c. 1 (one) permanent staff with Madya expert certified in accordance with the Business Entity Certificate Sub-Classification required (for Large Enterprises); 12. has Remaining Real Capabilities with a value of at least equal to 10% (ten percent) of the total value of the Self Estimated Price, which is accompanied by financial statements (for jobs intended for Medium and Large Businesses. Especially for Businesses Large, financial statements must be audited); and 13. in the event that the participant will do an Operational Cooperation: a. must have an Operational Cooperation agreement that contains the percentage of Joint Operation and the company representing / leadfirm an Operational Cooperation, b. evaluation of requirements in numbers 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 is carried out for each company incorporated in Operation Cooperation, c. evaluation in number 3 (if requesting more than 1 (one) type of general Business Entity Certificate or Business Entity Certificate of specialist), 5, and 12 are carried out in a complementary manner by all members of Operation Cooperation, and d. evaluation on number 4 is only done to leadfirm.

Sabtu, 20 September 2031 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Koordinator Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0260/Agustus/2031.
Saturday, September 20th, 2031 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference “Existence of The Coordinator of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation on worldwide  is concerned and tacticed in Regency of Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0260/August/2031.

Koordinator Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional dan Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Fakultas Hukum; Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan; Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara) dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Keuangan Islam dan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan dan Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik dan Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering;  BA (Master of Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk memutakhirkan dengan memahami Surat Edaran Nomor 10/SE/M/2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu Lampiran I Surat Edaran Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 10 / SE / M / 2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu
The Coordinator of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to recommend to The Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of State Administrative Law, The Department of Law of Public and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of International Trade Law and The Department of State Financial Law, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Engineering and Vocational Education, The Department of Economic Education and The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; Management and Public Policy (State Administration Science) and Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Sciences & Political Sciences; Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), Islamic Finance and Syari'ah Economic Law, The Faculty of Sharia; The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economics and Development Studies and The Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, The Faculty of Economics and Management; The Department of Planning and Public Policy and The Department of Islamic Business, The Faculty of Economics; The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering; MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; The  Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management and Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to update by understanding Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely Annex I of The Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely Annex I of The Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely




Nomor (Number) :                                             _______, _____________ 20___
Lampiran (Attachment) :

Kepada Yth.:
Pokja (Kelompok Kerja)  _______UKPBJ (Unit Kerja Pengadaan Barang/Jasa) ____________ [K/L/PD, Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah]
[diisi oleh Pokja Pemilihan]
Dear :
Working Group _______ The Unit of Work of Goods / Services Procurement ____________ [Ministry / Institution / Regional Government]
[filled in by the Election Working Group]

di (in)______________________________

Perihal : Penawaran Pekerjaan_______________[nama pekerjaan diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan]
Subject: Job Offer _______________ [job name filled in by Election Working Group]

Sehubungan dengan pengumuman tender Pascakualifikasi dan Dokumen Pemilihan nomor: _________________ tanggal ______________ [diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan] dan setelah kami pelajari dengan saksama Dokumen Pemilihan dan Berita Acara Pemberian Penjelasan [serta adendum Dokumen Pemilihan], dengan ini kami mengajukan penawaran untuk pekerjaan ____________________[diisi oleh Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan] sebesar Rp_______________ (__________________________) termasuk PPN (Pajak Pertambahan Nilai).
In connection with the announcement of the Post-qualification tender and the Bidding Document number: _________________ date ______________ [filled in by the Election Working Group] and after we carefully study the Bidding Document and Minutes of Explanation [and the addendum to the Bidding Document], we hereby submit a bid for work ____________________ [filled in by the Election Working Group] in the amount of IDR_______________ (__________________________) including VAT (Value Added Tax).

Penawaran ini sudah memperhatikan ketentuan dan persyaratan yang tercantum dalam Dokumen Pemilihan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut.
This offer has considered the terms and conditions listed in the Bidding Document to carry out the work.

