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Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016



Sejak 1 Muharram 1440 Hijriyah sampai seterusnya akan menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan Para Pengurus Harian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya secara bergantian (rolling).

Since Muharram 01st, 1440 AH onwards will display photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution with The Daily Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation interchangeably (rolling). 

i). Tahun Baru Islam, 01 Muharram, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Ketua II MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
i). Islamic New Year, Muharram 01st, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution with photo of The Second  Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 

ii). Maulud Nabi, 12 Rabiul Awal, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Sekretaris I MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
ii). Maulud Prophet, Rabi al-Awwal 12th, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution with photo of The First Secretary of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 

iii). Selamat Ramadhan, 01 Ramadhan, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Sekretaris II MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
iii). Happy Ramadan, Ramadan 01st, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution with photo of The Second Secretary of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 
iv). Idul Fitri, 01 Syawal, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Sekjend MPP(G) YMR, Sekretaris Jenderal Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
iv). Eid, Shawwal 01st, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution  with photo of The Secretary General of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
v). Idul Adha, 10 Dzulhijjah, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Kethar MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Harian Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
v). Eid al-Adha, Dhu al-Hijjah 10th, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution  with photo of The Daily Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 
vi). Isra' Mi'raj Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Ketua I MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
vi). Isra 'Mi'raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution  with photo of The First Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 

vii). 2 Mei, Hari Pendidikan Nasional, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto KLO PBB TB (Kepala Lembaga Otonom Pusat Bimbingan Belajar Tunas Bangsa).
vii). May 2nd, National Education Day, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution  with photo of The Head of The Autonomous Institution of The Centre for Study Tutoring of Tunas Bangsa.
viii). Baliho dengan kondisi kondisional, menampilkan foto Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution dengan foto Ketua III MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
viii). Billboards with the condition of the conditional, featuring photos of The Founder and The General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution  with photo of The Third Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

12). Differensiasi atas Kader MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
      adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) untuk mengarsipkan seluruh kegiatan
      DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global)
      Yayasan Mandailing Raya mengingat data yang kita butuhkan dalam menimbang seluruh
      rumusan-rumusan kekuatan dialektika logis DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G)
      YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di masa-masa yang akan
      datang. Untuk itu Kader  MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing
     Raya harus mampu secara hipotesis memetakan keberlanjutan dan kesinambungan DS3M
      (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan
      Mandailing Raya, hipotesis ini dibutuhkan untuk memperkuat kadar rekaan keseriusan seluruh
      personel MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dalam
     mengikuti DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat
     (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
12). Differentiation on Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to archive all activities of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation considering the data that we need to weigh the whole formulations of logical dialectic strength of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in the days to come. For that The Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation must be able in hypothesis to map the sustainability of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, this hypothesis is needed to strengthen the fiction level of seriousness of the entire personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in following The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. 
Setelah dapat data kualitatif tingkat keseriusan seluruh personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dalam mengikuti DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa), rumusan ini kita perbuat dalam upaya mengindikasikan materi apa yang dibutuhkan dalam mengimprovisasi recovery material DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) di masa yang akan datang.
After qualitative data can be qualified of the seriousness of all personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in following The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time, this formulation is done by us in an attempt to indicate what is matter needed in the material recovery improvise of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time.
Setelah data teridentifikasi maka dilakukan perekaan atas apa-apa peralatan (tools) yang dibutuhkan dalam mematerialkan hasil-hasil  DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) sebelumnya, untuk dibawa ke dalam forum DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) selanjutnya.
Once the data is carried identified than inferre on any equipment (tools) needed in materialize results of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in advance, to be brought into forum of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time later. 

