Arahan Pendiri & Ketum (Ketua Umum)
MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
Referrals from The Founder & The General Chairman of
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution
Referrals from The Founder & The General Chairman of
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution
Materi - Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Materials of The Afternoon Saturday Public Lecture of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Sabtu, 06 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Kepala Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0188/Agustus/2025.
Sabtu, 06 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Kepala Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0188/Agustus/2025.
Saturday, September
06th, 2025 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence
of Head of The Politburo of Engineering Human Resources, The Bureau of
Engineering, The Centre of
Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of
The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in
Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0188/August/2025.
Semakin kupikir UM (Universitas Mandailing) dalam pikirku semakin mendekati pikiranku memenejemeni organisasi dunia PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa – Bangsa), hadapkan saja permasalahan kalian ke UM (Universitas Mandailing) mulai masalah yang menggalaksi bima sakti sampai masalah mikron cell gen, UM (Universitas Mandailing) menganalisanya dalam wjud kajian keilmuan, otoritas apa pun akan dikaji oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing), seumpama komunal patron pengotor atas keberadaan kehidupan akan dieliminasi ala secara UM (Universitas Mandailing), UM (Universitas Mandailing) adalah ilmiah, tentu mengeliminasi yang tidak ilmiah, para justifikatif yang tidak justice atas nama otoritas tetap dijustifikasi oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing) dan melenyapkan yang tidak pro justice, Kepala Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berpikir secara teknis, dengan melakukan format bahasa verbal dijadikan angka – angka yang bisa ditabulasi sebagai bagian Penelitian Ilmiah yang jujur faktual.
Semakin kupikir UM (Universitas Mandailing) dalam pikirku semakin mendekati pikiranku memenejemeni organisasi dunia PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa – Bangsa), hadapkan saja permasalahan kalian ke UM (Universitas Mandailing) mulai masalah yang menggalaksi bima sakti sampai masalah mikron cell gen, UM (Universitas Mandailing) menganalisanya dalam wjud kajian keilmuan, otoritas apa pun akan dikaji oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing), seumpama komunal patron pengotor atas keberadaan kehidupan akan dieliminasi ala secara UM (Universitas Mandailing), UM (Universitas Mandailing) adalah ilmiah, tentu mengeliminasi yang tidak ilmiah, para justifikatif yang tidak justice atas nama otoritas tetap dijustifikasi oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing) dan melenyapkan yang tidak pro justice, Kepala Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) berpikir secara teknis, dengan melakukan format bahasa verbal dijadikan angka – angka yang bisa ditabulasi sebagai bagian Penelitian Ilmiah yang jujur faktual.
The more I think MU
(Mandailing University) in my mind is getting closer to my thoughts in managing
the world organization of United Nations (UN), just facing your problem to MU
(Mandailing University) begins the problem that Milky Way galaxy to the problem
of micron cell gene, MU (Mandailing University) analyze it in the study area of
science, any authority will be studied by the MU (Mandailing University), for
example the impurity patron communal on the existence of life will be
eliminated with style of MU (Mandailing University), MU (Mandailing University)
is scientifically, certainly eliminates the unscientific, the justification is
not justice on behalf of the authority is still justified by MU (Mandailing
University) and eliminates non pro justice, The Head of The Politburo
of Engineering Human Resources, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The
Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation thningking technical,
by doing the verb language format is made into figures that can be tabulated as
a honestly factual Scientific Research section.
Sabtu, 13 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0188/Agustus/2025.
Sabtu, 13 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Politbiro Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0188/Agustus/2025.