Penawaran ini berlaku selama _______ (__dalam huruf__) hari kalender sejak batas akhir pemasukan penawaran.
This offer is valid for _______ (__ in letters__) calendar days from the deadline for submission of bids.

Sesuai dengan persyaratan, bersama Surat Penawaran ini kami lampirkan:
1. Jaminan Penawaran Asli;
2. Surat perjanjian Kerja Sama Operasi, [apabila ber-KSO(Kerja Sama Operasi];
3. Dokumen Penawaran teknis, terdiri atas:
a. Metode pelaksanaan pekerjaan;
b. Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan;
c. Daftar isian Peralatan utama;
d. Daftar isian Personel manajerial;
e. Rencana Keselamatan Konstruksi (RKK);
f. Daftar isian bagian pekerjaan yang akan disubkontrakkan (apabila disyaratkan); dan
g. Dokumen lain yang disyaratkan (apabila ada).
4. Dokumen Penawaran Harga terdiri atas:
a. Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga;
b. Daftar Keluaran dan Harga.
5. Dokumen lain:
a.  Formulir rekapitulasi perhitungan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN), (apabila memenuhi  syarat untuk diberikan preferensi harga); dan
b. Daftar barang yang diimpor (apabila ada).
In accordance with the requirements, we enclose this Offer Letter:
1. Original Offer Guarantee;
2. Operation Cooperation Agreement Letter, [if Operation Cooperation);
3. Technical Bidding Documents, consisting of:
a. Method of carrying out work;
b. The period of execution of work;
c. List of main equipment;
d. Managerial Personnel Checklist;
e. Construction Safety Plan;
f. List of parts of work to be subcontracted (if required); and
g. Other documents required (if any).
4. Price Bid Documents consist of:
a. List of Quantities and Prices;
b. List of Outputs and Prices.
5. Other documents:
a. Recapitulation form for calculating Domestic Component Level, (if it meets the requirements for price preference); and
b. List of imported goods (if any).

Dengan disampaikannya Surat Penawaran ini, maka kami menyatakan sanggup dan akan tunduk pada semua ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Dokumen Pemilihan serta Pokja (Kelompok Kerja) Pemilihan tidak terikat untuk menetapkan penawaran terendah sebagai pemenang. Apabila dana dalam dokumen anggaran yang telah disahkan tidak tersedia atau tidak cukup tersedia dalam DIPA/DPA (Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran / Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran) Tahun Anggaran, maka Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat dibatalkan dan kami tidak akan menuntut ganti rugi dalam bentuk apapun.
With the submission of this Bid Letter, we declare capable and will be subject to all the provisions listed in the Bidding Document and the Election Working Group is not bound to set the lowest bid as the winner. If the funds in the approved budget document are not available or not sufficiently available in the Budget Implementation List / Budget Implementation Document of Budget Year, then the Procurement of Goods / Services can be canceled and we will not claim compensation in any form.

(Perseroan Terbatas / Comanditaire Venotschap / Firma / Kerja Sama Operasi) _________________
[pilih yang sesuai dan cantumkan nama]
Limited Company / Venotschap Comanditaire / Firm / Joint Operation
[choose the right one and name it]

                                                                  Jabatan (Position)

Sabtu, 27  September 2031 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, " Eksistensi Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0260/Agustus/2031.
Saturday, September 27th, 2031 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference “Existence of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation on worldwide  is concerned and tacticed in Regency of Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0260/August/2031.

