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Jumat, 27 Oktober 2017







Arahan Pendiri & Ketum (Ketua Umum)
MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
Referrals from The Founder & The General Chairman of
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution

Materi - Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Materials of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing FoundationBanggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

02 Januari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Program S-1, Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3048/Desember/2263.
January 02nd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of The Department of Soil Science, S-1 Program, The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3048 / December / 2263.

09 Januari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Program S-1, Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3048/Desember/2263.
January 09th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of originator of The Department of Science of Pest and Disease of Plant (The Plant Protection), S-1 Program, The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3048 / December / 2263.

16 Januari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Program S-1, Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3048/Desember/2263.
January 16th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Aquaculture, Program S-1, The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3048 / December / 2263.

23 Januari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Program S-1, Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3048/Desember/2263.
January 23rd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of originator of The Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, S-1 Program, The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3048 / December / 2263.

30 Januari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Program S-1, Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3048/Desember/2263.
January 30th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the founders of the S-1 Program, The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3048 / December / 2263.

06 Februari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas  Pertanian UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3049/Januari/2264.
February 06th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the founders of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Agriculture of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3049 / January / 2264.

13 Februari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Doktor, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3049/Januari/2264.
February 13th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the founders of the Department of Sciences of Medicine and Health, Doctorate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3049 / January / 2264.

20 Februari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Doktor, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3049/Januari/2264.
February 20th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of Doctorate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3049 / January / 2264

27 Februari 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Keperawatan, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3049/Januari/2264.

February 27th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of originator of The Department of Nursing, Master, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3049 / January / 2264.

05 Maret 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3050/Februari/2264.
March 05th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Medical Education Science, Master, Post Graduate Program, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3050 / February / 2264.

12 Maret 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3050/Februari/2264.
March 12th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originators of the Department of Public Health Science, Master, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3050 / February / 2264.

19 Maret 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3050/Februari/2264.
March 19th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Tropical Medicine Science, Master, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3050 / February / 2264.

26 Maret 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3050/Februari/2264.
March 26th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, Master, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3050 / February / 2264.

02 April 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3051/Maret/2264.
April 02nd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Basic Medical Science, Master, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3051 / March / 2264.

09 April 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Master, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3051/Maret/2264.
April 09th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of Master, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3051 / March / 2264.

16 April 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Urologi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3051/Maret/2264.
April 16th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Urology, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3051 / March / 2264.

23 April 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Radiologi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3051/Maret/2264.
April 23rd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Radiology, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3051 / March / 2264.

30 April 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3051/Maret/2264.

April 30th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Clinical Pathology, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3051 / March / 2264.

07 Mei 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3052/April/2264.
May 07th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Anatomy Pathology, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3052 / April / 2264.

14 Mei 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3052/April/2264.
May 14th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3052 / April / 2264.

21 Mei 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3052/April/2264.
May 21st, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the originators of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3052 / April / 2264.

28 Mei 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3052/April/2264.

May 28th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3052 / April / 2264.

04 Juni 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf/Nerologi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3053/Mei/2264.
June 04th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of originator of The Department of Neurology / Nerology, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3053 / May / 2264.

11 Juni 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3053/Mei/2264.
June 11th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the originators of the Department of Disease of Heart and Blood Vessels, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3053 / May / 2264.

18 Juni 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3053/Mei/2264.
June 18th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Internal Medicine Science, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3053 / May / 2264.

25 Juni 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3053/Mei/2264.

June 25th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3053 / May / 2264.

02 Juli 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher) / Otolaryngology, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3054/Juni/2264.
July 02nd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the founders of the Department of Health Science of Ear Nose Throat - Head Neck (Otolaryngology), Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3054 / June / 2264.

09 Juli 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3054/Juni/2264.
July 09th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of originator of The Department of Health of Skin and Gender, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3054 / June / 2264.

16 Juli 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3054/Juni/2264.
July 16th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Children's Health, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3054 / June / 2264.