Saturday, September
13th, 2025 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence
of Head of The Politburo of Engineering Human Resources, The Bureau of
Engineering, The Centre of
Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of
The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in
Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0188/August/2025.
sebagai Ilmuan meminta dihargai oleh seluruh elemen mana pun, Ilmuan
diperintahkan untuk bekerja pada negara, Ilmuan diawasi, terus kajian
pengawasan Ilmuan dijadikan alat ujian, maka berikan wewenang penuh kepada Ilmuan
berkarya, siklus pengawasan kinerja pada suatu pekerjaan diminta tabulatif,
maka roh pekerjaan itu sebenarnya kemana, prosedural menjadi alat standar tanpa
melihat fakta teknis lapangan atas keilmuan yang belum ada sebelumnya
dirumuskan oleh ahlinya dibelahan dunia mana pun, maka saya sebagai Ilmuan
adalah bermental ilmuan guru besar (profesor), berikan kepadaku untuk
menyelesaikan masalah teknis ala Kode yang saya miliki, kekakuan pengawasan
atas nama standar yang telah ada tidak populer ketika berhadapan dengan seorang
pekerja yang ilmuan, ibarat kucing mengawasi monster, bila standardisasi selalu
panduan kaku tanpa improvisasi teknis, politisasi posisi dan justifikasi tanpa
data pada Ilmuan tidak populis pada sistem negara modern sebentar lagi, Politbiro
Sumber Daya Manusia Teknik, Biro Teknik,
Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga
Yayasan Mandailing Raya) memberikan mental ilmuan kepada seluruh Pekerja di
negara mana pun dari aparatur sampai mahasiswa/mahasiswi muda UM (Universitas
Mandailing), sebagai ahli debat (hujjah) saya siap berhujjah dengan siapa pun,
kapan pun, dimana pun, tentang kompetensi kinerja.
I as a scientist
asking to be appreciated by all elements of any kind, Scientists are ordered to
work on the state, scientists are supervised, keep the study of scientific
inspection used as a test tool, then give full authority to the scientists
work, the cycle of supervision of performance on a job requested tabulative,
where, procedurally becomes a standard tool regardless of the technical facts
of the field of scholarship that have not been previously formulated by experts
in any world, then I as a scientist is a professor of science professor, give
me to solve the technical problem as Code that I have, the rigidity of
oversight on behalf of existing standards is unpopular when confronted with a
scientist worker, like a cat watching monsters, if standardization is always
rigid guidance without technical improvisation, politicization of position and
justification without data on Scientists not populist in the modern state
system soon, The Head of The Politburo of Engineering Human Resources, The Bureau of
Engineering, The Centre of
Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of
The Great Mandailing Foundation provides scientists mental to all Workers in
any country from apparatus to young students of MU (Mandailing University), as
an expert of debate (hujjah) I am ready to debate with anyone, anytime,
anywhere, about performance competence.
20 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference,
"Eksistensi 5 (lima) orang anggota Sub
Politbiro Analisa Aerodinamik dan Hidrolik, Politbiro
Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan
Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT
YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia
yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 0188/Agustus/2025.
Saturday, September
20th, 2025 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence
of 05 (five) of members of The Politburo Sub of Analysis of Aerodynamic and Hydrolic,
The Politburo of Infrastructural, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The
Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide
who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number
: 0188/August/2025.
keilmuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebenarnya dapat tumbuh dibelahan dunia
mana pun di bumi ini, namun saya sebagai insan yang lahir di Bumi Mandailing
dan kembali bekerja di Bumi Mandailing dalam wujud mencari nafkah, maka
sangatlah adil bila induk Pohon Keilmuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang
menjadi sinaran di belahan dunia lainnya dari Amazon sampai Antartica saya
tanam di Bumi Mandailing untuk memudahkan akses saya dalam membiakkan dan menumbuhkan
Pohon Keilmuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) menjadi raksasa menjulang ke langit
menembus lapisan ozon sekali pun agar dapat menjadi simbol peradaban abad Y2K
atau Year 2Kilo atau Year 2.000 bagi umat manusia, saya meyakini Pohon Ilmuan UM
(Universita Mandailing) adalah fakta yang saya dapat sebagai pengalaman saya
yang menyukai ilmu pengetahuan sejak kecil dan saya sukses hidup dari ilmu yang
saya tuntut dari kecil, 05 (lima) orang anggota Sub
Politbiro Analisa Aerodinamik dan Hidrolik, Politbiro
Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan
Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT
YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang tersebar di
seluruh dunia yang prioritas berada di Bumi Mandailing untuk menumbuhkembangkan
Pohon Keilmuan UM (Universitas Mandailing) secara ikhlas tanpa pamrih.
