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Minggu, 29 April 2018






Arahan Pendiri & Ketum (Ketua Umum)
MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya
Referrals from The Founder & The General Chairman of
The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation
Agussalim, ST bin Abdur Rahim Nasution

Materi - Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.
Materials of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing FoundationBanggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

Sabtu, 02 Nopember 2024 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Sub Politbiro Eksploitasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0178/Oktober/2024.
Saturday, November 02nd, 2024 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence of The Sub-Politburo of Exploitation, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and  Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0178/October/2024.

Fokus pada 01 (satu) titik di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia dengan aktivasi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) adalah menumpuk potensi peradaban dunia internasional global bumi di Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia, saya sudah berkomitmen, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 01 (satu) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 02 (dua) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 04 (empat) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 10 (sepuluh) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 100 (seratus) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 1.000 (seribu) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan 1.000.000 (sejuta) orang, saya akan tetap kuliah dengan (semilyar) orang, dan saya akan tetap kuliah dengan diri saya sendiri seorang diri dalam KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia.
Focus on 01 (one) of point at The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia with activation of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia, I have committed, I will still study with 01 (one) of person, I will remain in college with 02 (two) of people, I will remain in college with 04 (four) of people, I will stay in college with 10 (ten) of people, I will stay college with 100 (one hundred) people, I will remain in college with 1,000 (one thousand) of people, I will remain in college with 1,000,000 (a million) of people, I will remain in college with 1,000,000,000 (billions) of people, and I will keep studying with myself alone in The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

Sub Politbiro Eksploitasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk memaknai dari “Kuliah Seorang Diri” merupakan tafakkur (berfikir) dengan posisi bertapa, hal – hal spritual banyak memberikan saran tafakkur dalam segala hal dalam kehidupan, UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai medium Pemikir memikirkan realitas kehidupan sekarang untuk dievolusi menjadi kehidupan yang lebih baik ke depan.
The Sub-Politburo of Exploitation, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and  Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to interpret from "A Lecture of Self" is tafakkur (thinking) with an ascetic position, many spiritual things giving advice on everything in life, MU (Mandailing University) as a medium of Thinkers are thinking about the reality of life now to be evolved into a better life ahead.

Sabtu, 09 Nopember 2024 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi 05 (lima) orang anggota Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0178/Oktober/2024.
Saturday, November 09th, 2024 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence of 05 (five) of members of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0178/October/2024.

Tahapan – tahapan UM (Universitas Mandailing) sangat panjang, berliku, artinya butuh waktu dan ruang dalam prosesnya, maka isu – isu korupsi, kriminal, dan perdata (sengketa) dituntaskan oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing) melalui kemandirian yang nyata, tidak korupsi, tidak kriminal, dan tidak perdata. UM (Universitas Mandailing) menjadi menara ilmu pengetahuan dan menyinari kegelapan kebodohan. Di dalam gelap UM (Universitas Mandailing) kupikirkan, di tengah terik UM (Universitas Mandailing) kupikirkan, di kala hujan UM (Universitas Mandailing) kupikirkan, maka UM (Universitas Mandailing) kuhantarkan ke gerbang SM (Sepanjang Masa), 05 (lima) orang anggota Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk membuat metodologi perumusan hasil – hasil KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia.
Stages of MU (Mandailing University) are long, winding, meaning that it takes time and space in the process, then issues of corruption, criminal, and civil (disputes) are resolved by MU (Mandailing University) through real independence, no corruption, no criminal, and not civil dispute. MU (Mandailing University) became the tower of science and illuminated the darkness of ignorance. In the dark MU (Mandailing University) is thought by me, in the middle of scorch MU (Mandailing University) is thought by me, in when the rain MU (Mandailing University) is thought by me, MU (Mandailing University) is delivered by me to gate of All Time, 05 (five) of members of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to formulate methodology for the formulation of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia.