Peralatan (tools/equipments) yang sudah tersedia akan ditunjuk untuk menguatkan tingkat ukuran menuju perkiraan mencapai terbuktinya konsep-konsep DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) mengkonstruksi UM (Universitas Mandailing) dari M2 -> M2WC 2035 (Masyarakat Mandailing -> Masyarakat Mandailing World Class Tahun 2035).
Equipment (tools / equipments) are already available will be appointed to strengthen the approximate level of size towards achieving its proven concepts of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time construct MU (Mandailing University) of Mandailing’s Society -> Mandailing’s Society World Class of 2035. 
13). Differensiasi atas BCA MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) yang berhubungan dengan Kala Akanan Keanggotaan yang memperkuat tulang punggung basis yang relatif konstruktif di dalam MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya searah arus sejarah Bumi Mandailing yang mengarah kepada level grade kelas tingkat dunia di dalam Ketahanan Pangan.
13). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) associated with Next Future of Membership strengthen the basis spine in relatively constructive in the The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with unidirectional with flow of Earth Mandailing's history that led to the grade level of the world-class level in the Food Security. 
14). Differensiasi atas CA MPP(G) YMR, Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) akanan keanggotaan di dalam internal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tengah riak dinamika Global dan CA MPP(G) YMR, Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya menjadi tulang punggung perjuangan Global MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dari kepemimpinan di tingkat mikro lokal di Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia sampai tataran kebijaksanaan dunia internasional Global.
14). Differentiation of The Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of membership next future in the internal of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in middle of Global dynamics ripple and The Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation became the backbone of the Global struggle of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation at the local micro level in Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia to wisdom level of the Global international world.
15). Differensiasi atas Anggota MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) AnggotaMPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya yang berhubungan erat dengan masa depan strukturisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dalam jiwa utuh dari manifes yang ada, bahwa kita konsisten di dalam mengarahkan semangat dan jiwa kita kepada tujuan mulia, yaitu mendorong semangat pendidikan tinggi yang terpolarisasi pada sudut amalan kita di dunia pendidikan, yang mana Anggota MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dominan dalam mendorong berdirinya UM (Universitas Mandailing) di Bumi Mandailing. Gelorakanlah semangatmu, untuk Mandailing Raya, jaga norma dan moralmu dalam mengajarkan konseptual dan doktrin MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya kepada M2 -> M2WC 2035 (Masyarakat Mandailing -> Masyarakat Mandailing World Class Tahun 2035).
15). Differentiation of The Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of Differentiation of The Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which is closely linked to the future of structuring The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in the whole life of the existing manifest, that we are consistent in directing our spirit and our soul of the noble purpose, which is to encourage the spirit of higher education which is polarized at an angle of our practice in the world of education, which The Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation dominant in encouraging the establishment of MU (Mandailing University) on Earth Mandailing. Light your passion for The Great Mandailing, keep your norms and your morals in teaching the conceptual and doctrinal of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to Mandailing’s Society -> Mandailing’s Society World Class of 2035. 
16). Differensiasi atas BCP MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) yang berhubungan dengan konsepsi Kala Akanan Pengurus membangun MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memutakhirkan utilitas dan dialektika sahih MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya menuju MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya menuju Yayasan berkualitas dunia yang mampu membawa perubahan secara signifikan terhadap kemajuan (progress) Bumi Mandailing secara khusus, dan umumnya masyarakat Global dunia internasional.
16). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) associated with the conception of Official Next Future build The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with updating utility and valid dialectic of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation towards The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation towards the world Foundation's quality which is able to bring about change significantly for the progress of Earth Mandailing specifically, and generally for international Global community. 
Kala Akanan Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya harus rela meluangkan waktunya untuk menginspirasikan ide-ide logis dan terukur menuju paradigma MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya yang mampu merubah peradaban Bumi Mandailing secara khusus, dan umumnya, hakikatnya MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya didorong secara inspiratif oleh BCP MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya untuk diurus secara bertanggung jawab.
The Official Next Future of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation must be willing to take the time to inspire ideas of logical and scalable towards a paradigm of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation are able to change Earth Mandailing civilization in particular, and generally, essentially The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation inspiring driven by The Will be Candidate of Official to care responsibly. 
17). Differensiasi atas CP MPP(G) YMR, Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) berupa akanan kepengurusan yang dedikatif dan aktual dengan metamorfosa rumusan ke dalam bentuk materialis yang membawa manfaat kepada khalayak masyarakat Bumi Mandailing secara signifikan, dalam koridor ketatalaksanaan yang membawa efek positif bagi masa depan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, pengaruh ekonomi Global harus direspon secara Kala Akanan Kepengurusan dengan cerdas (smart), menuju kemandirian ekonomi seluruh personal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. Maka, CP MPP(G) YMR, Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya harus menempatkan diri sebagai pelaku kemandirian ekonomi yang saya maksudkan.
17). Differentiation of The Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) as Next Future administration Official be dedicated and the actual of the formulation metamorphosis into a materialist form that brings benefits to the public audience in Earth Mandailing significantly, in the management corridor that bring positive effects to the future of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, the effect of the Global economy should be responded in Stewardship Next Future with intelligent (smart), to the entire personal economic independence of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. Thus, The Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation must put yourself as an actor of economic independence that I mean in it. 
18). Differensiasi atas Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya secara zamani dan makani, secara keduniawiaan (sekuleristik) kepada bawahan yaitu personal yang ada di struktural di bawah Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global), dari CP MPP(G) YMR, Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia, dan bertanggung jawab di akhirat kelak kepada TYMP (Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa), Atas apa-apa yang diperbuat oleh Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dalam mengurus  MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
18). Differentiation of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in Timing and Placement, is profane (secularistic) to subordinate that is personal in structural under The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  at The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation , from The Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  worldwide, and is responsible in the hereafter to God Almighty, on what is done by The Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  in care of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
Kemudian untuk MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya),
Then for The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation,
1). Differensiasi atas BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah menataeksiskan taktis Kala Akanan Operasi yang membasis di tingkat MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), di tingkat BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) harus tuntas.
1). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is to exist  a tactical for Operating Next Future based on level ofThe Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, at the level of The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation must be completed.
Mentalitas prima, dalam bobot kualifikasi konsistensi dalam menuntaskan segala pekerjaan dan segala perencanaan adalah Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan merelevansikan narasi kesejarahan BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) YMR yang saya tulis dalam JBAR (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset).
Prima mentality, in the qualifying weight with consistency in completing all the work and all the planning is Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with relevancing a historical narrative of The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation that I wrote in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis.
Saya menghargai bobot kualitas BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang berlatar belakang berbagai disiplin ilmu, hal ini saya tegaskan untuk menyemangati seluruh  BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya masing-masing.
I appreciate the quality of The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation whose backgrounds range of disciplines, this thing I emphasize to encourage the entire The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in carrying out its duties and their functions respective.
2). Differensiasi atas CO MPN YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berwujud kehendak prima dalam melegalisasi keabsahan gerakan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang tersebar di seluruh dunia.
2). Differentiation of The Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in  intangibles prime will  to legalize the validity of the movement of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation are scattered throughout the world.
Akanan mengurus suatu hal yang pada nantinya akan diatur di dalam Peraturan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Keputusan Ketua MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), Instruksi Ketua MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), dan tentunya regulasi masing-masing negara yang terdapat dalam negara dimana MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bersangkutan eksis.
The next future care of something that will be set out in Regulation of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Chairman’s Decision of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Chairman’s Instruction of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, and course regulations of each country included in the state where The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation concerned exist.
3). Differensiasi atas Operator MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dimaksudkan agar terwujud riil tujuan-tujuan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), yang akurat dan aktual dengan narasi kekonsistenan yang permanen yang bukan berarti kaku.
3). Differentiation of The Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is meant to ensure the real for objectives of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, which is accurate and actual with permanent consistency narrative that does not mean rigid.
Operator MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) saya berikan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) untuk mengamalkan dan mengindahkan seluruh hasil-hasil DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa), yang objektif dan faktual dengan segmentasi pembagian tugas (job description), yang ketika para senior Operator MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) selesai merumuskan, maka tunaikanlah dan operasikanlah dalil-dalil kesepakatan tersebut yang dibuat secara teknis pendekatan lapangan (field approach) di wilayah MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
The Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation that I gave Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to practice and heed all the results of The Afternoon Saturday Discussion of All Time, which is objective and factual with the segmentation of the division of tasks (job description), that when the senior The Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation finished formulating, then pay and operation arguments of the agreement made in the approach field technical in The The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
Walau Anda-Anda Operator MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), tetapi saya menginginkan Saudara/Saudari mengonsep teknis operasi yang relevan dengan  MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dari Saudara/Saudari sekalian.
Although you all as The Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, but I want a brother / sister drafting operations technical relevant with The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation from Brother / Sister.
4). Differensiasi atas BCSuka MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah Kala Akanan Suka akan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dalam persepsi menapaki ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dalam strukturisasi MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya). Kala akanan Saudara/Saudari BCSuka MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) kepada MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berbentuk kepatutan yang bertanggung jawab dengan mengamalkan ajaran saya yang saya tulis dalam JBAR (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset) yang saya sebut "Kode Agussalim".
4). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is Next Future Love will The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  in the perception climbed to a higher level in structuring The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation. Next future of Brother / Sister as The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation shaped propriety in responsible with practice my teaching that I wrote in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis that I call the "Agussalim’s Code".
Dari informasi sekunder, hikayat Napoleon Bonaparte, maka Kaisar Perancis tersebut rajin menulis untuk melatih pikiran dalam merumuskan stratak (strategi dan taktik) yang dalam realitasnya memunculkan Kumpulan (Koodifikasi) pemikiran Napoleon Bonaparte yang disebut secara populer dengan Kode Napoleon.
Of secondary information, the saga of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Emperor is diligent to write to train the mind in formulating strategy and tactics are in reality raises set (Coodification) of Napoleon Bonaparte’s thought popularly called The Napoleonic Code.
Akan halnya, dengan saya, Inspirator Saudara/Saudari sekalian, Pioneer Saudara/Saudari sekalian, Deklarator Saudara/Saudari sekalian, Pendiri Saudara/Saudari sekalian, Konseptor Saudara/Saudari sekalian, dan Ketum (Ketua Umum) Saudara/Saudari sekalian di MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya menyebut Kumpulan (Koodifikasi) tulisan saya di dalam JBAR (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset) sebagai Kode Agussalim.
Will be the case, with me, Inspirator of Brother / Sister all, Pioneer of Brother / Sister all, Declarator of Brother / Sister all, Founder of Brother / Sister all, Drafter of Brother / Sister all, and General Chairman of Brother / Sister all in The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation call set (Coodification) that I am writing in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis as Agussalim’s code.
Untuk itu Saudara/Saudari seluruh BCSuka  MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk Kala Akanan Menyukai konsep saya yang berbentuk Koodifikasi tulisan saya yang disebut Kode Agussalim.
For the Brother / Sister entire The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation for Next Future Liking my concepts that shaped my writing Coodification called Agussalim Code.
5). Differensiasi atas CSuka MPN YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berwujudkan pada memberikan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) kepada CSuka MPN YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk Akan Menyukai MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang berefek positif bagi kelangsungan dan kelanjutan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang aktual dan faktual dengan narasi kedaulatan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di bawah naungan saya sebagai Pendiri dan Ketum MPP(G) YMR, Ketua Umum Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.
5). Differentiation of The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with shape to give Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to Will Love The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with a positive effect for the survival and continuation of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in actual and factual of sovereignty narrative of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation under the auspices of me as Founder and General Chairman of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