Scientific tree of
MU (Mandailing University) can actually grow anywhere in the world, but I as a
human being born in Earth Mandailing and return to work in Earth Mandailing in
the form of earning a living, it is very fair if the mother of Scientific Tree of MU (Mandailing University)
which became a ray in other parts of the world from Amazon to Antartica is
planted by me in Earth Mandailing to facilitate my access in breeding and
growing the Scientific Tree of MU (Mandailing University) into a giant towering
sky penetrating even the ozone layer in order to become a symbol of Y2K century
civilization or Year 2Kilo or Year 2,000 for mankind, I believe the Scientific
Tree MU (Mandailing University) is a fact that I can experience as a person loving
science since I was small and I successfully live from the science that I
demand from small, 05 (five) of members of The Politburo Sub of Analysis of
Aerodynamic and Hydrolic, The Politburo of Infrastructural, The Bureau of
Engineering, The Centre of
Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of
The Great Mandailing Foundation scattered throughout the world whose priority
is at Earth Mandailing to cultivate Scientific Trees of MU (Mandailing University)
in a selflessly sincere manner.
27 September 2025 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference,
"Eksistensi Sekretaris Sub Politbiro
Analisa Aerodinamik dan Hidrolik, Politbiro Infrastruktural, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis
Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang
dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR
MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor
: 0188/Agustus/2025.
Saturday, September
27th, 2025 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence
of Secretary of The Politburo Sub of Analysis of Aerodynamic and Hydrolic,
The Politburo of Infrastructural, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The
Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide
who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number
: 0188/August/2025.
Menulis dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) menumbuhkembangkan sistem analisis menejemen yang massif yang tetap berjudul, yang bertopik, yang ber-plot, yang beralur, yang bertema, dan yang bertujuan UM (Universitas Mandailing), pada awalnya ketika mahasiswa tahun 1998 sampai 2005 saya adalah aktivis mahasiswa yang malas menulis karena menulis buatku pada saat mahasiswa hanya membuang – buang waktu kenapa tidak langsung to the point saja, namun seiring waktu dan sejarah yang menyaksikan, maka tulisan adalah fakta atas kelakuan dan pemberlakuan kita kepada alam, maka saya mulai menulis secara masiif pada tahun 2002 untuk mengikrarkan tekad saya bahwa saya adalah Pemikir yang berevolusi menjadi Ilmuan, rumusan – rumusan saya tentang teori menejemen yang dinilai kawan – kawan aktivis perjuangan dulu menyatakan cara formula rumusan menejemen saya termasuk excellent (sangat baik), sesunggahnya mendirikan sebuah Perguruan Tinggi sudah ada di dalam hatiku sejak kecil, saat ini saya memiliki Sumber Daya untuk mewujudkan Perguruan Tinggi muncul di dunia nyata, Sekretaris Sub Politbiro Analisa Aerodinamik dan Hidrolik, Politbiro Infrastruktural, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk memindai Sistem Formula Rumusan saya, yang semuanya diporoskan kepada UM (Universitas Mandailing).
Writing in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time cultivated a massive management analysis system, which remain titled, the stubs, the plots, the grooved, the themed, and the intended oriented MU (Mandailing University), at initially when the students from 1998 to 2005 I was a student activist who was lazy to write because writing for me at the time of the student just wasting time why not directly to the point, but over time and history that witnessed, then writing is a fact of our behavior and our enforcement to nature, then I began writing in the masiif in 2002 to pledge my determination that I am a thinker who evolved into scientists, my formulations about management theory that is considered last struggle activists comrades states how states how my formulation formula formulas include excellent (very good), actually established a college already in my heart since childhood, now I have Resources to realize Higher Education appears in the real world, The Secretary of The Politburo Sub of Analysis of Aerodynamic and Hydrolic, The Politburo of Infrastructural, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to scan my Formula System, all of which is shafted on MU (Mandailing University).