Psikologi organisasi sangat dominan dalam langkah – langkah ke depan yang mendinamisasi UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai medium para ilmuan dunia, daya tahan tubuh Civitas Akademika UM (Universitas Mandailing) dalam memaknai dan menjalankan amaran putusan yang saya tuang dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) adalah logika yang menghubungkan antara pelaksanaan KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia dengan psikologi organisasi yang diterapkan secara utuh oleh 05 (lima) orang anggota Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya).
Organizational psychology is very dominant in the steps steps forward that dynamizing MU (Mandailing University) as the medium of world scientists, endurance of Civitas Academic of MU (Mandailing University) in interpreting and running the verdict that I poured in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time is the logic that connects between the implementation of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia with organizational psychology applied intactly by 05 (five) of members of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation.

Sabtu, 16 Nopember 2024 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Sekretaris Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0178/Oktober/2024.
Saturday, November 09th, 2024 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence of The Secretary of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0178/October/2024.

Kualitas KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia adalah Kualifikasi Dunia sesuai misi UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang mendunia, keragu – raguan tidak pernah ada dalam dunia ilmiah, semakin dalam objek diteliti maka keragu – raguan otomatis hilang secara sendirinya, kita berpikir saat ini merupakan kandungan inti sari ilmiah di beberapa dekade ke depan, akuratisasi ideal kita kemarin banyak sudah teruji saat ini, maka Sekretaris Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) bukanlah insan yang peragu atas UM (Universitas Mandailing) dan bukan pula insan yang menunggu dan baru aktivasi pada UM (Universitas Mandailing) setelah sarana dan prasarana perkuliahan UM (Universitas Mandailing) berdiri menjulang ke langit yang bermakna Sekretaris Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) bukan insan oportunis (menunggu hasil akhir semata), kaum oportunis (menunggu hasil akhir semata) selalu hanyut dan tenggelam oleh zaman.
Quality of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia is World Qualification according to mission of MU (Mandailing University) worldwide, no doubt exist in the scientific world, the deeper the object is researched then the automatic doubts disappear by itself, we think now is the essence content of the scientific knowledge in the next few decades, our idealization of yesterday has been tested many times, The Secretary of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is not doubting man for MU (Mandailing University) and not the waiting and then activists at MU (Mandailing University) after lecture facilities and facilities of MU (Mandailing University) stood up to sky has a meaningful that The Secretary of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is not opportunists (waiting for the final result), the community of opportunists (waiting for the end result) are always drifting and drowning by the times.

Pengembangan psikologi organisasi UM (Universitas Mandailing) merupakan analisis kecenderungan Civitas Akademika dalam aktivasi kehidupan sehari – hari terhadap pengabdian pada UM (Universitas Mandailing), saya sebagai Menejer Umum atas UM (Universitas Mandailing), maka meriset UM (Universitas Mandailing) saat ini berarti mendinamisasi psikologi Civitas Akademika UM (Universitas Mandailing) sekaligus, upaya penyatuan atas judul UM (Universitas Mandailing) adalah fakta dari analisis psikologi pada kecenderungan orientasi Civitas Akademika UM (Universitas Mandailing).
The development of organizational psychology of MU (Mandailing University) is an analysis of academic civitas tendency in daily life activation toward service at MU (Mandailing University), I am as General Manager of MU (Mandailing University), so researching MU (Mandailing University) now means dynamizing psychology of Academy Civitas of MU (Mandailing University) at the same time, the unification effort on the title of MU (Mandailing University) is a fact of psychological analysis on the orientation of Civitas Akademika of MU (Mandailing University).

Sabtu, 23 Nopember 2024 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Kepala Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0178/Oktober/2024.
Saturday, November 23th, 2024 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence of The Head of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0178/October/2024.