Personil Biro Hasil Pendapatan Medis Bikesmas (Biro Kesehatan Masyarakat), Divisi Usaha dan Dana MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk merekomendasikan kepada Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL); Jurusan Hukum Administrasi Negara, Jurusan Hukum Masyarakat dan Pembangunan, Jurusan Hukum Bisnis, Jurusan Hukum Ekonomi, Jurusan Hukum Perdagangan Internasional dan Jurusan Hukum Keuangan Negara, Fakultas Hukum; Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan (JPTK), Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan (PTB), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan; Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (Ilmu Administrasi Negara) dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas ISIPOL (Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik); Mu’amalah (Hukum Bisnis Islam), Keuangan Islam dan HES (Hukum Ekonomi Syari’ah), Fakultas Syariah; Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA); Jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan dan Jurusan Ekonomi Sumberdaya dan Lingkungan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen; Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan Publik dan Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi); The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering;  BA (Master of Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK); dan Jurusan Manajemen dan Jurusan Kewirausahaan, Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen (SBM) UM (Universitas Mandailing) untuk memutakhirkan dengan memahami Surat Edaran Nomor 10/SE/M/2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu Lampiran I Surat Edaran Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Nomor 10 / SE / M / 2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019 yaitu
Personnel of The Bureau of Medic Income Results of The Bureau of Public Health, The Division of Effort and Fund of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to recommend to The Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; The Department of State Administrative Law, The Department of Law of Public and Development, The Department of Business Law, The Department of Economic Law, The Department of International Trade Law and The Department of State Financial Law, The Faculty of Law; The Department of Engineering and Vocational Education, The Department of Economic Education and The Department of Building Engineering Education, The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science; Management and Public Policy (State Administration Science) and Public Administration Science, The Faculty of Social Sciences & Political Sciences; Mu'amalah (Islamic Business Law), Islamic Finance and Syari'ah Economic Law, The Faculty of Sharia; The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Agricultural Technology; The Department of Economics and Development Studies and The Department of Resource and Environmental Economics, The Faculty of Economics and Management; The Department of Planning and Public Policy and The Department of Islamic Business, The Faculty of Economics; The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P); Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of  Engineering; MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program, Agussalim  Management; The  Department of Regional and City Planning, The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development; and The Department of Management and Department of Entrepreneurship, The School of Business and Management of MU (Mandailing University) to update by understanding Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely Annex I of The Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of Standard of Selection Documents for the Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019, namely


BENTUK PERJANJIAN KERJA SAMA OPERASI (KSO) – (apabila ber-KSO, Kerja Sama Operasi)


Sehubungan dengan tender pekerjaan ________________ maka kami: ______________________________[nama perusahaan peserta 1] ______________________________[nama perusahaan peserta 2] ______________________________[nama perusahaan peserta 3] ______________________________[dan seterusnya]
bermaksud untuk mengikuti tender dan pelaksanaan kontrak secara bersama-sama dalam bentuk Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO).
In connection with the job tender ________________ then we: ______________________________ [company name of participant 1] ______________________________ [company name of participant 2] ______________________________ [company name of participant 3] ______________________________ [and so on]
intends to take part in the tender and joint contract implementation in the form of Joint Operation.

Kami menyetujui dan memutuskan bahwa:
We agree and decide that:

1. Secara bersama-sama:
a. Membentuk KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) dengan nama KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) adalah ________________
b. Menunjuk ____________________________[nama perusahaan dari anggota KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) ini] sebagai perusahaan utama (leading firm) untuk KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) dan mewakili serta bertindak untuk dan atas nama KSO (Kerja Sama OperasI).
c. Menyetujui apabila ditunjuk sebagai pemenang, wajib bertanggung jawab baik secara bersama-sama atau masing-masing atas semua kewajiban sesuai ketentuan dokumen kontrak.
1. Together:
a. Forming Joint Operation under the name of Joint Operation is ________________
b. Designate ____________________________ [name of company from member of Operational Cooperation] as leading company for Operational Cooperation and represent and act for and on behalf of Operational Cooperation.
c. Agree that if appointed as a winner, it must be responsible either jointly or individually for all obligations in accordance with the provisions of the contract document.

2. Keikutsertaan modal (sharing) setiap perusahaan dalam KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) adalah:
_________ [nama perusahaan peserta 1]sebesar _____ % (___________ persen)
_________ [nama perusahaan peserta 2]sebesar _____ % (___________ persen)
_________[nama perusahaan peserta 3]sebesar _____ % (___________ persen) _________________________________ [dst.]
2. Sharing of each company in the Operational Cooperation is:
_________ [participant company name 1] equal to _____% (___________ percent)
_________ [participant company name 2] equal to _____% (___________ percent)
_________ [participant company name 3] equal to _____% (___________ percent) _________________________________ [etc.]