Menulis dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) menumbuhkembangkan sistem analisis menejemen yang massif yang tetap berjudul, yang bertopik, yang ber-plot, yang beralur, yang bertema, dan yang bertujuan UM (Universitas Mandailing), pada awalnya ketika mahasiswa tahun 1998 sampai 2005 saya adalah aktivis mahasiswa yang malas menulis karena menulis buatku pada saat mahasiswa hanya membuang – buang waktu kenapa tidak langsung to the point saja, namun seiring waktu dan sejarah yang menyaksikan, maka tulisan adalah fakta atas kelakuan dan pemberlakuan kita kepada alam, maka saya mulai menulis secara masiif pada tahun 2002 untuk mengikrarkan tekad saya bahwa saya adalah Pemikir yang berevolusi menjadi Ilmuan, rumusan – rumusan saya tentang teori menejemen yang dinilai kawan – kawan aktivis perjuangan dulu menyatakan cara formula rumusan menejemen saya termasuk excellent (sangat baik), sesunggahnya mendirikan sebuah Perguruan Tinggi sudah ada di dalam hatiku sejak kecil, saat ini saya memiliki Sumber Daya untuk mewujudkan Perguruan Tinggi muncul di dunia nyata, Sekretaris Sub Politbiro Analisa Aerodinamik dan Hidrolik, Politbiro Infrastruktural, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk memindai Sistem Formula Rumusan saya, yang semuanya diporoskan kepada UM (Universitas Mandailing).
Writing in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time cultivated a massive management analysis system, which remain titled, the stubs, the plots, the grooved, the themed, and the intended oriented MU (Mandailing University), at initially when the students from 1998 to 2005 I was a student activist who was lazy to write because writing for me at the time of the student just wasting time why not directly to the point, but over time and history that witnessed, then writing is a fact of our behavior and our enforcement to nature, then I began writing in the masiif in 2002 to pledge my determination that I am a thinker who evolved into scientists, my formulations about management theory that is considered last struggle activists comrades states how states how my formulation formula formulas include excellent (very good), actually established a college already in my heart since childhood, now I have Resources to realize Higher Education appears in the real world, The Secretary of The Politburo Sub of Analysis of Aerodynamic and Hydrolic, The Politburo of Infrastructural, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to scan my Formula System, all of which is shafted on MU (Mandailing University).
Penjadwalan KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore
Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference)
tahun 2344 (dua ribu tiga ratus empat puluh
empat) Masehi.
Scheduling The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All
Time with Electronic Teleconference) of 2344 (two thousand and three hundred
and forty four) AD.
01 Januari 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Engineering Systems Division, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Engineering Systems Division, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember /2343.
01 Januari 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Engineering Systems Division, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Engineering Systems Division, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember /2343.
January 01st, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Engineering
Systems Division, School
of Engineering of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of Engineering Systems Division, School of
Engineering of MU (Mandailing
University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of
Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4008 / December / 2343.
08 Januari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan
Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember
January 08th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering
of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of
Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert
(AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert
(AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV,
D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1,
S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD
(Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for
students of
Engineering and Computer Science, School of Engineering
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4008 /
December / 2343.
15 Januari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Civil and
Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan
Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember
January 15th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering
of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of
Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert
(AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert
(AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV,
D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1,
S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD
(Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for
students of
and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4008 /
December / 2343.
22 Januari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Chemical
Engineering, School
of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk
Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2),
Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar
(Profesor) mahasiswa Chemical Engineering,
School of Engineering
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan
Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember
January 22nd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Chemical
Engineering, School
of Engineering of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of Chemical Engineering, School of
Engineering of MU (Mandailing
University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of
Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4008 / December / 2343.
29 Januari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Biological
Engineering, School
of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk
Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2),
Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar
(Profesor) mahasiswa Biological
Engineering, School
of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4008 / Desember /2343.
January 29th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Biological
Engineering, School
of Engineering of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of Biological Engineering, School of
Engineering of MU (Mandailing
University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of
Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4008 / December / 2343.
05 Februari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Aeronautics
and Astronautics, School
of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk
Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2),
Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar
(Profesor) mahasiswa Aeronautics and
Astronautics, School
of Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4009 / Januari /2344.