23 Juli 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3054/Juni/2264.
July 23rd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of the Department of Mental Medicine, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3054 / June / 2264.

30 Juli 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3054/Juni/2264.

July 30th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the founders of The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medico Legal, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3054 / June / 2264.

06 Agustus 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3055/Juli/2264.
August 06th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Neurosurgery, Specialist Doctor, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3055 / July / 2264.

13 Agustus 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Bedah Anak, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3055/Juli/2264.
August 13th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Children's Surgery, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3055 / July / 2264.

20 Agustus 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3055/Juli/2264.
August 20th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Surgery, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3055 / July / 2264.

27 Agustus 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3055/Juli/2264.
August 27th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, Specialist Doctor, Post-Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3055 / July / 2264.

03 September 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Dokter Spesialis, Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3056/Agustus/2264.
September 03rd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of Doctor Specialist, Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3056 / August / 2264.

10 September 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Pasca Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3056/Agustus/2264.
September 10th, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of Post Graduate, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3056 / August / 2264.

17 September 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3056/Agustus/2264.
September 17th, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of the Department of Health Nutrition, Degree, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3056 / August / 2264.

24 September 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan, Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3056/Agustus/2264.
September 24th, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of the Department of Nursing, Bachelor, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3056 / August / 2264.

01 Oktober 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3057/September/2264.
October 1st, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of the Department of Medical Education, Degree, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3057 / September / 2264.
08 Oktober 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Sarjana, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3057/September/2264.
October 8th 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originators of Degree, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3057 / September / 2264.

15 Oktober 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3057/September/2264.
October 15th, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3057 / September / 2264.

22 Oktober 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu  Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu  Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3057/September/2264.

October 22nd, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of the Department of Chemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3057 / September / 2264.

29 Oktober 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Astronomi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu  Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu  Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3057/September/2264.

October 29th, 2264 Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference   "The existence of the history of the originator of the Department of Astronomy, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3057 / September / 2264.

03 Desember 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3059/Nopember/2264.
December 03rd, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time  Number : 3059 / November / 2264.

10 Desember 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3059/Nopember/2264.
December 10th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3059 / November / 2264.

17 Desember 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3059/Nopember/2264.
December 17th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of the Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3059 / November / 2264.

24 Desember 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3059/Nopember/2264.
December 24th, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "The historical existence of the founders of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of  (Professor) For students of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3059 / November / 2264.

31 Desember 2264 materi KUM S3 M (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa)-e-Teleconference “Eksistensi sejarah orang-orang pencetus Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3059/Nopember/2264.
December 31st, 2264 material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time -Electronic-Teleconference  "Existence of history of the originator of The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3059 / November / 2264.

Riuh rendahnya proses politik nasional tidak harus melibatkan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai pelaku politik juga terhadap politik praktis yang membentang yang otomatik terhampar di tengah khalayak masyarakat nasional mulai dari Sabang sampai Merauke, UM (Universitas Mandailing) tetap kukuh pada aktivasi Riset Ilmiah Perguruan Tinggi SM (Sepanjang Masa), intinya muara analisis tetap pada lembaga ilmiah UM (Universitas Mandailing), kaum profesional civitas akademika UM (Universitas Mandailing) mendesak kepentingan politik bias mulai dari tingkat rumah tangga, rukun tetangga, rukun warga, dusun, kampung, desa/kelurahan, kecamatan, kabupaten/kota, provinsi, negara, kawasan regional, benua, sampai dunia internasional global bumi menjadi sistem organisasi profesional.
The tumult of the national political process does not have to involve MU (Mandailing University) as a political actor as well as the practical politics that stretches automatically which lie in the middle of a national community audience ranging from Sabang to Merauke, MU (Mandailing University) remains strong on activation of Scientific Research of college of All Time, essentially the estuary of analysis remains at scientific institution of MU (Mandailing University), the academics professional community of MU (Mandailing University) urges bias political interests to start from levels of the household, neighborhood, pillar of citizen, hamlet, village, administrative village, districts, regency  / cities, provinces, countries, regional regions, continents, until the international world of the earth global becomes a system of professional organizations.