        Akan menyukai MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berfahamkan kepada mazhab sahih yang konstruktif dalam dalil keakanan adalah niat yang tulus kepada  MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), mazhab ideologi kita adalah Globalisasi Kode Agussalim yang menugaskan CSuka MPN YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk cenderung menyukai Kode Agussalim yang diamalkan secara baik oleh CSuka MPN YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh wilayah MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
Would have liked The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with ideology  to constructive valid in argument of futurity is a genuine intention to The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, the our ideology is Globalization for Agussalim’s Code that assigns The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to tend to like Agussalim’s Code who practiced well by The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation throughout The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
6). Differensiasi atas Sukarelawan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) mengilhamkan kita kepada penetapan jiwa dari hati sanubari terdalam dari Sukarelawan  MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
6). Differentiation of The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation inspires us to the determination of soul of deepest hearts of The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
Kohesivitasi aktual mikro membentuk pengaruh yang Global menuju tematik pola pikir (mind set) dari tertata sebagai arus utama (mainstream) dimana diberikan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) kepada Sukarelawan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) mendayagunakan diri sebagai kerja yang serius tapi menyenangkan bagi kelangsungan dan keberlanjutan aktual dari tatanan kemandirian diri dalam menyongsong MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang mandiri.
        Micro actual cohecivity shaping Global influence to the thought patterns thematic (mind-set) of arranged as mainstream where given Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation) empower themselves as serious working but fun for the viability and sustainability of the actual of independence in order to meet The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation are independent.
7). Differensiasi atas BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah melegitimasi Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang cenderung kepada rasa simpati secara Kala Akanan Simpati terhadap eksistensi MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan mematuhi rambu-rambu yang berlaku sesuai dengan regulasi atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia) dengan melengkapkan diri sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam menataeksiskan seluruh realitas yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat negara yang bersangkutan.
7). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is legitimized Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which tend to be sense of sympathy in sympathy next future to the existence of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to comply with the guidelines that apply in accordance with regulations or laws applicable in the Republic of Indonesia with complete self as an integral part in managing and existing the whole reality of growing in the society of the country concerned.
BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dalam diktum AD/ART MPP(G) YMR, Anggaran Dasar / Anggaran Rumah Tangga Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya mendorong MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) kepada pemuliaan dan pemutuan realitas posisi BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang menjadi ilham terhadap yunior-yunior mulai dari Sukarelawan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga) di seluruh negara dimana BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang dimaksud ditempatkan.
The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in the dictum of the Articles of Association / Bylaws of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation encourage The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to the breeding and qualifying position reality of The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which became the inspiration for juniors from The Volunteer of The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  in all countries where The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  is placed.
8). Differensiasi atas CS MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) merupakan fakta yang tidak terelakkan bagi perekrutan atas bentuk yang Akanan Simpati atas eksistensi atau keberadaan dari MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dimana Saudara/Saudari CS MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) mendapatkan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) melakukan realitas yang berhubungan dengan ketatalaksanaan sistem administrasi yang mengkonstruksi nafas dan jiwa nadi organ organik organisasi CS MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) secara akurat dan akumulatif sebagai interpretasi keseriusan Saudara/Saudari dalam mengembangkan dan mengintensifkan dalil logis (dalil 'aqli) kepada sistem rekruitmen ke bawah CS MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) mulai dari Simpatisan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
8). Differentiation of The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is an inevitable fact for recruiting for shape of sympathy Next Future on the existence or whereabouts of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  where Brother / Sister as The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation get Auth (Main Duties and Functions) do realities associated with the management system of the administration of construct the breath and pulse soul of organization organic organ of The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation accurately and accumulative as the interpretation of the seriousness of brother / sister in developing and intensifying the logical proposition ('aqli proposition) to the recruitment system under The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation ranging from The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation until  until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
9). Differensiasi atas Simpatisan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), yang memang saat tulisan ini saya buat pada Hari Kamis, tanggal 31 Juli 2014 pukul 20:00 WIB di rumah saya di Aek Galoga, Desa Pidoli Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia, maka konsepsi Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) seluruh personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya sampai personil MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sangat abstrak bagi saya, namun demikian di masa-masa yang akan datang akan saya buat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari seluruh personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya sampai personil MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya), yaitu Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari,
9). Differentiation of The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, which is the time of this writing I made on Thursday, dated July 31st, 2014 at 08:00 pm at my house in Aek Galoga, Desa Pidoli Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia,, the conception  of Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of all personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to personnel of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation are very abstract to me , however, in times to come I will make Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of the entire personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to personnel of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, namely Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of,
- BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- CO MPRT YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- Operator MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Operator of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
      - BCSuka MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- CSuka MPRT YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- Sukarelawan MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Volunteer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- BCS MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
       - CS MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- Simpatisan MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Symphatizer of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- BCK MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
-  CK MPRT YMR (Bakal Kader Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Candidate of Cadre of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- Kader MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Cadre of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.
- BCA MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great
Mandailing Foundation.