February 05th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, School
of Engineering of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of
Engineering of MU (Mandailing
University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of
Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4009 / January / 2344.
12 Februari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan School
of Engineering UM
(Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk
Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2),
Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar
(Profesor) mahasiswa School of
Engineering UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR
MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor
: 4009 / Januari /2344.
February 12th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of School of Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
School of Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4009 / January / 2344.
19 Februari 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan The Program in
Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa The Program in Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4009 / Januari /2344.
February 19th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Program in
Art, Culture and Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing
University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP,
Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II,
D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Program in Art, Culture and
Technology, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly
Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number :
4009 / January / 2344.
26 Februari 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan The Center for
Real Estate, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa The Center for Real Estate, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4009 / Januari /2344.
February 26th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Center for
Real Estate, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing
University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP,
Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II,
D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Center for Real Estate, School of Architecture
and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly
Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number :
4009 / January / 2344.
04 Maret 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan The Media
Laboratory, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa The Media Laboratory, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas
Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron
Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4010 / Februari /2344.
March 04th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Media
Laboratory, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing
University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP,
Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II,
D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Media Laboratory, School of Architecture
and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly
Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number :
4010 / February / 2344.
11 Maret 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan The Department
of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa The Department of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4010 / Februari /2344.
March 11th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department
of Urban Studies + Planning, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing
University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP,
Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II,
D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Urban Studies +
Planning, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly
Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number :
4010 / February / 2344.
18 Maret 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan The Department
of Architecture, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa The Department of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat
dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang
Masa) Nomor : 4010 / Februari /2344.
March 18th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department
of Architecture, School
of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing
University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP,
Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II,
D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis
for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for
Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Architecture, School of Architecture
and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly
Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number :
4010 / February / 2344.
25 Maret 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) UM
(Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III,
D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk
Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2),
Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar
(Profesor) mahasiswa School of Architecture
and Planning (SA+P) UM (Universitas
Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset
Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4010 / Februari /2344.
March 25th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research
of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final
Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final
Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for
Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program
for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree
of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter
of Professor for students of
School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P) of
MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4010 / February /
01 April 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Manajemen, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4011
/ Maret /2344.
April 01st, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Management, The Faculty
of Economic of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Management, The Faculty of Economic of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4011 / March / 2344.
08 April 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4011
/ Maret /2344.
April 08th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Economic Science, The
Faculty of Economic of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Economic Science, The Faculty of Economic of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4011 / March / 2344.
15 April 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Akuntansi, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4011
/ Maret /2344.
April 15th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Accounting, The Faculty
of Economic of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Accounting, The Faculty of Economic of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4011 / March / 2344.
22 April 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan
Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Perencananaan dan Kebijakan
Publik, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4011 / Maret /2344.
April 22nd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Planning and Public
Policy, The Faculty of Economic
of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of
Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert
(AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert
(AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV,
D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1,
S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD
(Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for
students of
The Department of Planning and
Public Policy, The Faculty of Economic
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4011 / March
/ 2344.
29 April 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4011
/ Maret /2344.
April 29th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Islamic Economic, The
Faculty of Economic of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Islamic Economic, The Faculty of Economic of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4011 / March / 2344.
06 Mei 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Bisnis Islam, FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4012
/ April /2344.
May 06th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public Lecture
of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Islamic Business, The Faculty of Economic of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Islamic
Business, The Faculty of Economic
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4012 / April
/ 2344.
13 Mei 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa FE (Fakultas Ekonomi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4012 / April /2344.
May 13th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public Lecture
of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Faculty of Economic
of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of
Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert
(AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Economic
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4012 / April
/ 2344.
20 Mei 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas
Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Keamanan Maritim (Maritime Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4012 / April /2344.
May 20th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public Lecture
of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master of Maritime Security, The Faculty of
Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Master of Maritime Security, The Faculty of
Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4012 / April / 2344.
27 Mei 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister
Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), Fakultas
Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Keamanan Energi (Energy Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4012 / April /2344.
May 27th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public Lecture
of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master of Energy Security, The Faculty of
Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Master of Energy Security, The Faculty of
Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4012 / April / 2344.