3. Masing-masing peserta anggota KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi), akan mengambil bagian sesuai sharing tersebut pada butir 2. dalam hal pengeluaran, keuntungan, dan kerugian dari KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi).
3. Each member of Operation Cooperation participant will take part according to the sharing in point 2. In terms of expenses, profits, and losses from the Joint Operation.

4. Pembagian sharing dalam KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) ini tidak akan diubah baik selama masa penawaran maupun sepanjang masa kontrak, kecuali dengan persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu dari Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen dan persetujuan bersama secara tertulis dari masing-masing anggota KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi).
4. Distribution of sharing in the Joint Operation will not be changed either during the offer period or throughout the contract period, except with a prior written agreement from the Commitment Making Officer and written joint agreement from each member of Operational Cooperation.

5. Terlepas dari sharing yang ditetapkan di atas, masing-masing anggota KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) akan melakukan pengawasan penuh terhadap semua aspek pelaksanaan dari perjanjian ini, termasuk hak untuk memeriksa keuangan, perintah pembelian, tanda terima, daftar peralatan dan tenaga kerja, perjanjian subkontrak, surat-menyurat, dan lain - lain.
5. Apart from the sharing set forth above, each member of the Joint Operation will carry out full supervision of all aspects of the implementation of this agreement, including the right to examine finances, purchase orders, receipts, equipment and labor lists, subcontracting agreements, correspondence, etc.

6. Wewenang menandatangani untuk dan atas nama KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) diberikan kepada _________________________[nama individu dari perusahaan leadfirm KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi)] dalam kedudukannya sebagai direktur utama/direktur pelaksana _________________________ [nama perusahaan dari leadfirm KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi)] berdasarkan perjanjian ini.
6. Authority to sign for and on behalf of Operational Cooperation is given to _________________________ [individual name of the eadfirm company of Operational Cooperation] in his position as managing director / managing director _________________________ [company name from leadfirm of Joint Operation ] based on this agreement.

7. Perjanjian ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatangani.
7. This agreement is valid from the date of signing.

8. Perjanjian ini secara otomatis menjadi batal dan tidak berlaku lagi bila tender tidak dimenangkan oleh perusahaan KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi).
8. This agreement automatically becomes null and void if the tender is not won by the company of Operation Cooperation.

9. Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam rangkap ____ (_______) yang masing-masing mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.
9. This agreement is made in duplicate ____ (_______), each of which has the same legal force.

DENGAN KESEPAKATAN INI, semua anggota KSO (Kerja Sama Operasi) membubuhkan tanda tangan di _________ pada hari __________ tanggal __________ bulan ____________, tahun ________________________
WITH THIS AGREEMENT, all members of Operation Cooperation put a signature on _________ on the day __________ date __________ month ____________, year ________________________

[Peserta 1]                            [Peserta 2]                   [Peserta 3]
[Participant 1]                       [Participant 2]             [Participant 3]

(_______________)       (________________)      (________________) [dst. (etc.)]

Apabila ditetapkan sebagai pemenang tender maka Surat Perjanjian Kerja Sama Operasi ini harus dinotariatkan
If it is determined as the winner of the tender, the Operational Cooperation Agreement must be notarized

Penjadwalan KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) Tahun 2416 (dua ribu empat ratus enam belas) Masehi.
Scheduling The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference Year 2416 (two thousand and four hundred and sixteen) AD. 

02 Januari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4872 / Desember / 2415.
January 02nd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Informatic Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4872 / December / 2415.

09 Januari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4872 / Desember / 2415.
January 09th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Electrical Engineering, The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4872 / December / 2415.

16 Januari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (FTEI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4872 / Desember / 2415.
January 16th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Electrical and Informatic Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4872 / December / 2415.