- CA MPRT YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPRT YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Neighborhood  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPRW YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPRW YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPRW YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPRW YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPRW YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPRW YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPRW YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPRW YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Warga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Pillar of Citizen Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPDes/Kel YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPDes/Kel YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPDes/Kel YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.



- CK MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPDes/Kel YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPDes/Kel YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPDes/Kel YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPDes/Kel YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Desa/Kelurahan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Village / Administrative Village Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPKec YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator  MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPKec YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPKec YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPKec YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPKec YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPKec YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPKec YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPKec YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kecamatan Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The District Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPProv YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPProv YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPProv YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPProv YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPProv YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPProv YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPN YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Operator of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPN YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Volunteer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPN YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Symphatizer of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPN YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPN YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.



- Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

- The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCO MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CO MPP(G) YMR, Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Operator of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Operator MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Operator of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCSuka MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Volunteer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CSuka MPP(G) YMR, Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Volunteer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Sukarelawan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Volunteer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCS MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Symphatizer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CS MPP(G) YMR, Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Symphatizer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Simpatisan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Symphatizer of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCK MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CK MPP(G) YMR, Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Kader MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCA MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CA MPP(G) YMR, Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Anggota MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Member of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- BCP MPP(G) YMR, Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- CP MPP(G) YMR, Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


- Pengurus MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

- The Will be Candidate of Official of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.










10). Differensiasi atas BCK MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) merupakan penugasan berupa optimalisasi penuh atas Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) BCK MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang ditugaskan untuk merubah cara berpikir dan pola pikir (mind set) yang berhubungan dengan paradigma berpikir yang sahih, bahwa membentuk suatu tatanan strukturisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya tidak terpisahkan dan tidak terpisahkan dari kulturisasi Budaya Mandailing di negara mana pun ditempatkan, sesuai dengan fungsinya sebagai agen Budaya Mandailing oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di negara mana pun BCK MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) ditugaskan.

10). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is the assignment as a form in full optimization of on the Auth (Main Duties and Functions) for The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation assigned to change the way of thinking and mindset that is associated with a valid paradigm, that form a structuring order of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in integral and inseparable from culture culturization of Mandailing in any country is placed, according with its function as an agent of Mandailing’s Culture by The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in any country that The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation assigned.


11). Differensiasi atas CK MPN YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) atas CK MPN YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu bertugas melakukan Akanan Kaderisasi yang memperkuat restrukturisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sesuai dengan fungsi Saudara/Saudari CK MPN YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang membiming yunior-yunior Saudara/Saudari mulai dari BCK MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai kepada seluruh BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di negara mana Saudara/Saudari ditempatkan.

11). Differentiation on The Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is made Auth (Main Duties and Functions) on The Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is tasked with restructuring the next future of cadretization that strengthen The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  in level of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation according to the function of Brother / Sister as The Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which tutoring juniors of Brother / Sister ranging from The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation until the entire The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in countries where Brother / Sister placed.


12). Differensiasi atas Kader MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti memberikan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) berupa bagaimana Kader-Kader MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) menuntaskan tugasnya yang berhubungan dengan realitas kesebangunan ekonomi yang relevan diterapkan di internal MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dimana Kader MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) ditempatkan dengan memungsikan diri sebagai yang mampu merangsang pemikiran secara dialektis terhadap materialisasi dari realitas ketangguhan ekonomi Kader MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang harus dipersiapkan sejak dini.

12). Differentiation on The Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means giving Auth (Main Duties and Functions) in the form of how Cadres of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation completed the duties associated with the economic similarity realities of relevant applied in internal of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation where The Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation placed with function themselves as capable of stimulating thinking dialectically to the materialization of the reality of the economic resilience of The Cadre of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which should be prepared early.


13). Differensiasi atas BCA MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mempertangguh dan memperhebat tuntasnya Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCA MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu bertugas mempersiapkan unit-unit usaha ekonomi produktif terutama industri rumah tangga (home industry) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai konseptor industri rumah tangga untuk seluruh lini MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di negara dimana BCA MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) ditempatkan.

13). Differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means to strong and intensify completion of Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is in charge of preparing the business units of productive economy mainly domestic industry (home industry) with function themselves as drafter of domestic industry for the entire line of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in countries where The Will be Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation was placed.














14). Differensiasi atas CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti melakukan dialektika logis berupa format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) yang harus dituntaskan oleh seluruh CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang memiliki tugas memandirikan ekonomi seluruh yunior-yunior mulai dari BCA MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh lini negara di mana CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di mana ditempatkan dengan memungsikan diri masing-masing CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu mencontohkan diri sebagai yang mampu mandiri secara ekonomi.

14). Differentiation of The Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means doing the logical dialectic as form Auth format (Main Duties and Functions) that must be completed by all The Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which has the task to make independence economic for entire juniors from The Will be Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation throughout the state line where The Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in which is placed with function each self for The Candidate of Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which exemplifies itself as capable of economically independent.