03 Juni 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Fakultas
Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Manajemen Bencana (Disaster Managemet for National Security), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4013 / Mei /2344.
June 03rd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master for Disaster Managemet for National Security, The Faculty of Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department
of Master for Disaster
Managemet for National Security, The
Faculty of Defense Management
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4013 / May /
10 Juni 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Fakultas
Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Ekonomi Pertahanan (Economic Defense), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4013 / Mei /2344.
June 10th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master of Economic Defense, The Faculty of Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor
Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department
of Master of Economic Defense, The
Faculty of Defense Management of
MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4013 / May / 2344.
17 Juni 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Fakultas
Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Manajemen Pertahanan (Defense Management), Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4013 / Mei /2344.
June 17th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master in Defense Management, The Faculty of Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department
of Master in Defense Management, The
Faculty of Defense Management
of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of
Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4013 / May /
24 Juni 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Manajemen Pertahanan (FMP) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4013
/ Mei /2344.
June 24th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The Faculty of Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Faculty of Defense Management of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4013 / May / 2344.
01 Juli 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Perang Asimetris (Asymetric Warfare), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4014 / Juni /2344.
July 01st, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The
Department of Master
of Asymetric Warfare,
The Faculty of Defense
Strategy of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Master
of Asymetric Warfare,
The Faculty of Defense
Strategy of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4014 / June / 2344.
08 Juli 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Damai dan Resolusi
Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Damai dan Resolusi
Konflik (Peace and Conflict Resolution), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4014 / Juni /2344.
July 08th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference
“Existence of Exemplary University Student of The
Department of
Master of Peace and Conflict
Resolution, The Faculty
of Defense Strategy of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of
Master of Peace and Conflict
Resolution, The Faculty
of Defense Strategy of MU
(Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4014 / June / 2344.
15 Juli 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Magister Strategi Perang
Semesta (Total War Strategy), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Strategi Perang
Semesta (Total War Strategy), FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4014 / Juni /2344.
July 15th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Master of Strategy of Universal War (Total
War Strategy), The Faculty
of Defense Strategy of MU
(Mandailing University) as The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama
Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa,
Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd,
Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV),
Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1),
Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy
of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Master of Strategy of Universal War (Total
War Strategy), The Faculty
of Defense Strategy of MU
(Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4014 / June / 2344.
22 Juli 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3,
S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa FSP (Fakultas Strategi Pertahanan) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4014 / Juni /2344.
July 22nd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Faculty of Defense Strategy of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Faculty of Defense
Strategy of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4014 / June / 2344.
29 Juli 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Metode dan Riset Psikologi, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4014
/ Juni /2344.
July 29th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Psychological Method and
Research, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Psychological Method and
Research, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4014 / June / 2344.
05 Agustus 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Psikologi Sosial, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4015
/ Juli /2344.
August 05th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Social Psychology,
The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Social
Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4015 / July / 2344.
12 Agustus 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan
Organisasi, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Psikologi Industri dan
Organisasi, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4015 / Juli /2344.
August 12th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4015 / July / 2344.
19 Agustus 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4015
/ Juli /2344.
August 19th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Educational Psychology,
The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor
Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Educational
Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4015 / July / 2344.
26 Agustus 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Psikologi Perkembangan, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4015
/ Juli /2344.
August 26th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Developmental Psychology,
The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of
Developmental Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4015 / July / 2344.
02 September 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Psikologi Klinis, Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4016
/ Agustus /2344.
September 02nd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Clinical Psychology,
The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for Degree
of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for Degree of
Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of Expert (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree
(Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for
PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of Professor for
students of
The Department of Clinical
Psychology, The Faculty
of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4016 / August / 2344.
09 September 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4016 / Agustus /2344.
September 09th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Faculty of Psychology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4016 / August / 2344.
16 September 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Gigi Anak (IKGA), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4016
/ Agustus /2344.
September 16th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Science of
Child Dental Health,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Science of
Child Dental Health,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU
(Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4016 / August / 2344.
23 September 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Oral Biologi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Oral Biologi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4016 / Agustus /2344.
September 23rd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Biology Oral,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Biology
Oral, The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4016 / August / 2344.