Sejarah evolusi Bumi Mandailing dievolusi oleh UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai bagian bumi yang membangun peradaban umat manusia sedunia, mukaddimah (pembukaan) wacana UM (Universitas Mandailing) selalu kepada Perdamaian Abadi dunia, mendisain suatu langkah – langkah strategis dengan mendisain 1.000 (seribu) Jurusan UM (Universitas Mandailing) adalah idiomatik dari memurnikan peradaban dunia ke arah perdamaian abadi dunia, maka tematik Kepala Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) dalam mem-format Juklak (Petunjuk Pelaksana) dan Juknis (Petunjuk Teknis) Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah angka dan psikologi, angka ditujukan sebagai data – data yang dianalisis dan psikologi untuk mempelajari kecenderungan.
The history of the evolution of the Earth Mandailing is evolved by MU (Mandailing University) as part of the earth that builds the civilization of mankind worldwide, mukaddimah (opening) of discourse of MU (Mandailing University) always to the Eternal Peace of the world, designing a strategic step by designing 1,000 (one thousand) departments of MU (Mandailing University) is the idiomatic of purifying the world civilization toward the world's lasting peace, the thematic of The Head of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation in formatting  Directive (Technical Guidelines) of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is number and psychology, number is intended analyzed datas and psychology to study the orientation.

Pendidikan tinggi menjadi kebutuhan mendesak dan mendasar pada setiap warga negara dan warga dunia, UM (Universitas Mandailing) melakukan kajian pada kebutuhan Pendidikan Tinggi sejak 20 Februari 2009, statistika dunia di setiap wilayah terkecil telah menunjukkan pesatnya peminat Perguruan Tinggi, maka UM (Universitas Mandailing) cenderung pada dalil kebenaran universal yaitu Perguruan Tinggi adalah kebutuhan, Kepala Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) untuk mengkaryakan anggota yang ada pada ilmu Eksplorasi yang ramah lingkungan yang menjadi mata kuliah Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing).
Higher education has become an urgent and fundamental need for every citizen and citizen of the world, MU (Mandailing University) has been studying the needs of Higher Education since February 20th, 2009, the world statistics in every smallest region has shown the rapidity of Higher Education, MU (Mandailing University) tends to the universal truth of the university is the need, The Head of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation to engage members in the science of eco-friendly exploration of environment that become the subject of The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University).

Sabtu, 30 Nopember 2024 Materi Kuliah Umum - e-teleconference, "Eksistensi Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) di seluruh dunia yang dikonsentrasitaktiskan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 0178/Oktober/2024.
Saturday, November 30th, 2024 Public Lecture material - e-teleconference "Existence of The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation worldwide who concerned and tacticed in Kabupaten Mandailing Natal" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 0178/October/2024.

Ketika ada Personil MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya) yang mengikuti KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) di KPG (Kantor Pusat Global) MPP(G) YMR, Majelis Pimpinan Pusat (Global) Yayasan Mandailing Raya, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara – Indonesia menghitung untung secara tunai (cash), maka yang bersangkutan tidak mengaluri makna dari pengabdian (charity) pada yang bernama Yayasan (Foundation), Yayasan (Foundation) adalah organisasi pengabdian yang tidak mengejar untung secara tunai (cash), Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) adalah salah satu pengabdi kepada UM (Universitas Mandailing) yang tulus, ikhlas, dan tanpa pamrih (tanpa mengharap balasan).
When there is the Personnel of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation following The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference in The Global Head Office of The Central (Global) Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation, Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, Kecamatan Panyabungan Selatan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara - Indonesiacalculates profit in cash, so the relevant does not flow the meaning of charity on the Foundation, Foundation is a service organization that does not pursue profit in cash, The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation is one devotees to MU (Mandailing University) who are sincere and selfless (without expecting a reply).

Sebagai Pendiri UM (Universitas Mandailing) saya tidak pernah berhenti berpikir, berucap, dan bertindak untuk UM (Universitas Mandailing), menejemen modern UM (Universitas Mandailing) memberikan wewenang (otoritas) seluas – luasnya kepada Sub Politbiro Eksplorasi, Politbiro Analisa Lahan Baru, Biro Teknik, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan dan Strategi MPRT YMR (Majelis Pimpinan Rukun Tetangga Yayasan Mandailing Raya) membuat postulat eksplorasi yang menjadi mata kuliah Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Lingkungan UM (Universitas Mandailing).
As the founder of MU (Mandailing University) I never stop thinking, saying, and acting for MU (Mandailing University), modern management of MU (Mandailing University) gives the authority as wide as possible to The Sub-Politburo of Exploration, The Politburo of New Land Analysis, The Bureau of Engineering, The Centre of Development for Policy and Strategy of The Neighborhood Leadership Assembly of The Great Mandailing Foundation made an exploratory postulate which became the subject of The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University).