23 Januari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas (FKK), Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4872 / Desember / 2415.
January 23rd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Community, The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4872 / December / 2415.

30 Januari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4872 / Desember / 2415.
January 30th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4872 / December / 2415.

06 Februari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4873 / Januari / 2416.
February 06th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Pharmacy of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4873 / January / 2416.

13 Februari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknologi Pasca Panen, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4873 / Januari / 2416.
February 13th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Post-Harvest Technology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4873 / January / 2416.

20 Februari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Rekayasa Kehutanan, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4873 / Januari / 2416.
February 20th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Forestry Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Forestry Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4873 / January / 2416.

27 Februari 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Rekayasa Pertanian, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4873 / Januari / 2416.
February 27th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Agricultural Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4873 / January / 2416.

05 Maret 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Rekayasa Hayati, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4874 / Februari / 2416.
March 05th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Biological Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Biological Engineering, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4874 / February / 2416.

12 Maret 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4874 / Februari / 2416.
March 12th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Microbiology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Microbiology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4874 / February / 2416.

19 Maret 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4874 / Februari / 2416.
March 19th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Biology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Biology, The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4874 / February / 2416.

26 Maret 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Sains dan Rekayasa Hayati UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4874 / Februari / 2416.
March 26th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Science and Biological Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4874 / February / 2416.

02 April 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4875 / Maret / 2416.
April 02nd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4875 / March / 2416.

09 April 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4875 / Maret / 2416.
April 09th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4875 / March / 2416.

16 April 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Bumi, Atmosfir, dan Angkasa, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4875 / Maret / 2416.
April 16th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Sciences of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4875 / March / 2416.

23 April 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4875 / Maret / 2416.
April 23rd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Chemistry, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Chemistry, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4875 / March / 2416.

30 April 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Otak dan Ilmu Kognitif, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4875 / Maret / 2416.
April 30th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4875 / March / 2416.

07 Mei 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4876 / April / 2416.
May 07th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Department of Biology, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Biology, The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4876 / April / 2416.

14 Mei 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4876 / April / 2416.
May 14th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4876 / April / 2416.

21 Mei 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni System Design and Management (SDM), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa System Design and Management (SDM), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4876 / April / 2416.
May 21st, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of System Design and Management (SDM), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of System Design and Management (SDM), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4876 / April / 2416.

28 Mei 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Science in Management Studies (SMS), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Science in Management Studies (SMS), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4876 / April / 2416.
May 28th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Science in Management Studies (SMS), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Science in Management Studies (SMS), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4876 / April / 2416.

04 Juni 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4877 / Mei / 2416.
June 04th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Agussalim Fellows Program in Innovation & Global Leadership, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4877 / May / 2416.

11 Juni 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Executive BA (Business Administration), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Executive BA (Business Administration), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4877 / Mei / 2416.
June 11th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Executive BA (Business Administration), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Executive BA (Business Administration), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4877 / May / 2416.

18 Juni 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Finance, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Finance, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4877 / Mei / 2416.
June 18th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Finance, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Finance, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4877 / May / 2416.

25 Juni 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4877 / Mei / 2416.
June 25th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Leaders for Global Operations (LGO), Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4877 / May / 2416.

02 Juli 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni BA (Business Administration) Program, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa BA (Business Administration) Program, Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4878 / Juni / 2416.
July 02nd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of BA (Business Administration) Program, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of BA (Business Administration) Program, Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4878 / June / 2416.

09 Juli 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Agussalim Management UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4878 / Juni / 2416.
July 09th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Agussalim Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4878 / June / 2416.

16 Juli 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4878 / Juni / 2416.
July 16th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Women's and Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4878 / June / 2416.

23 Juli 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Theater Arts, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Theater Arts, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4878 / Juni / 2416.
July 23rd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Theater Arts, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Theater Arts, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4878 / June / 2416.

30 Juli 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Security Studies Program, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Security Studies Program, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4878 / Juni / 2416.
July 30th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Security Studies Program, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Security Studies Program, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4878 / June / 2416.