Langkah-langkah UM (Universitas Mandailing) tetap SM (Sepanjang Masa) dalam melaksanakan 1. KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference), 2. JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa), dan 3. 7 BT SM MPP(G) YMR, Tujuh Baliho Tahunan Sepanjang Masa Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, akumulasi terapan ilmiah yang diterapkan oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing) menstrukturisasi kaum politik bias yang memiliki kepentingan sempit untuk kepentingan pribadi, golongan, dan kelompok, untuk hal tersebut di atas, maka pendekatan keilmiahan tetap dilaksanakan berdasarkan kepada bobot kohesi dan analisis riil pada objek kajian yang memberikan solusi secara universal.
Steps of MU (Mandailing University) are still All Time in carrying out 1. The Public Lecture of Afternoon aturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference, 2. The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time, and 3. 7 (Seven) Annual Billboards of All Time of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, scientific applied accumulation applied by MU (Mandailing University) structuring biased politicians who have narrow interests for interests of personal, faction , and groups, for the above, the scientific approach is still carried out based on the weight of cohesion and real analysis on the object of study that provides a universal solution.

Aktualitas dari sistem politik nasional tidak seharusnya melibatkan MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya dalam arus politik praktis dan arus organik, telah berkali-kali saya sebutkan dalam jurnal-jurnal sebelumnya bahwa MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya tidak terlibat dan melibatkan diri dalam politik praktis secara kelembagaan namun juga tidak melarang Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya ikut dalam dunia politik dengan syarat mengikuti politik secara pribadi bukan atas nama kelembagaan.
The actuality of the national political system should not involve The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in the practical political flow and organic flow, I have mentioned many times in previous journals that The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is not involved and involve itself itself in practical politics in an institutional manner but also does not prohibit Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation participates in politics on the condition of following politics personally not on behalf of the institutional name.

Nalar UM (Universitas Mandailing) sepanjang Bulan Oktober kemarin meninjau realitas atom RT (Rukun Tetangga), mikron RW (Rukun Warga), mikro Desa, mini lokal Kecamatan, lokal Kabupaten/Kota, makro lokal provinsi, nasional, regional, kontinental hingga global dunia internasional dimana UM (Universitas Mandailing) berpijak, isu global dunia internasional bumi yang ada antara konflik Palestina - Israel adalah isu global yang tidak pernah kunjung padam, dengan didasarkan pada analisis UM (Universitas Mandailing) melalui Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIPOL) yaitu rekomendasi Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, perdamaian abadi dunia di Yerussalem sangat sensitif karena menyangkut isu 3 (tiga) agama langit (samawi) yaitu Islam, Kristen dan Yahudi.
Reason of MU (Mandailing University) throughout last October reviewed the atomic reality of neighborhood, microns of pillar of citizen, micro of villages, mini-local of districts, local of regencies/cities, macro local of province, national, regional, continental  to the earth global international world where MU (Mandailing University) is based, the earth global international world issue that exists between the conflict of Palestinian - Israel is a global issue that has never been extinguished, based on the analysis of MU (Mandailing University) through the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences is a recommendation of the Department of International Relations, the eternal peace of the world in Jerusalem is very sensitive because it involves the issue of 3 (three) celestial religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Sejarah pun mencatat bahwa belum ada 1 (satu) pun Sekjend PBB (Sekretaris Jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) yang mampu meredam konflik berdarah di Yerussalem, ketika saya didudukkan sebagai Sekjend PBB (Sekretaris Jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) maka langkah-langkah yang saya tempuh adalah penguatan rasa persaudaraan antara Muslim dengan Yahudi sebagai satu moyang, tentang reaksi riil langkah-langkah yang saya maksudkan akan saya utarakan kemudian.
History also noted that not even one (one) Secretary General of the United Nations was able to reduce the bloody conflict in Jerusalem, when I was appointed as Secretary General of the United Nations, the steps that I took is strengthening the sense of brotherhood between Muslims and Jews as an ancestor, about the real reaction of the steps that I mean I will say later.