Penjadwalan KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) tahun 2334 (dua ribu tiga ratus tiga puluh empat) Masehi.

06 Januari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3888 / Desember / 2333.
January 06th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Clinic Medical Sciences, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3888 / December / 2333.

13 Januari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3888 / Desember / 2333.
January 13th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Basic Medical Science, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3888 / December / 2333.

20 Januari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Urologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Urologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3888 / Desember / 2333.
January 20th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Urology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Urology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3888 / December / 2333.

27 Januari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Radiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Radiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3888 / Desember / 2333.
January 27th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Radiology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Radiology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3888 / December / 2333.

03 Februari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3889 / Januari / 2334.
February 03rd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Clinical Pathology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3889 / January / 2334.

10 Februari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Patologi Anatomi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3889 / Januari / 2334.
February 10th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Anatomy Pathology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3889 / January / 2334.

17 Februari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Obstetri dan Ginekologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3889 / Januari / 2334.
February 17th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3889 / January / 2334.

24 Februari 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3889 / Januari / 2334.
February 24th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3889 / January / 2334.

03 Maret 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Mikrobiologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3890 / Februari / 2334.
March 03rd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Clinical Microbiology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3890 / February / 2334.

10 Maret 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf/Nerologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Saraf/Nerologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3890 / Februari / 2334.
March 10th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Neurology / Nerology, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3890 / February / 2334.

17 Maret 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3890 / Februari / 2334.
March 17th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Diseases of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Diseases of Heart and Blood Vessels, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3890 / February / 2334.

24 Maret 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3890 / Februari / 2334.
March 24th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Internal Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Internal Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3890 / February / 2334.

31 Maret 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Penyakit Mata, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3890 / Februari / 2334.
March 31st, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Eye Disease Health Sciences, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3890 / February / 2334.

07 April 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi, THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Otolaringologi, THT-KL (Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan – Kepala Leher), Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3891 / Maret / 2334.
April 07th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology, Ear Nose Throat - Head Neck, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Health Science of Otolaryngology, Ear Nose Throat - Head Neck, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3891 / March / 2334.

14 April 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kesehatan Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3891 / Maret / 2334.
April 14th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Children's Health, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Children's Health, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3891 / March / 2334.

21 April 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3891 / Maret / 2334.
April 21st, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Mental Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Mental Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3891 / March / 2334.

28 April 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kedokteran Forensik dan Mediko Legal, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3891 / Maret / 2334.
April 28th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Forensic Medicine and Mediko Legal, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Forensic Medicine and Mediko Legal, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3891 / March / 2334.

05 Mei 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Bedah Syaraf, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3892 / April / 2334.
May 05th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Neurosurgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Neurosurgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3892 / April / 2334.

12 Mei 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Bedah Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Bedah Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3892 / April / 2334.
May 12th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Child Surgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Child Surgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3892 / April / 2334.
19 Mei 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3892 / April / 2334.
May 19th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Surgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Surgery, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3892 / April / 2334.

26 Mei 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Amnesti dan Reanimasi, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3892 / April / 2334.
May 26th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Amnesty and Reanimation, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3892 / April / 2334.

02 Juni 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Gizi Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3893 / Mei / 2334.
June 02nd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Health Nutrition, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Health Nutrition, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3893 / May / 2334.

09 Juni 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3893 / Mei / 2334.
June 09th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Doctor Education, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Doctor Education, The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3893 / May / 2334.

16 Juni 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3893 / Mei / 2334.
June 16th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Medicine of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3893 / May / 2334.

23 Juni 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3893 / Mei / 2334.
June 23rd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Chemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Chemistry, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3893 / May / 2334.

30 Juni 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Astronomi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Astronomi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3893 / Mei / 2334.
June 30th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Astronomy, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Astronomy, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3893 / May / 2334.

07 Juli 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3894 / Juni / 2334.
July 07th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Physic, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3894 / June / 2334.

14 Juli 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensit SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3894 / Juni / 2334.
July 14th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Mathematic, The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3894 / June / 2334.