15). Differensiasi atas Anggota MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu merumuskan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) Anggota MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang berhubungan dengan Tugas Anggota MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk mendorong kemandirian ekonomi ke arah kemandirian UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Koperasi, dan Menengah) terhadap proses alamiah ekonomi dasar yang dikandungkan oleh mayoritas personal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya saat ini dengan memungsikan diri Anggota MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sebagai motor penggerak  kemandirian ekonomi ke arah kemandirian UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Koperasi, dan Menengah) yunior-yunior mulai dari CA MPN YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai ke BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

15). Differentiation of The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is to formulate Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation associated with Task of The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to encourage economic independence towards independence of Micro, Cooperative, and Medium Enterprises to the natural process of basic economic are held by the majority of personal of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is currently with function of self of The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation as the motor of economic independence towards independence of Micro, Cooperative, and Medium Enterprises of juniors from The Member of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation up to The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


16). Differensiasi atas BCP MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti pemberian Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) kepada BCP MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas secara Kala Akanan Kepengurusan dalam mengkonstruksi MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) kemandirian Unit Usaha baik secara milik perseorangan maupun kelembagaan dalam upaya memperkuat ketangguhan kemandirian ekonomi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan mengefektifkan fungsi diri dari BCP MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu melakukan pembenahan ketersediaan (availaibility) usaha-usaha ekonomi baik secara perseorangan maupun secara kelembagaan (institutionally) untuk ketangguhan ekonomi MPP(G) YMR, (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya)

16). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means giving Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing which served as Official System Next Future in constructing The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in Business Unit independence both private property and institutional in an effort to strengthen the resilience of economic independence of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to streamline the functions themselves from The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which make corrections availability of economic enterprises either individually or institutionally for economic resilience of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


17). Differensiasi atas CP MPN YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti merumuskan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) yaitu bertugas mensinkronkan seluruh kinerja yang berhubungan dengan pemaduan (to match) kinerja yunior-yunior yaitu mulai dari BCP MPN YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) menjadi 1 (satu) sistem yang terstruktur terhadap upaya kemandirian organ organik MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan seluruh potensi diri dan kelembagaan yang memperkuat fondasi utuh usaha-usaha ekonomi yang memperkuat organ organik organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya secara tepat dan tercapai secepatnya sesuai hukum peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

17). Differentiation on The Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formulating Auth (Main Duties and Functions) is tasked synchronize all performance related to integration (to match) performance of juniors starting from The Will be Candidate of Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to 1 (one) structured system to attempt organic organ independence of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  with function entire self potential and the institutional strengthen foundation of the whole economic efforts that strengthen the organization organic organ of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in accurately and achieved as soon as possible according to the law regulations applicable.


18). Differensiasi atas Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu bertugas mengoptimalkan hak suara yang dimilikinya menjadi mandat yang mengkonstruksi kesenergian antara konsep dan income yang merupakan optimalisasi pengelolaan terhadap sumber-sumber ekonomi yang dimiliki secara personal maupun kelembagaan sebagai 1 (satu) kesatuan utuh menyeluruh (intact) dengan mengoptimalkan fungsi diri sebagai Pengurus yang memiliki hak suara di setiap MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia. Dengan hak suara yang dimiliki oleh Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya), maka Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berhak membuat kesepakatan dengan Pengurus MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) lainnya, dengan mengacu kepada AD/ART MPP(G) YMR, Anggaran Dasar / Anggaran Rumah Tangga Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

18). Differentiation on The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  is in charge of optimizing its voting rights be mandate that construct matching between concepts and income which is the optimization of the management of the economic resources owned personally and institutionally as 1 (one) complete unified whole (intact) to optimize the function itself as the Official with voting rights in each The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in all over the world. Of the voting rights held by The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation entitled to make an agreement with other The Official of The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, with reference to the Articles of Association / Bylaws of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

MPProv YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


1). Differensiasi atas BCO MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti memberikan Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) kepada BCO MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu memiliki Tugas secara Kala Akanan mengoperasikan setiap konsepsi yang ada di MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) secara membumi dan sampai ke tapak basis di setiap MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di provinsi mana BCO MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan mengoptimalkan potensial diri yang mengacu kepada Kala Akanan concern dengan amalan yang dikonsep oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

1). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means giving Auth (Main Duties and Functions) to The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which has the task in Next Future System operate any conception that in The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  in The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is grounded and down to the base tread in each The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in the province where The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation ) with optimize the potential to that comply with Next Future System concern with deeds drafted by The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


2). Differensiasi atas CO MPProv YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CO MPProv YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berupa akanan mengoperasikan seluruh formula yang berhubungan dengan kinerja taktis dari MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai inisiator operasi terhadap seluruh konsepsi yang saya tulis dalam JBAR (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset).

2). Differentiation on The Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with next future form operate the entire formula related to tactical performance of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as initiators of operations against the whole conception that I wrote in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis.

Akanan operatif dalam internal MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah bangunan dialektika logis yang mengedepankan format baku atas tatanan realitas yang aktual dan akurat dengan jabaran urai yang terformulasi untuk memperkokoh masa depan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya sepanjang masa. 

Operative next future in internal of  The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation) is building a logical dialectic that puts the standard format on the actual order of reality and accurate descriptions explained formulated to strengthen the future of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation of all time.


3). Differensiasi atas Operator MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti Operator MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) pro aktif dalam narasi kekuatan kedaulatan masa depan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang diformat dalam bentuk Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) Operator MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan tugas Operator secara fisik terhadap eksistensi ke-YMR-an (ke-Yayasan Mandailing Raya-an) yang melibatkan pergerakan yunior-yunior mulai dari BCO MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai penggerak di tingkat MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) kepada yunior-yunior.