06 Agustus 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Science, Technology, and Society, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Science, Technology, and Society, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4879 / Juli / 2416.
August 06th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Science, Technology, and Society, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Science, Technology, and Society, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4879 / July / 2416.

13 Agustus 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Political Science, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Political Science, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4879 / Juli / 2416.
August 13th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Political Science, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Political Science, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4879 / July / 2416.

20 Agustus 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Philosophy, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Philosophy, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4879 / Juli / 2416.
August 20th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Philosophy, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4879 / July / 2416.

27 Agustus 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Music, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Music, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4879 / Juli / 2416.
August 27th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Music, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Music, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4879 / July / 2416.

03 September 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4880 / Agustus / 2416.
September 03rd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of MUISTI (Mandailing University International Science and Technology Initiatives), School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4880 / August / 2416.

10 September 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Literature, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Literature, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4880 / Agustus / 2416.
September 10th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Literature, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Literature, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4880 / August / 2416.

17 September 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4880 / Agustus / 2416.
September 17th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Knight Science Journalism Program Linguistics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4880 / August / 2416.

24 September 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni HyperStudio, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa HyperStudio, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4880 / Agustus / 2416.
September 24th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of HyperStudio, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of HyperStudio, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4880 / August / 2416.

01 Oktober 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni History, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa History, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4881 / September / 2416.
October 01st, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of History, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of History, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4881 / September / 2416.

08 Oktober 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Program in Science Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Program in Science Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4881 / September / 2416.
October 08th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Program in Science Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Program in Science Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4881 / September / 2416.

15 Oktober 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Consortium in Woman's Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Consortium in Woman's Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4881 / September / 2416.
October 15th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Consortium in Woman's Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Consortium in Woman's Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4881 / September / 2416.

22 Oktober 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4881 / September / 2416.
October 22nd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4881 / September / 2416.

29 Oktober 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Economics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Economics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4881 / September / 2416.
October 29th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Economics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Economics, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4881 / September / 2416.

05 Nopember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Comparative Media Studies / Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Comparative Media Studies / Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4882 / Oktober / 2416.
November 05th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Comparative Media Studies / Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Comparative Media Studies / Writing, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4882 / October / 2416.

12 Nopember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Center for International Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Center for International Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4882 / Oktober / 2416.
November 12th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Center for International Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Center for International Studies, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4882 / October / 2416.

19 Nopember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Anthropology, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Anthropology, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4882 / Oktober / 2416.
November 19th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Anthropology, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Anthropology, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4882 / October / 2416.

26 Nopember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Poverty Action Lab., School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Poverty Action Lab., School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4882 / Oktober / 2416.
November 26th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Poverty Action Lab., School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Poverty Action Lab., School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4882 / October / 2416.

03 Desember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4883 / Nopember / 2416.
December 03rd, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (SHASS)  of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4883 / November / 2416.

10 Desember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4883 / Nopember / 2416.
December 10th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4883 / November / 2416.

17 Desember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4883 / Nopember / 2416.
December 17th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4883 / November / 2416.

24 Desember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Mechanical Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Mechanical Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4883 / Nopember / 2416.
December 24th, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Mechanical Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Mechanical Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4883 / November / 2416.

31 Desember 2416 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Alumni Materials Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Materials Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4883 / Nopember / 2416.
December 31st, 2416 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Alumni of Materials Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Dissertation for Degree of PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) [Strata-III, S-3], and Promoter of Professor for students of Materials Science and Engineering, School of  Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4883 / November / 2416.

Sumber-sumber (sources) :

01.  Surat Edaran Nomor 10/SE/M/2018 tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Dokumen Pemilihan Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Dalam Rangka Lelang Dini di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat untuk Tahun Anggaran 2019.
01. Circular Letter Number 10 / SE / M / 2018 concerning Enforcement of the Selection Document Standard for Procurement of Construction Services in the Context of Early Auction in the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for  Budget Year 2019.
02.  Google Translate.

Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, 01 Agustus 2031
Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, August 01st, 2031

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