Pantauan atas realitas isu kebenuaan (kontinental) Asia adalah menyimak penguatan ekonomi masyarakat Benua Asia terhadap kemakmuran ekonomi global dunia internasional bumi, Benua Asia kaya dengan SDA (Sumber Daya Alam) mentah yang pada gilirannya berkontribusi pada bahan-bahan pabrik yang dibutuhkan oleh Benua Amerika, Benua Eropa, Benua Afrika dan Benua Australia.
Monitoring of the reality of continental issue of Asia is listening to the strengthening of the community economy of the Asian Continent towards the prosperity of the international world global economy, the Asian Continent is rich in raw natural resources, which in turn contributes to the factory materials needed by the Continent of Americas, Continent of Europe, Continent of Africa and Continent of Australia.

Regional Asia Tenggara signifikan dalam stabilitas kawasan yang memengaruhi perdamaian dunia, tentang Asia Tenggara yang majemuk secara kultural dan dinyatakan masih seragam secara genetis keturunan memiliki dalil maju bahwa penguatan PBB AT, Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN, Association South East Asian Nations) berdampak edukatif kepada UM (Universitas Mandailing) dengan isu reinkarnasi kejayaan masa lampau Asia Tenggara kepada wajah dunia dengan menonjolnya UM (Universitas Mandailing) di segala hal keilmuan standardisasi dunia.
The Southeast Asian regional is significant in regional stability that influences world peace, about Southeast Asia which is culturally plural and declared uniform in descent genetically has advanced arguments that strengthening the South East Asian Nations Association has an educative to MU (Mandailing University) with the issue of reincarnation of the glory of the past of Southeast Asia to the face of the world with the prominence of MU (University of Mandailing) in all scientific matters of world standardization.

Banyaknya penduduk di Indonesia yang terjerat kasus pidana akibat ujaran kebencian (hate speech) yang dijerat dengan Undang-Undang ITE (Informatika dan Transaksi Elektronik) adalah wujud yang mengemuka atas tidak dewasanya warga Indonesia juga dalam mendidik anak bangsa dibutuhkan ditanamkan rasa cinta persaudaraan sebagai sesama bangsa, Bulan April Tahun 2019 akan dilaksanakan pilpres (pemilihan presiden) yang dengan hal demikian muncul berita-berita palsu alias berita kebohongan alias hoaxs, sistem politik seharusnya mencerdaskan bukan menghalalkan segala cara, paradigma berpikir Indonesia harus mengarah ke pendidikan bukan mengarah kepada perebutan kekuasaan yang tidak mendidik apalagi kekuasaan menumpuk sumber daya tanpa memikirkan dunia pendidikan, tanpa memikirkan UM (Universitas Mandailing). Sebagai Pendiri UM (Universitas Mandailing) saya menggugat proporsi pendidikan harus lebih besar berkali-kali lipat dari alat peraga kampanye politik.
The large number of people in Indonesia who are entangled in criminal cases due to hate speech ensnared by the Law of Informatics and Electronic Transactions is a form that arises over the immaturity of Indonesian citizens as well as educating children of the nation needed to instill brotherly love as a fellow nation, in April 2019 will be held a presidential election which with such things appear fake news aka hoaxs, the political system should educate not justify any means, paradigm of Indonesian thinking should lead to education not directed to power struggles that do not educate especially the power to accumulate resources without thinking about the world of education, without thinking about MU (Mandailing University). As a Founder of MU (Mandailing University) I sue the proportion of education must be many times more than political campaign props.

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Roburan Lombang, 01 Nopember 2018

Roburan Lombang, November 01st, 2018

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