3). Differentiation on The Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means The Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation be pro-active in the sovereignty power narrative of the future of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation are formatted in the Auth (Principal Task and Function) of The Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with the task of Operator in physically of the existence of all performances of The Great Mandailing Foundation which involves the movement of juniors from The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function theirselves as a driver at the level of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to the juniors.


4). Differensiasi atas BCSuka MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) BCSuka MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu bertugas secara Kala Akanan kesukaan terhadap MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan ikhtiar yang tulus secara sukarela mengemban amanat tanpa pamrih ada inisiatif kala akanan menjadi Sukarelawan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai pelaku terhadap manifes-manifes yang dihasilkan oleh MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang berhubungan dengan regulasi YMR (Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang tidak bertentangan dengan Produk Hukum atau Regulasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dan MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang ada di atasnya.

4). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of  Volunteerof The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of  Volunteerof The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which served as next future system with like against The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  with sincere initiative with voluntarily undertaking endeavor selfless when next future be The Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  with function themselves as actors to manifests generated t by The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation relating to the regulation of The Great Mandailing Foundation are not contrary to law or regulation of Products The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation and The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation who is on it.


5). Differensiasi atas CSuka MPProv YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti membuat format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) CSuka MPProv YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu memiliki tugas Akan secara Sukarela pro aktif membela MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk kejayaan dan keabadian MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai CSuka MPProv YMR (Calon Sukarelawan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang mengerti visi dan misi dari MPP(G) YMR Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

5). Differentiation on The Candidate of  Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means making Auth format (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of  Volunteerof The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which has the task would be pro-actively Voluntary defend The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to its former glory and immortality of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as The Candidate of  Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation who understands the vision and mission of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


6). Differensiasi atas Sukarelawan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) yang bertugas memperkuat hakikat Sukarelawan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang basis secara jiwa dan raga untuk mendorong MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) maju untuk mendorong MPN YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Negara Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di atasnya untuk mendorong MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya eksis dalam tata pergaulan dunia internasional Global dengan memungsikan diri secara Sukarela berbuat untuk kejayaan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

6). Differentiation on The Volunteer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) who served to strengthen the volunteer essential of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation whose base is body and soul to encourage The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation developed to encourage The Country Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  on it to push The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  existed in the governance of the international community, Global self memungsikan voluntary act for the glory MPP (G) YMR, the Central Executive Council  Foundation Mandailing Kingdom.


7). Differensiasi atas BCS MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCS MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu memiliki tugas menuntaskan program kaderisasi di tingkat tapak basis massa di setiap MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sebagai bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari program 7B MPP(G) YMR SM, Tujuh Baliho Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya Sepanjang Masa di Kantor Pusat Global (Global Head Office) di Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia dan DS3M (Diskusi Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa) di Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia. 

7). Differentiation on The Will be Candidiate of Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Sympathizers of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation who served to completed the regeneration program at the level mass base site in each The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation as an integral part of the program of Seven Billboards of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation All Time in The Global Head Office in Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia and The Afternoon Saturday Discussion All Time in Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia. 


8). Differensiasi atas CS MPProv YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CS MPProv YMR (Calon Simpatisan Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas memperhebat rasa simpati masyarakat terhadap MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai perangsang (stimulator) terhadap kesimpatian yang ada di tengah-tengah khalayak masyarakat banyak.

8). Differentiation on The Candidiate of Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Sympathizers of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation who served intensify public sympathy against The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as stimulator) to sympathy feeling that is in the midst of many public audiences.


9). Differensiasi atas Simpatisan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari Simpatisan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang memiliki tugas sebagai pengemban amanat mensosialisasikan seluruh program khalayak masyarakat banyak dengan pendekatan simpatik dengan memungsikan diri sebagai Simpatisan ke dalam internal MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dan mendapatkan simpati yang mendalam dari eksternal MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

9). Differentiation on The Symphatizer of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of sympathizers of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  which has the task as mandate to socialize the entire program with a lot of public audience with a sympathetic approach with function themselves as Symphatizer into internal of Symphatizer and get the deep sympathy of external of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


10). Differensiasi atas BCK MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCK  MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas secara Kala Akanan meregenerasi personil-personil baru MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan yang dikeluarkan oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai pelaku aktif mengkader personil-personil baru dari MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

10). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, which served as Next Future Time regenerate new personnels of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in accordance with the Laws and Regulations issued by The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as active agents of new cadres of personnel from The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


11). Differensiasi atas CK MPProv YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CK MPProv YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas mengarahkan personil-personil baru MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) secara organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai CK  MPProv YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang mampu secara akanan memiliki kompetensi mengkader personil-personil baru MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

11). The differentiation on The Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation in charge of directing the new personnel of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation in organization organizational organic organ of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation  with function themselves as The Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation are able to next future system have competence mobilize new personnel of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.