30 September 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Material Kedokteran Gigi (IMKG), FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4016 / Agustus /2344.
September 30th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Materials Science of
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Materials
Science of Dentistry,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4016 / August / 2344.
07 Oktober 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Radiologi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Radiologi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4017
/ September /2344.
October 07th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public Lecture
of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Radiology,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Radiology,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU
(Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research
Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 4017 / September /
14 Oktober 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ortodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ortodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4017
/ September /2344.
October 14th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Orthodontic,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Orthodontic,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4017 / September / 2344.
21 Oktober 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Prostodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Prostodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4017
/ September /2344.
October 21st, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Prosthodontic,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of
Prosthodontic, The Faculty
of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4017 / September / 2344.
28 Oktober 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Periodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Periodonsia, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4017
/ September /2344.
October 28th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Periodontic,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Periodontic,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4017 / September / 2344.
04 Nopember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Konservasi Gigi, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4018
/ Oktober /2344.
November 04th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Dental Conservation,
The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Dental
Conservation, The Faculty
of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4018 / October / 2344.
11 Nopember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas
Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar
Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A,
Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk
Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3),
& Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut, FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM
(Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4018
/ Oktober /2344.
November 11th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Oral Disease
Science, The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Final
Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Final Project for
Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper or Final Project for
Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final Project for Degree of
Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program for
Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master (Strata-2, S-2), Degree of
Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III, S-3), and Promoter of
Professor for students of
The Department of Oral
Disease Science, The Faculty of Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The
Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time
Number : 4018 / October / 2344.
25 Nopember 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4018 / Oktober /2344.
25 Nopember 2344 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I, D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1, S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor (Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa FKG (Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4018 / Oktober /2344.
November 25th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Faculty of
Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of
Dentistry of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4018 / October / 2344.
02 Desember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4019 / Nopember /2344.
December 02nd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Public Health Sciences,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Public Health Sciences,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4019 / November / 2344.
09 Desember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Epidemiologi Komunitas, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4019 / Nopember /2344.
December 09th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Community Epidemiology,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Community Epidemiology,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4019 / November / 2344.
16 Desember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Epidemiologi Klinik, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4019 / Nopember /2344.
December 16th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Clinical Epidemiology,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Clinical Epidemiology,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4019 / November / 2344.
23 Desember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4019 / Nopember /2344.
December 23rd, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Occupational Safety and Health,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Occupational Safety and Health,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4019 / November / 2344.
30 Desember 2344 Masehi,
Materi KUM S3
MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi Mahasiswa Teladan Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai
Penelitian untuk Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Pratama (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Gelar Ahli Muda (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper atau Tugas Akhir (TA) untuk Proyek
Akhir (PA) untuk Gelar Ahli Madya (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Tugas Akhir (TA)
untuk Gelar Ahli (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Skripsi untuk Gelar Sarjana (Strata-1,
S-1), Tesis untuk Gelar Master (Strata-2, S-2), Disertasi untuk Gelar Doktor
(Strata-3, S-3), & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kajian Administrasi Rumah Sakit, FKM (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat)
UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang
terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis
Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 4019 / Nopember /2344.
December 30th, 2344 AD, Material of The Public
Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Eectronic Teleconference “Existence
of Exemplary University Student of The Department of Hospital Administration Study,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University) as
The Research of Final Project for Degree of Pratama Expert (AP, Diploma-I,
D-I), Final Project for Degree of Young Expert (AMa, Diploma-II, D-II), Paper
or Final Project for Degree of Madya Expert (AMd, Diploma-III, D-III), Final
Project for Degree of Expert (A, Diploma-IV, D-IV), Essay/Thesis for
Undergraduate Program for Bachelor Degree (Strata-1, S-1), Thesis for Master
(Strata-2, S-2), Degree of Dissertation for PhD (Philosophy of Doctor) (Strata-III,
S-3), and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Hospital Administration Study,
The Faculty
of Public Health of MU (Mandailing University)"
contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic
Micron of All Time Number : 4019 / November / 2344.
Sumber (Source) :
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Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, 01
Agustus 2025
Banggua, Desa Roburan
Lombang, August 01st, 2025
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