21 Juli 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3894 / Juni / 2334.
July 21st, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3894 / June / 2334.

28 Juli 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa
Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Rekayasa Infrastruktur Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3894 / Juni / 2334.
July 28th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Environmental Infrastructure Engineering,  The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3894 / June / 2334.

04 Agustus 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3895 / Juli / 2334.
August 04th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Engineering and Management of Water Resources,  The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3895 / July / 2334.

11 Agustus 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3895 / Juli / 2334.
August 11th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Marine Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Marine Engineering,  The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3895 / July / 2334.

18 Agustus 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3895 / Juli / 2334.
August 18th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Environmental Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Environmental Engineering,  The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3895 / July / 2334.

25 Agustus 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3895 / Juli / 2334.
August 25th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Civil Engineering, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Civil Engineering,  The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3895 / July / 2334.

01 September 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan (FTSL) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3896 / Agustus / 2334.
September 01st, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3896 / August / 2334.

08 September 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3896 / Agustus / 2334.
September 08th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Bioenergy and Kemurgi Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3896 / August / 2334.

15 September 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3896 / Agustus / 2334.
September 15th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Food Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Food Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3896 / August / 2334.

22 September 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3896 / Agustus / 2334.
September 22nd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Industrial Engineering Management, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3896 / August / 2334.

29 September 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3896 / Agustus / 2334.
September 29th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Industrial Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3896 / August / 2334.

06 Oktober 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3897 / September / 2334.
October 06th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Physic Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Physic Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3897 / September / 2334.

13 Oktober 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3897 / September / 2334.
October 13th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Chemical Engineering, The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3897 / September / 2334.

20 Oktober 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3897 / September / 2334.
October 20th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Industrial Technology of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3897 / September / 2334.

27 Oktober 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Material, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3897 / September / 2334.
October 27th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Material Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3897 / September / 2334.

03 Nopember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Aeronotika dan Astronotika, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3898 / Oktober / 2334.
November 03rd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Aeronautic and Astronotic, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3898 / October / 2334.

10 Nopember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3898 / Oktober / 2334.
November 10th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3898 / October / 2334.

17 Nopember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3898 / Oktober / 2334.
November 17th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3898 / October / 2334.

24 Nopember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Disain Produk, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3898 / Oktober / 2334.
November 24th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Product Design, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3898 / October / 2334.

01 Desember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Disain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3899 / Nopember / 2334.
December 01st, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Visual Communication Design, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Visual Communication Design, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3899 / November / 2334.

08 Desember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Kria, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Kria, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3899 / Nopember / 2334.
December 08th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Art of Craft, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Art of Craft, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3899 / November / 2334.

15 Desember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Seni Rupa, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Seni Rupa, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3899 / Nopember / 2334.
December 15th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Fine Arts, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Fine Arts, The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3899 / November / 2334.

22 Desember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3899 / Nopember / 2334.
December 22nd, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Faculty of Art and Design of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3899 / November / 2334.

29 Desember 2334 Masehi, Materi KUM S3 MET (Kuliah Umum Sabtu Sore Sepanjang Masa Electronic Teleconference) “Eksistensi SKS (Sistem Kredit Semester) MK (Mata Kuliah) Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian UM (Universitas Mandailing) sebagai Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, & Promosi Guru Besar (Profesor) mahasiswa Jurusan Oseanografi, Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian UM (Universitas Mandailing)” yang terdapat dalam JBAR MGB SM (Jurnal Bulanan Analisis Riset Mikron Gen Biologis Sepanjang Masa) Nomor : 3899 / Nopember / 2334.
December 29th, 2334 AD, Material of The Public Lecture of Afternoon Saturday of All Time with Electronic Teleconference “Existence of Semester Credit System of Lecture Point of The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth of MU (Mandailing University) as The Research of Essay/Thesis for Undergraduate Program, Thesis for Master, Dissertation, and Promoter of Professor for students of The Department of Oceanography, The Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Earth of MU (Mandailing University)" contained in The Monthly Journal of Research Analysis of Biological Genetic Micron of All Time Number : 3899 / November / 2334.

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Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, 01 Oktober 2024
Banggua, Desa Roburan Lombang, October 01st, 2024

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