12). Differensiasi atas Kader MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti memformat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari Kader MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang memiliki tugas mendoktrin yunior-yuniornya dari CK MPProv YMR (Calon Kader Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) secara proses kaderisasi organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai pengkader yang memahami Peraturan Perundang-Undangan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

12). The differentiation on The Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation which has the task of indoctrinating the youth-juniors from The Candidate of Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation until The Will be Candidate of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation in regeneration process of organizational organic organ of organization of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation with function  themselves as recruiters who understand Regulation Legislation of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.  


13). Differensiasi atas BCA MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCA MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yaitu bertugas secara Kala Akanan Keanggotaan melakukan kearsipan keanggotaan yunior-yuniornya mulai dari Kader MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) sampai BCO MPRT YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai administrator kearsipan yang berhubungan dengan Kala Akanan Keanggotaan di tingkat MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

13). The differentiation of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation which served as Membership Future doing membership archival of  juniors ranging from The Cadre of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation until The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation with make function theirselves as an archives administrator associated with membership future in level of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.


14). Differensiasi atas CA MPProv YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CA MPProv YMR (Calon Anggota Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas secara Akanan Keanggotaan meluruhkan diri ke dalam sistem yang dibuat oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri secara Akanan Keanggotaan setia kepada doktrin yang dibuat oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan menunjukkan perilaku (attitude) setia kepada MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya bila sejalan dengan sistem aturan yang dibuat MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya.

14). Differentiation on The Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which served as Membership Future Time shed themselves into the system made by The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as Membership Future Time faithful to the doctrine made by The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation by showing behavior (attitude ) loyal to The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  when the system is in line with the rules made by The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


15). Differensiasi atas Anggota MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti membuat Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari Anggota MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas mempersiapkan diri secara mental dan fisik juga kesiapsiagaan secara jiwa dan raga menjadi Anggota MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) tanpa pamrih berdasar kepada keyakinan diri bahwa MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya membimbing ke arah kehidupan yang lebih baik dengan memungsikan segala daya dan upaya yang dimiliki untuk kejayaan sepanjang masa MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya. 

15). Differentiation on Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means making Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in charge of preparing self in mentally and physically as well as mental and physical preparedness to become a Member of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation selfless is based on the confidence that The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation guiding the direction of a better life with function all owned resources and efforts to glory along period for The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


16). Differensiasi atas BCP MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCP MPProv YMR (Bakal Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas sebagai Kala Akanan Kepengurusan bertanggung jawab atas organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPProv (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai penganut kesetiaan menjalankan roda organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

16). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Will be Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation which served as Future Time of Stewardship with responsible on organs organic organizational organization of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in level of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function themselves as adherents of loyalty running the organization organizational organic organ of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


17). Differerensiasi atas CP MPProv YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CP MPProv YMR (Calon Pengurus Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas menzonasi wilayah Akanan Kepengurusan MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan menerapkan secara efektif regulasi atau Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang dikeluarkan oleh MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dengan memungsikan diri sebagai Akanan Pengurus yang bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap eksistensi dari kelembagaan organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

17). Differerensiasi on The Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  who served zoning The Future Region of  Stewardship of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to effectively implement regulations or legislation issued by The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  with function themselves as The Official Future are fully responsible for the existence of institutional of organization organizational organic organs of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation at level of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.


18). Differensiasi atas Pengurus MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari Pengurus MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas secara dunia dan akhirat kepada umat manusia dan kepada TYMP (Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa), Allah SWT atas segala kepengurusan yang dijalankan secara eksis keorganisasian MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan roda organ organik organisatoris organisasi MPProv YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Provinsi Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai Pengurus yang kompeten di bidangnya.

18). Differentiation on The Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Official of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation who served in the world and the hereafter to mankind and to The Lord the Mighty, Allah above all that is run by organization existing management for The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation relating to the implementation of organizational organic organ wheel of The Provincial Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation with function  themselves as The Official with competent in their field.


MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya)

The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.


1). Differensiasi atas BCO MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari BCO MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas menyelamatkan sistem kontrol yang efektif atas tuntasnya seluruh program  ketika melakukan operasi lapangan riil di tingkat MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai BCO MPKab/Kot YMR (Bakal Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang tangguh dalam memperjuangkan seluruh program MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

1). Differentiation on The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation has duty rescue effective control system over the completion of the entire program when doing real field operations at the level of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation) with function themselves as The Will be Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation are formidable in the fight for the whole program of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation  at the level of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.


2). Differensiasi atas CO MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berarti mem-format Tupoksi (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) dari CO MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang bertugas secara Akanan Operasi mengoperasikan seluruh program MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya di tingkat MPKab/Kot (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dengan memungsikan diri sebagai CO MPKab/Kot YMR (Calon Operator Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang mampu memilih zona tempat dimana program MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya diterapkan secara efektif di tingkat MPKab/Kot YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Kabupaten/Kota Yayasan Mandailing Raya).

2). Differentiation on The Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation means formatting Auth (Main Duties and Functions) of The Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation in charge in Operation Future operate throughout the program The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation at level of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation with function itself as The Candidate of Operator of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation are able to choose the zone where the program of The Central (Global)  Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation implemented effectively at the level of The Regency/City Leadership Assembly of The Great  Mandailing Foundation.


Roburan Lombang, 01 September 2014

Roburan Lombang, September 01st, 2014


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